TEXT: Mark 9:23; 2 Corinthians 4:13,16-18
I heard and read this before, and I’m just wondering as we talk about going beyond limitations, what do I believe?
- Believe in God, the Creator of the whole universe and your own Creator. All things are possible to him who believes.
- Believe His Goodness. God is good and never does evil. If you believe in His goodness, all things are possible to you.
- Believe in His Grace. Grace unlimited which takes the lowest to the highest, that takes the poor to the height of prosperity.
- Believe in your Goal. Don’t have double minds about your goal, don’t entertain any fear or unbelief, focus on it, believe in it and know that you and your goals are inseparable. He who believes has all things possible for him.
- Believe in His Guidance. He guides us to the things we need to follow to get to our destiny. All things are possible to you.
- Believe in Growing. Accept that you have not reached your climax and you are going to grow to the highest level, that you are earmarked for growth and destined for growth, all things are possible to you.
- Believe in His Greatness. If you believe that there is nothing He cannot do, no height He cannot take you to. Readjust your life, concept and disposition and believe, and you are going up. All you need to do is believe as our Lord said.
All who have achieved anything in the Scriptures, and in our contemporary times have something in common – they believed. They didn’t look down on themselves, they have the spirit of faith. We also believe in this generation, we believe and speak. Believing is not enough, say and do something, go forward, then:
~ Pray. Talk to God in prayer
~ Plan. If you truly believe, you will plan
~ Prepare. You need to prepare. If the farmer only prays and plans, and not prepare by weeding and cultivating the land, nothing will happen.
~ Pursue. Pursue because you believe the destination and you are a goal-getter.
~ Persevere. You need to persevere. What if Joseph had given up because no one believed in him, he would not have achieved his goals.
~ Pay the Price for the Prize. It may be doing exercises, running every morning, or you task yourself and therefore pay the price for the prize.
~ Possess. I come here this morning to talk to possessors. You will possess.
Those who remain natural and are not connected to the supernatural, to the God of heaven, but we who are here believe beyond the limitations of the natural. The message is divided into three parts:
Jeremiah 13:23; Romans 7:14-20; Galatians 5:17; Proverbs 5:22.
What is the boundary? What constitutes a limitation for the natural youth and he cannot go beyond the perimeter that holds him down, and he cannot go beyond the limits? Natural people have nothing extra added to them from heaven except what Mama and Papa gave them through genes and chromosomes. If this is all you have, you will be limited. Can you change your skin when all you have is all you receive in the natural? No.
- The Corruption of Life. We all come to this life and see that corruption is the order of the day everywhere we go. This holds us down.
- The contamination of the Lawless. There are lawless people everywhere who have no mind to succeed. You might be contaminated by them.
- The Coldness of Lukewarmness. Any excitement you gain from meetings like this and you are positive that you will make it, and you come back and see the lukewarm, they make jest of you, and want to bring coldness to your excitement, but they will not succeed.
- The Constitution of Laziness. A mind, habit and life of laziness, a life that likes to browse the internet, to see everything on social media, you want to listen to news that do not concern you. This constitution does not help us to concentrate on essential things of life.
- The Companionship with Loafers. They are here and there, up and down, to and fro, and have nothing to do and achieve. They want to disturb you from achieving your goals. You heard the young girl of 16 (Kamsiyochukwu Umeh) saying that this is what she wants to be and achieve in ten years. You have to beak down your ten year goal to five-year slots. You also break the 5year slot to a year, a month, week and daily goals. This will help you to always do all that you need to do on a daily, weeky, and monthly basis in order to achieve all that is necessary in a year. You also measure your smart goals by checking that you meet up with them.
But if you are in companionship with loafers, how are you going to make it? You must get loafers out of your life because they don’t have the goals and commitment that you have. Let loafers go to other loafers, you are no more a loafer.
- The Counterfeit of Love (lust). Love is a great word but when anything good comes to the hand of people who are black on the inside and outside, dirty persons – they turn it to something undesirable. There are counterfeit money, as well as love. Many who claim to love actually lust, and this distracts them from concentrating on and fulfilling their goals.
- The Covenant with Lords of Losers. There are people who make themselves lords by assigning different names to themselves in schools, campuses and communities. They are gangs, secret cults, and they are in the clutches of the power of darkness and they are lords over losers. If you get into Covenant with them, you are lost but today, there is a path that leads to victory, success and achievements, and I’m calling you to come back and a new life will begin, and all cults of limitations will be cut off and broken away in Jesus name. It is done and I will see you at the top
1 Peter 2: 1-2,9; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Psalm 51:10,12; Galatians 6:15
How do people in the world achieve more than people in the Lord? Understand that there are laws of success. If someone comes in and looks at the principles and follow it as much as he can, he will succeed. Just like when you eat balances diet, it will nourish every part of your body. If a believer or an unbeliever does that, it will work for both sides because they are laws. If anyone plans, read, study, does his assignment, study successful people and integrate your plans and life into the principles of success, a believer or an unbeliever who uses that will get to the top faster.
So, the Lord makes the born-again youths to be higher. You should do better because your brain is not affected by Marijuana, your heart is not clogged with worldly things and you should have more time in your hands to spend in making yourself great. Now that you are saved, I’m happy to work with you. I will tell you, this is the way, walk ye therein, and you will succeed.
Malice takes a lot of time from us, our time and emotion, our feeling and thinking faculty. Thinking negatively about that person makes you throw a lot of precious time away. As new born babies, desire the milk of the word, and every limitation today will be dropped here.
At least, I know that the new is different from, and better than the old, the new is more desirable than the old. The new is more fervent and goal-getting than the old. When you are born again and afresh from heaven, the Lord puts a new thing in your mind, heart, brain, in your focus, and you will be new and better, faster than the old. New computers are better and faster than the old. The 5G network is much fast than 2G which was very slow years ago. A new brain, mind, focus, and ability in your life. Old things, regrets, failures, hindrances have passed away. Old life will stumble and fall on hurdles of just 6 inches or one foot, but now with the new life, you have new jumping strength. Now, all things, aspirations, thinking, and desires for what God has created you to be are become new. The old life stopped and discouraged us, but now, it is gone. You are free to aspire and achieve in Jesus name.
- New Desires. There were desires you had a baby – toys, if you are still desiring same at 20, that’s strange. When a child, you thought and you did things as a child, but now as an adult, you have new desires.
- A New Direction. There are many roads in the city, good and bad, but when you have a new direction – you will check which direction the inventors, good, godly men and achievers went and follow them.
- A New Diligence. There are many uncompleted buildings in the city because the builders did not put everything necessary in place to complete the project, some people start something good but don’t continue because they are not diligent or firm in their purpose. The quality of the new creature is that we have a new diligence. You will not be up and down, to and fro that you cannot complete it. Some people start reading a book and cannot complete it, some people start a project they have even spent a lot in funding but can’t complete it. Something shifts their minds to something else. But now, you are focusing and going through in Jesus name.
- A New Dedication to Duty
- A New Dynamite
- A New Discipline
- A New Destiny
John 4:4,34; Act 9:6: 16:30-31; 14:22
- Minimize Unprofitable Speech Thoroughly
- Mortify Unclean Sensuality Truthfully
- maximize Undeniable Success Trajectory
- Master Uncontrollable Self Totally
- Model Undebatable Salvation Transparently
- Maintain Upward Steps Tenaciously
- Motivate Unsteady Subordinate Transformationally