
Children STS Lesson 52 Jesus Teaches on Prayer

TEXT: Luke 11:1-13

The act of praying is one of the most important duty of a Christian. During His earthly ministry, Jesus spent quality time to pray and also taught that receives answers. His disciples how to pray. It is not every prayer

This was why Jesus gave us a model of how to pray and what the content of our prayers should be. If you follow this model and sincerely commit yourself to the act of praying, you will experience great wonders in your life. Remember, you can only learn to pray by praying.



Luke 11:1-13; 18:1; 1 Thessalonians 5:17

Prayer means talking to God or communicating with Him. Prayer is a two-way communication between God and man. Just as we cannot do without talking to our parents in the family, we cannot also go through this life without talking to God on a daily basis. The disciples of Jesus knew the importance of prayer so they asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and Jesus taught them this prayer in our Bible passage. God speaks or instructs us through His word, and through prayers we make our requests known to God and claim His promises. God expects us to pray without ceasing, and everywhere we find ourselves. Following the pattern of this prayer of Jesus, we start our prayers by praising God first after which we pray for spiritual things, followed by our physical needs and praying for the needs of others too. We conclude our prayers by praising

God again. If we pray in faith, in the Name of

Jesus and with a holy heart, God will answer our prayers.



Luke 11:1-4, Mark 1:35; Genesis 32:25-30; Acts 12:5,12-13.

Jesus Christ is our perfect example and as His friends, we are expected to follow in His steps. It is only through this we can be like Him and also, please Him. We see that Christ did not only pray while He was in the temple, but He also prayed at other times. Christ rose up early to pray, “And in the morning rising up a great while before day, he went out and departed into a solitary place and there prayed (Mark 1:35). Other scriptural examples of people who prayed include:

(i) Jacob, he prayed and God blessed him.

(ii) Hannah, she prayed and God gave her Samuel

(iii) Daniel was always praying even while in captivity. He therefore received uncommon revelations.

(iv) Rhoda joined the church to pray, and God released Peter from prison. You, too, can pray and God will answer you.

(v) Apostle Paul was a prayer warrior. This is why he experienced great success in ministry. Cultivate the attitude of praying and God will bless you.



Luke 11:5-13; Matthew 7:7; 18:18,19

Hezekiah was a righteous king. At a time, he became very sick. Prophet Isaiah was told to go to Hezekiah with a prophecy about his death. Feeling that his life and work were incomplete, Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed for God to give him more time. God sent Isaiah back to Hezekiah, assuring him of healing and fifteen more years (2 Kings 20:2-6; Isaiah 38:2-6). This shows the power of prayer. The word of God has assured us that when we pray in faith, no mountain can stand before us.

Through prayers

(i) a repentant sinner receives pardon, cleansing and full salvation from sin and its effects.

(ii) Spiritual blessings are poured upon believers

(iii) Miracles, healing, wonders are made manifest in the church and the life of believers.

(iv) All needs are met, problems rolled away, the oppressed are set free and promises of God are established in our lives.

If you want to become strong and do exploits for Jesus, you must be as prayerful child. As it is often said, a prayerless child is a powerless child, while a prayerful child is a powerful child. Follow the example of Jesus, our Saviour and pray every day. Pray for the church, your country, family, friends, neighbours and yourself. God will answer your prayers.


1. What is prayer?

2. Explain the pattern of prayer as given in our Bible passage. 

3. Mention 4 people in the Bible who prayed and received answers to their prayers.

4. What are the benefits of praying?

5. Are you a prayerful child?


MEMORY VERSE: “And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.” (Luke 11:1)

LESSON: Jesus commands His friends to pray.

THOUGHT: I will be a prayerful child.

ACTIVITY: Children should design a prayer schedule for the week. 



(1) I will pray, I will pray (4x). 

(2) Prayer is the key 

(3) Nothing prayers cannot do.

HOMEWORK: Children should write out the Lord’s pattern of prayer and learn it by heart.


Find out the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary: 

  1. Prayer 
  2. Scriptural 
  3. Solitary 
  4. Instruct 
  5. Communication.

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