Last week, we looked at ‘’Laws Regulating Various Sacrifices’’. In this study, lesson 67, we will learn about ‘’Consecration of the Priests

MEMORY VERSE: “And there came a fire out from before the LORD, and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat: which when all the people saw, they shouted, and fell on their faces” (Leviticus 9:24).

TEXT: Leviticus 8:1-36;9:1-24

Although God ordained the priestly office for Aaron and his sons (Exodus 28:1), they could not commence their ministry until they were consecrated. The consecration became necessary to set them apart for divine service. Their consecration involved an elaborate ceremony carried out by Moses in the presence of the whole congregation. The aims are to impress on the people’s mind an exalted view of the priesthood; to inform the priests of the sacredness of their ministry, responsibility and God’s demands; and to instil in the priests the consciousness that they represented the people and to be so qualified, they needed to first offer sacrifices to make them holy and set apart for God’s service. This teaches us, one, that it is not enough to receive a call from God, there must be patient waiting for His commissioning and empowerment. Two, those who are called to be servants of God must be separated, sanctified and set apart for service. We must not run ahead of God, but wait patiently for Him to fulfil what He has appointed us to do.


Leviticus 8:1-36;9:1-21;Exodus 29:1-35;30:20,21,29; Hebrews 9:10 

The tabernacle of the congregation had been set according to the commandment of the Lord to Moses, but services could not commence without the priests to minister in it. Though Aaron and his sons had been appointed to minister in the tabernacle, they could not officiate without consecration and anointing. And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Take Aaron and his sons with him, and the garments, and the anointing oil, and a bullock for the sin offering, and two rams, and a basket of unleavened bread” (Leviticus 8:1,2). This was the call to begin the ceremony of consecration.

One, the ceremony took place in the tabernacle of the congregation before the children of Israel. The procedure for the consecration began with washing of Aaron and his sons with water, signifying spiritual cleansing with the water of the word of God (Ephesians 5:26;John 15:3; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11).

Two, the priests were clothed with the priestly garments. These garments were made “…for glory and for beauty” (Exodus 28:2,40). The clothing of the priests symbolizes salvation and righteousness (Psalm 132:9,16; Isaiah 61:10).

Three, the priests were anointed with oil which was poured on their head till it ran down to their garment (Psalm 133:2). The anointing of the priest symbolizes the infilling of the Holy Spirit. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit anoints and empowers us for service (Acts 1:8). The importance of the Holy Spirit baptism cannot be overemphasized Gospel ministry.

The fourth phase of their consecration was the sacrifices (Leviticus 8:14-29). There was a young bullock for a sin offering, a ram for a burnt offering and another ram of consecration for peace offering. As a covenant between the Almighty God and the family of Aaron, it was necessary to ratify the covenant of the priesthood with sacrifices (Psalm 50:5). Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the bullock for the sin offering. This signified identification with the animal and transfer of their quilt to it.

The animal was killed, its blood collected in a basin and applied on the horns of the altar while the leftover was poured under the altar. It is important to note that the sin offering preceded the other sacrifices because until sin is atoned. there can be no acceptable service or sacrifice to God. The sin offering, thus, is a picture of the sacrificial death of Christ for the sin of the whole world (John 1:29). None can enter into God’s service whose sins remain unremitted by, faith in Christ. The sin offering was followed by the burnt offering.

Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the ram and it was killed. The blood was sprinkled on the altar and round about it. The flesh of the animal was washed and completely burnt on the altar. This was followed by the peace offering. The ram of consecration was brought and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on it. It was killed and the blood collected for the next stage of the ceremony.

The fifth stage involved the application of the blood of the consecration ram to the right ears, right thumbs and right great toes of Aaron and his sons. Symbolically, their ears were to be anointed to hear God’s word and deliver it to the people; their hands and feet were to be dedicated to working and walking in the way of the Lord. After that, they are sprinkled with blood from the altar and the anointing oil (Exodus 29:20,21). Thus, they were completely set apart for the Lord. These sacrifices signify also that the blood of atonement is the basis for sinner’s reconciliation and saints’ relationship with God.

