Children search Lesson 46 Korah’s Rebellion and Approval of Aaron’s Priesthood
Text: Numbers 16:1-50; 17:1-13
The focus of this study is on a very sad experience that occurred during the wilderness journey of Israel to the Promised Land. They often fail to learn from their past mistakes. As believers, we are on a journey through this sinful world going to our promised land – Heaven. We must be careful and walk in obedience and fear of God.
The sad occurrence was a rebellion against Moses and Aaron by a group of leaders led by a man named Korah. The tribe of Levi from which Korah came were given privileged responsibilities in handling the most sacred (holy) objects of the tabernacle. Yet for Korah that authority and privilege was not enough, he led the rebellion. He was joined by Dathan, Abiram and two hundred and fifty influential leaders.
They were jealous of Moses and Aaron’s leadership and priestly position. These rebels failed to take into account that the Lord had appointed Moses and Aaron. What was the result of this open rebellion? God brought an unusual judgment on them as the earth opened and swallowed up Korah, Dathan and Abiram with their families.
God also proved to the rest of the murmuring congregation that He has chosen Aaron as high priest. He performed a miracle of making Aaron’s dry rod to blossom amidst the rods of twelve other leaders. Rebellion or murmuring against spiritual leaders (pastors, teachers, and preachers) is a rebellion against God. Children must accept the leadership of anointed ministers of God and be obedient to the word of God they teach. Do not be in the company of murmurers and rebellious children. If you have been a rebellious child, repent now before it is too late. For God is going to judge everyone who rebel against His word.
- THE PLANNED REBELLION OF KORAH AND HIS COMPANY: Numbers 16:1-14; 14:1-11; 1 Samuel 15:22; 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Rebellion is an act of open or deliberate refusal to obey constituted authorities either in the family, community, school or the nation. Our Bible passage is a story of the rebellion of certain groups of people among the children of Israel. Korah a member from the tribe of Levi, Dathan and Abiram from the tribe of Reuben and two hundred and fifty men who were powerful leaders among the tribes rose up to challenge the authority of Moses, their political and spiritual leader.
They criticized Moses’ leadership style and Aaron’s priestly office. They also influenced the congregation of the people to insult Moses and rebel against his authority. It was an open confrontation that made God unhappy that He was determined to wipe them off. Moses and Aaron had to intercede for them. These group of people rebelled against God’s anointed leaders because of the following reasons:
(i) Envy – They were envious of Moses and Aaron’s position as the leaders of God’s chosen people.
(ii) Position seeking – Their action was an ambitious attempt to get more power and a higher position for themselves as priests.
(iii) Lack of regard for God, His word and His appointed leaders. They failed to accept that Moses and Aaron were appointed and empowered by God to lead Israel.
(iv) Pride – They lack respect for constituted authority and they want others to respect them. They also want to place themselves higher than the others.
By their action, they rejected God and His revealed word regarding who would lead God’s people. Consequently, they received God’s just condemnation and punishment. Children must not rebel against their parents, school authority, community and political leaders and ministers of the gospel. Do not seek to lead others when you have not been chosen to do so. Rebellious children will suffer in this world and will end up in hell if they fail to repent. God’s call to all boys and girls is that they love Him with all their hearts, obey and serve Him all the days of their lives.
Numbers 16:15-50; 14:11, 12,20-23; 1 Samuel 15:22-26; Isaiah 1:5-15,20; 1 Corinthians 10:1-11
Leaders are chosen by God and no individual is expected to challenge or rebel against God’s choice. Failure to obey God’s chosen leaders will lead to damnable consequences as it happened to Korah and his company. There were different degrees of punishment for the rebels.
(i) For Korah, Dathan, Abiram and their families, Moses demanded that God should execute an uncommon judgment on them. God hearkened unto Moses and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them (Numbers 16:31-33).
(ii) The two hundred and fifty men that joined in their rebellion, real fire came from the Lord and consumed them. They were burnt on earth and went to everlasting punishment in hell-fire (Numbers 16:35).
(iii) The congregation that murmured and gathered against Moses and Aaron a strange disease (plague) came upon them and killed fourteen thousand and seven hundred people (Numbers 16:49).
Rebellion is a grievous sin that will always attract God’s displeasure and judgment anywhere it is found. Today, rebellion is still common in the society especially among youth and children. It is a destructive attitude that can affect the future of any child that engages in it. Rebellion and other sinful acts should not be found among children of God.
Friends of Jesus are called to be subject to parental control, submissive to godly counsel, obedient to constituted authority in the family, school, church and nation. They are to be humble, lowly in spirit, holy and obedient to God’s word in all they do. In doing all these and more, they will enjoy God’s special and abundant blessings.
- PRONOUNCEMENT OF GOD’S APPROVAL OF AARON’S PRIESTHOOD: Numbers 17:1-7; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17
God judged and punished the rebellious while He exalted His obedient servants. God loves justice and righteousness and He will honour those who are righteous. Having destroyed the rebels (Korah, Dathan, Abiram and others), God now gave clear proof that the tribe of Levi was His specially chosen tribe, and the family of Aaron, His specially chosen for the priesthood.
God instructed Moses to collect one rod each from the twelve tribes and set them up before Him in the tabernacle. God then showed His approval of Aaron’s priesthood by making his rod to blossom and bring forth fruit. To blossom means to grow and do well. Like Aaron’s dry rod, God wants us to grow and do well. From this miracle of the rod, we learnt that: (a) Leaders are appointed by God and must be accepted and obeyed. (b) God can do all things, so we must fear and obey Him. (c) Obedience brings blessings and honour. The rod was a symbol of authority. Though other tribes had their own rods, Aaron’s authority superseded that of the other tribes.
When the children of Israel saw the miracle of the blossomed rod, they became humble. They came to Moses to acknowledge their wrong doings. This is the attitude expected from every rebellious child. He must acknowledge his sinfulness. Sincerely repent and ask for pardon and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Ask Jesus into his heart to be his Lord and personal Saviour. This is the right step to receiving favour and approval from the Lord. Then your life will blossom and bring forth fruit of repentance and righteousness.
- What is rebellion?
- Mention the names of the leaders of those who rebelled against Moses and Aaron.
- How many people did they gather to rebel against God’s appointed leader?
- How did God punish the rebels?
- How did God show His approval of Aaron’s priesthood?
- What should a child do to gain God’s approval?
MEMORY VERSE: “And it came to pass, when the congregation was gathered against Moses and against Aaron that they looked toward the tabernacle of the congregation: and, behold, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD appeared” (Numbers 16:42).
LESSON: Obedience brings blessings while rebellion attracts God’s judgment.
THOUGHT: I will not rebel against the word of God.
ACTIVITY: Prayer session: pray for forgiveness and cleansing from every rebellious attitude.
(1) Obedience is the very best way.
(2) Make me a good child.
(3) I will never let the devil win the battle.
HOMEWORK: Write out in a tabular form, the blessings for the obedient and punishment for the disobedient according to these Bible passages: Deuteronomy 28:1-13; Isaiah 1:19; Numbers 16:49; Revelation 21:8
Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:
- Rebels
- Blossom
- Exalt
- Justice
- Leadership.