Last week, we looked at ‘’the Trial and Crucifixion of Christ’’. In this study, lesson 65, we will learn about ‘’Laws Regulating Various Sacrifices


TEXT: Leviticus 1:1-17; 2:1-16; 3:1-17; 4:1-35; 5:1-19; 6:1-30; 7:1-38

While the children of Israel journeyed to the “Promised Land“, God gave them some laws to observe, through their leader, Moses. Some of these laws concern various sacrifices they had to offer to God. These sacrifices are also known as offerings.

(i) Burnt offering;

(ii) Meat offering;

(iii) Peace offering;

(iv) sin offering and

(v) Trespass offering.

God demands absolute obedience from boys and girls as they pass through life’s journey. Going against the commandments of God will attract punishment from God (Romans 6:23). The punishment can be removed if sinners will turn to God for forgiveness and cleansing of their sins.


Leviticus 1:1-4; 2:1,2; 3:1-6; 4:1-5; 6:8-30; 7:1-13

A sacrifice is an offering or present willingly offered to God. These

sacrifices are:

  1. Burnt offering: Leviticus 6:8-13; Numbers 28:3-6; Romans 12:1,2.

This was an offering that must be totally burnt. None of it should be eaten and the fire on the altar was never to go out. This means as a friend of Jesus, you must keep on loving Him and not draw back. You must live a holy life always and obey all His words until He comes to take you to heaven to live with Him forever.

  1. Meat offering: (Leviticus 6:14-23; Numbers 28:7,8)

The word ‘meat’ refers to food and not the flesh of animals. It is a gift offered to God as an act of worship and thanksgiving for His divine provision. God expects everyone to bring the best part of what he has harvested from his farm. When it is done, it shows that the person appreciates what God has done in bringing rain and sunshine to make the seeds to grow. All boys and girls are expected to show gratitude to God for the gift of life, the provision of food and other good things of life.

iii. Peace offering (Leviticus 7:11-21; Colossians 1:20; 1 John 1:3)

Male or female lambs or goats that were without blemish were to be used for the peace offering. It was to be offered so as to have fellowship with God and to express thanksgiving to Him for the restoration of fellowship. Today, God expects children to offer peace offering by repenting and turning away from sin to make peace with God.

  1. Sin offering (Leviticus 6:24-30)

Sin is anything you say, think or do which does not please God. It is the breaking of the law of God. Sin includes speaking bad words, fighting, stealing, cheating in examinations, lying, witchcraft, cultism, disobedience to parents and others. God hates sin and He is angry with boys and girls who commit sin. All sins committed knowingly or unknowingly attract God’s punishment and children who commit sin will suffer here on earth and in hell. God however, provided the solution for sin. In our text, the solution for sin was the killing and shedding of the blood of animals and burning them outside the gate. This is the sin offering. Today, Jesus has paid for our sin. We only need to surrender to Him and receive pardon and salvation.

  1. Trespass offering (Leviticus 7:1-10)

Trespass means wrongdoing. It is going against the commandments of the Lord (1 John 3:4). The following trespasses were mentioned in our Bible passage.

(i) Covering up other people’s wrongdoings.

(ii) Swearing an oath (Leviticus 5:4).

(iii) Robbery (stealing) or lying (Leviticus 6:2).

(iv) Dishonesty in any matter (Leviticus 6:3).

(v) Unjust gain (Leviticus 6:4).

(vi) Unfaithfulness (Leviticus 6:4).

The trespass offering is the sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins committed. Anyone who commits a trespass would confess his sin and then bring animals before the priest for sacrifice. The priest would kill the animals and sprinkle their blood around the altar.


Leviticus 4:1-35; Romans 15:4; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Romans 12:1

The laws concerning the various offerings were given to the children of Israel by God. He has important reasons for giving them these laws. The reasons were to help the people to worship God in a proper and acceptable way. The term offering means that which is brought near to God. Therefore, an offering was a gift that the children of Israel brought near to God in order to approach Him and enjoy His fellowship and blessing.

To the children of Israel and to us today, our offerings serve to

(i) Express thanksgiving and faith in God.

(ii) Renew fellowship and commitment to God and His work

(iii) Show honour to God because of His holiness and willingness to save us.

(iv) Express our surrenderedness to His will Goddess and to have fellowship with men, women and children. In offering acceptable to God, there must be genuine repentance and desire to walk in holiness and righteousness every day of our life. This is why the Bible commands us to offer our bodies as holy and acceptable to God. To do this, you must surrender talents, gifts, time, will, desire, values, and everything about you to God. Him that you love Him and are willing to serve Him faithfully and acceptably Then He will accept your sacrifice and bless you abundantly.


Leviticus 1:1-5; 17:11; John 1:29; Hebrews 9:22-28; 10:1-12

As God provided solution for the sins of the children of Israel, so has He also provided for us a means of making peace with Him. The Omniscient God knows that animal sacrifice was not sufficient to take away sins; He then provided the perfect sin offering through His only Son, Jesus Christ. God sent Jesus to die on the cross at Calvary. He shed His blood to remove our sins. Just like Moses provided a brazen serpent on the pole in the wilderness, so must Jesus also be lifted up and anyone who believes in Him would not perish (John 3:14,15). Jesus is perfect and sinless. He was born of a virgin and lives a holy life. He lives forever. Instead of many sacrifices, He was crucified once and this is the final sacrifice.

You must take the following steps to receive forgiveness through the sin offering of Jesus Christ. Accept that you are a sinner and that you need Jesus. Willingly come to Jesus and tell Him all the bad things you have done. Tell Him you are sorry and promise that you will not do them again. Ask Jesus to forgive and wash your sins with His blood. Ask Him to come and live in your heart forever. Believe you are saved and continue to follow Jesus. Make your way right with those you have offended. Only then will you be happy and free before God and man


  1. What is the meaning of sin offering?
  2. Who commanded the children of Israel to make offerings?
  3. The command was given to _________, the leader of the children of _____
  4. Who is our Perfect and Final Sacrifice for sin?
  5. How can a sinful boy or girl benefit from Christ’s sacrifice?

MEMORY VERSE: “And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.” (Leviticus 1:1,2)

LESSON: Through the blood of Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven, and we enjoy God’s love.

THOUGHT: Accept the sacrifice of Jesus for my sins.

ACTIVITY: Read Hebrews 9:27,28 and write in your notebook the significance of Christ’s sacrifice.



(1) Lord, how I adore Thee

(2) Lift Him up higher.

(3) Jesus died on the cross.

HOMEWORK: Prayer of consecration.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

  1. Sacrifices
  2. Trespass
  3. Righteousness
  4. Perfect
  5. Omniscient.

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