The sixth step in the ceremony was the wave offering (Leviticus 8:25-27;  Exodus 29:2527). This offering involved some specified parts of the animal and unleavened cake, cake of oiled bread and wafer to be waved before the Lord. After that, the items were placed on the altar and burnt completely. Moses also took the breast of the ram of consecration and waved it before the Lord, and then kept it for himself. As the seventh stage of the ceremony, Aaron and his sons boiled the remaining flesh of the ram of consecration and ate it with the remaining bread in the basket. The leftover was to be burnt with fire 1 (Leviticus 8:31,32). 


Leviticus 9:1-22; Exodus 27:21; 28:1,41-43; Ezekiel 43:26,27.

After partaking of the sacrifices, Aaron and his sons were commanded to remain in the tabernacle for seven days “until the day of your consecration be at an end (Leviticus 8:33). They were to …abide at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation day and night seven days, and keep the charge of the LORD, that |they] die not. At the end of the seventh day, the priests were called to commence their ministry. Aaron performed the first set of sacrifice while his sons assisted him. He made the sin offering, burnt offering, meat offering, and peace offering according to the pattern and sequence that the Lord had ordained by the hand of Moses. After that, he pronounced the priestly benediction on the people and then came down from the altar.

When God’s counsels are followed by ministers, they become channels of blessings to His people (Numbers 6:22-27). From this commandment to the priests to abide in the presence of the Lord, we learn that it is not enough to be appointed into the service of the Lord; we must constantly abide in Him, for without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:4,5). The priests abiding in the tabernacle of the congregation was to determine the preservation of their spiritual lives. Believers must therefore remain in Christ for spiritual security and entrance into heaven. As the priests were obedient to this instruction, we must be committed to doing all things according to the commandment of God.


Leviticus 9:6,23,24; Exodus 29:42-46; 40:33-35; 1 Kings 18:38,39; 1 Chronicles 21:26;2 Chronicles 7:1-3

At the end of the benediction, Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle to worship God and to report that they had done everything He commanded them. They expected God to fulfil the promise He attached to the building the tabernacle, the institution of the sacrifices and the priesthood (Exodus 29:44-46). Ministers should always return to the Lord after carrying out divine assignments to evaluate what they have done in the light of God’s word. Moses and Aaron took note of the fact that God promised to sanctify the tabernacle, Aaron and his sons with His glory.

Moses and Aaron came out of the tabernacle and blessed the people, the glory of God appeared to all the congregation of Israel as He had promised.And Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation, and came out, and blessed the people: and the glory of the LORD appeared unto all the people” (Leviticus 9:23). Also, the fire of God came down from heaven and completely consumed the burnt sacrifices which were on the altar. This fire had great impact on the people as they fell on their faces in awe and worshipped God. The supernatural appearance of the glory of God and the miraculous fire from Him implied His confirmation and approval of the priesthood and the sacrifices. Gospel ministers and indeed, all believers should seek to fulfil the purpose of God’s call on their lives.

The absence of divine approval in ministry will lead to frustration and emptiness. To attract divine confirmation in our ministry, we must do all things according to the divine pattern. The statement, “as the LORD commanded Moses” or “as the LORD commanded” appeared eight times in our texts (Leviticus 8:9,13,17,21,29,36; 9:7,10). This implies that there was regular evaluation to see that divine details were followed. In all our labor and work in the vineyard of Christ, we must examine ourselves to see that we do not deviate from the word of God (Hebrews 8:5).

Contemporary Christians should consecrate themselves to God on the basis of the sacrifice of Christ and live daily to do His will. Ministers especially, should be found to live the holiness life for their followers to emulate. God’s standard is that we should Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14). Believers are to offer themselves as living sacrifices to God and serve Him in spirit and in truth as spiritual priests in Christ Jesus (Romans 12:1,2; Revelation 1:6)

Question For Review: 

  1. What basic lessons do we learn from the appointment and Consecration of the priests?
  2. Point out the major steps involved in the consecration of the priests and explain the significance of each for present-day believers
  3. What can we learn from the commandment to the priests to remain in the tabernacle of the congregation throughout of their consecration?
  4. Why did Moses and’ Aaron go into the tabernacle after the inauguration off the priesthood?
  5. What is the implication of the fire from the presence of the Lord?
  6. Why is it important to constantly examine our work in the light of God’s word?
  7. How can we enjoy divine approval always?

Read this article here in French 

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