DCLM Children Search Lesson 36  Healing Of Blind Bartimaeus

Text: Mark 10:46-52

Then God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect and God put them in the garden of Eden. There was no sickness, disease, affliction of any kind until Satan came and deceived man. Their disobedience brought sickness, diseases, sorrow, death and separation from God. Despite this, God in His goodness and mercy, made provisions for our salvation and healing through His only begotten Son Jesus, who came to make peace between God and the fallen man.

Jesus and His disciples were on their way to Jerusalem for the Passover feast and a great multitude (many people) followed Him. On their way out of Jericho, Jesus performed a great miracle. A blind man named Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by. He cried to Jesus to have mercy on him, and heal him of his blindness. He had faith in Jesus. You are to trust and have hope in Jesus, who is able to save, deliver and heal all sicknesses. The blind man was healed and he received his sight. Whatever be the sickness in your body, cry unto Jesus, He will heal you.

1. BLIND BARTIMAEUS: Mark 10:46; Luke 18:35-37; 2 Corinthians 4:4

The man Bartimaeus was in a very pitiable condition because:

(i) He was blind: He could not see the beauty of many things around him. He would always need somebody to lead him about.

(ii) He was a beggar: he could not do any job. Hence he made a living through begging for alms. If no one gave to him, he would go hungry.

(iii) He was helpless: He had no one to take care of him.

(iv) He had no hope: He never believed that he could be cured.

(v) He had no comfort: He was exposed to both the heat of the day and the cold of the night.

(vi) His life was in danger: He was at the mercy of robbers and dangerous animals.

Any child who is outside Jesus is spiritually blind and helpless like blind Bartimaeus. Such a person needs to cry unto the Saviour now so that he will not be lost forever. Only Jesus can open blind eyes like He did to blind Bartimaeus. He is the Saviour and all powers belong to Him. He can make both the physically and spiritually blind to see.

2.BARTIMAEUS’ PRAYER: Mark 10:47-49; Luke 18:36-39

Mr Bartimaeus, though blind was spiritually at alert. He made use of his other sense organs in a profitable way. He heard people’s movement and noise. Then he made enquiries about what was happening. Then he acted promptly, without wasting time. Your time of deliverance is now; do not delay. Come to Jesus. The following things that Bartimaeus did are important lessons for us to note.

(a) He recognised who Jesus is. Probably, Bartimaeus may have heard about the miracles performed by Jesus such as the healing of the lepers, the lame and the deliverance of demon possessed people. He had the assurance that Jesus could do the same for him. You must accept that Jesus is the only One who can set you free from sin, sickness and Satan.

(b)Bartimaeus exercised faith in Jesus. If you want to be blessed, trust and have faith in Jesus for your salvation, deliverance and provision of your needs.

(c) He cried unto Jesus. It was a sincere cry for help. Those who stood by and were travelling with Jesus tried to make Bartimaeus to stop crying out to the Lord. He continued to cry even louder. He was not hindered. You must not allow situations and circumstances to stand between you and Jesus. Do not let friends, sin or family hinder you from getting to Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. He will hear your cry.

When Jesus heard his cry, He stood still and called for Bartimaeus to come. As he rose to meet Jesus, he cast away his old garment of shame, sin, sickness and reproach. When the Saviour asked what he wanted, he was quick to respond thus “... Lord, that I might receive my sight” (Mark 10:51). It was a straight forward and faith building answer. “And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way” (Mark 10:52).

If you too will exercise faith in the word of God, you will receive answers to your prayers. However, you need to know that the greatest sickness is to be spiritually blind. A sinner is blind and needs to urgently seek the Saviour for deliverance. Do not delay.

  1. BELIEVE AND BE SAVED: Mark 10:49; Matthew 11:28

Jesus ordered the people to call blind Bartimaeus. They said to him “Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee” (Mark 10:49). Boys and girls, Jesus desires to save sinful boys and girls who are willing to accept His offer. He is at the door of your heart knocking, why not let Him in (Revelation 3:20). A sinful child is very sick. If you are still lying, stealing, cursing, disobedient, fighting and doing other bad things, you are dead spiritually.

Jesus is calling you now. Respond to His call by repenting and confessing your sins to Him. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing through His blood. Accept Him as your personal Saviour and Lord. Remember, Jesus is concerned about your soul and total wellbeing. If you are sick in your body, do not fear or cry, just pray and have faith in God’s promise. Jesus who is Jehovah Rapha will take away your sickness and make you whole.


  1. What is the name of the blind man in our study today?
  2. Mention four pitiable conditions of this beggar.
  3. What did the blind man do to receive his sight?
  4. Sinful boys and girls are spiritually.
  5. Mention the steps a sinful child must take to receive spiritual and physical healing from Jesus.

MEMORY VERSE: And Jesus said unto him, Go thy way; thy faith hath made thee whole. And immediately he received his sight, and followed Jesus in the way” (Mark 10:52).

LESSON: Jesus heals and delivers from both physical and spiritual sickness.

THOUGHT: I will remain a friend of Jesus, so as to enjoy total healing.

ACTIVITY: A child should read the passages below. Then the other children are to mention the miracles that took place in those passages.

(i) Luke 19:5-10                                    (ii) Matthew 8:5-13                             (iii) Mark 9:17-29

(iv) John 4:46-52;                                 (v) Acts 3:6-9; 9:17,18


CHORUSES: (1) My God is able, is able. (2) Anywhere He went, He was doing good. (3) And his name was Naaman.

HOMEWORK: Write in your homework book, one testimony of how you received healing through prayers and faith.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

1. Pitiable

2. Impending

3. Bruised

4. Liberty

5. Spiritual blindness.

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