TEXT: Mark 7:1-37
Defilement means to make someone or something dirty and unfit for holy use. Other words that have the same meaning as defilement are contamination, corruption and pollution.
God is holy and absolutely clean therefore; He hates anything that is unclean. He gave His people specific commandments on what to do in order to remain clean and fit to have fellowship with Him. These commandments are contained in His word — the Holy Bible. However, the religious leaders at the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry decided to add their own man-made laws to the word of God. These laws are known as the elders’ traditions. In fact, these laws were elevated above the real truth of God’s word. These religious rulers were so concerned about the manmade laws that they were always seeking ways to accuse Jesus and His disciples.
In our Bible passage, some Pharisees and Scribes came from Jerusalem to where Jesus was ministering. They did not see the good works that Jesus was doing among the people. They were only out to find fault about non-compliance with their tradition. Jesus, the Word personified rebuked these leaders for their wrong interpretation of God’s word. He went further to explain what defilement is in the sight of God and how we can be truly cleansed and made worthy to have fellowship with God.
A sinful child who refuses to repent is like the religious rulers. Such a child’s unclean and dirty before God. All he needs do is to acknowledge his sinfulness, receive forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus.
- JESUS CORRECTS THE RELIGIOUS LEADERS: Mark 7:1-16; Matthew 15:1-9; Isaiah 29: 13
During the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry, there were some people referred to as religious leaders. They were different from the political leaders of the day. These religious rulers were the custodians (keepers) of the oracles of God (Law of Moses). They were set apart to teach the people God’s word. They were the pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes. They consider themselves as people who have authority to interpret God’s word. However, because of their position, they went beyond their duty to add their own rules and regulations to the word of God. These rules are referred to as the Elder’s traditions. These religious rulers became so proud that they now elevated their traditions above God’s I word.
When Jesus came and started teaching the truth about God’s kingdom, it did not go down well with these leaders. They always sought occasion to accuse Jesus and His disciples of not obeying their traditions. One of such tradition is the ceremonial cleansing of the body. The law prescribes the washing of hands in a certain way so as to become fit to serve God. It is a law that deals only with outward cleansing without taking into consideration the cleanliness of the heart which is far more important.
Jesus was not happy with the bad attitudes of these rulers. He rebuked them, calling them hypocrites. They were people who pretend to be one thing when they are actually something else. Jesus corrected them not just because they accused His disciples but for the following reasons.
(i) They have corrupted the word of God.
(ii) They elevated their man-made traditions above God’s word.
(iii) They were not ready to serve God in truth and holiness.
(iv) The religious rulers were leading the people astray and away from eternal life.
Jesus has come to seek and save the lost. He does not want anything that will hinder sinners from knowing the truth that will set them free.
Children who pretend to be obedient while in church but are stubborn at home and school are hypocrites. Jesus wants to set you free today. Do not reject Him like the religious rulers did. Come to Him now and He will accept you.
- JESUS’ EXPLANATION ON DEFILEMENT: Mark 7:17-23; Matthew 15:10-20
Having corrected the religious leaders, Jesus now explain to us the things that can defile a person. He made us to understand that it is not what goes into the body through the mouth that causes spiritual defilement. It is rather those things that arise from within the heart of a person that defile him or her. He reminds us that what goes into the body passes through the alimentary carnal down to the anus where it goes into the toilet. It goes in one end and comes out through the other, but it does not affect the heart or our inner man. If it is unhygienic, it can cause sickness in the body but not sickness of the soul. It is good to observe the rules of hygiene but it cannot replace the word of God. Jesus now gives us a list of the attitudes and actions that cause spiritual defilement. These are the things that make us unclean in the sight of God. These include: Evil thoughts, immoral relationship, murder (through direct killing, abortion and slander), thefts (stealing), covetousness, wickedness, malice, deceit, lasciviousness (shameless behaviour), evil eye (jealousy, envy), pride, blasphemy and foolishness. All these things come from the heart and defile the sinner.
The point of Jesus’ explanation is not to condemn the sinner but to provide a way for him to be saved. Is your heart defiled with sin? Jesus is knocking at the door, open to Him by acknowledging your sinful state, repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through His shed blood. Forsake all sins and ask Him to come into your heart to be your Saviour and Lord. Continue to follow Jesus so as to enjoy other blessings that He has in store for you.
The last section of our Bible passage reveals an interesting story of Jesus’ encounter with a stranger. A woman who was not a Jew, heard about Jesus and came to Him because of her sick daughter. At first, Jesus spoke to her in order to test her faith. The woman passed the test by her words and action of faith. You must trust God even when it seems the answer to your prayers is delayed. Jesus sees your tears, and He will answer and help you at the right time.
Jesus went ahead to set the woman’s daughter free through His word. This was to further prove to the religious leaders that Jewish tradition of not associating with strangers has no place in God’s word. Jesus helped the woman and also healed a man that was deaf and dump. The greatest command in God’s word is centred on LOVE. To love God with all our mind and soul. Also, to love our neighbours as ourselves. On these two commandments stand the law and the prophets.
If you love God, you will surrender to Christ and serve Him in righteousness and holiness all the days of your life. Also, if you love your neighbour as yourself, you will not do anything that will harm him, but rather share the love of Jesus with him as the man who was healed did (Mark 7:36). Pray now so that you will be totally cleansed and made fit for God’s service.
- Defilement means
- Who were the religious leaders at the time of Jesus’ earthly ministry?
- The religious rulers accused Jesus’ disciples of According to Jesus’ explanation, what are the things that defile a person?
- What step should a child that is defiled with sin take to be free?
MEMORY VERSE: “There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man” (Mark 7: 15).
LESSON: God is concerned about the total cleansing of our heart.
THOUGHT: I surrender my heart to Jesus for total cleansing.
ACTIVITY: Search the Scriptures and write out two passages where Jesus had encounter with the religious leaders. Read and write out the lessons you learnt from those passages.
(1) Obedience is the very best way .
(2) You shall be holy unto me, for I the Lord I’m holy.
(3) It is a great thing to serve Lord.
HOMEWORK: Share the love of Jesus with at least one person during the week.
Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:
- Defilement
- Religious
- Hypocrites
- Corrupt
- Lasciviousness.