TEXT: Mark 9.30-50; Luke 16:19-31

The book of Luke 16:19-31 contains the account of a rich man who lived life of extreme luxury. Laid outside the gate of this rich man’s house was “fell from the rich man’s table.” The rich man was completely unconcerned and uncaring about the situation of Lazarus, showing him no love, sympathy or compassion.

Eventually, they both died. Lazarus was carried to heaven by the angel while the rich man went to hell. While in hell, the rich man lifted up his eyes and saw Lazarus in the bosom of Father Abraham. He then requested Lazarus to be sent to cool his tongue with a drop of water to lessen his agony in the fire The rich man also asked Abraham to send Lazarus back to earth to warn his brothers to repent so that they would not join him in hell.

Both requests were denied and Abraham made the rich man to understand that if his brothers did not believe the Bible neither will they believe a messenger sent from heaven. There are many lessons to learn from this great story from Christ Himself.

(i) Jesus teaches all that heaven and hell are both real.

(ii) The story also illustrates that once we cross over to the other side of life at death, there is no turning back or chance of repentance.

(iii) When a believer dies, he is immediately taken into everlasting fellowship and joy in heaven. On the other hand, when a sinner dies, he goes into hell to suffer and burn forever.

The knowledge or understanding of these truths about hell should make us to strive to live a holy life pleasing to God so as to escape hell and make it to heaven at last. How prepared are you for heaven?

  1. THE WORMS AND FIRE OF HELL: Revelation 20:11-15

Hell is a real place that was originally prepared for Satan and the fallen angels. In the beginning, when God created man, He wanted them to be like Him and live forever. Alas, Satan came, deceived man (Adam and Eve and made him disobey God. Then disobedience brought separation and loss of fellowship with God. Satan who deceived man have been sentenced to hell with the angels who rebelled against God. Therefore, he is going about to seek people who will join him in hell-fire (Isaiah 14:9-17).

Hell is a terrible place that no language on earth can accurately describe It is a place of torment where real unquenchable fire will burn its inhabitants day and night. Hell is a place of suffering and eternal regret. The worms in hell are so ferocious that they will not die but rather continue to bite the people in the fire. Hell is a place of great darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 25:30). Hell is also a place of final eternal separation from God’s presence and fellowship.

Death is the doorway to either hell or heaven as we have seen in the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Both have a choice laid out before them as we also have a choice. The rich man’s life was consumed in self-centred living. He made the wrong choice and suffered eternally. Lazarus lived all his life in poverty, but his heart was right with God. His name means “God is my help”. and he never gave up his faith in God.

He died and was immediately taken to Abraham’s bosom in heaven. Hell in real and heaven is real also. It is the individual that will choose where he or she wants to spend eternity. This is the reason Jesus warns us so that we will choose the path that will lead us to heaven.

2.WARNING AGAINST HELL: Mark 9:42-50; Luke 16:27-31: Psalm 9:17; Matthew 5:22-30: 2 Peter 2:1-9

Jesus our Saviour, Redeemer, Lord, King, Creator of heaven and earth and the One who will judge the world has warned and is still warning us to beware of “hell.” God is patient and longsuffering. Because of these attributes, He always warns sinners before punishing them. He sent Noah to build an ark and warn the people of the danger of rejecting His offer of security and safety in the Ark. Noah obeyed and spent one hundred and twenty years warning the people but they refused. At last, the flood came and swept them into hell.

Also, Abraham was sent by God to intercede for Sodom. He even sent angels to warn them. Yet the people refused to heed God’s warning but chose to burn in hell. Jesus through the word of God is still warning us today. He even said that if our eyes, foot or any part of the body will hinder us from getting to heaven, we should do away with it. What this means is that we must not allow anything in this world to hinder us from living a life that pleases God so that we can live with Him in heaven at last.

The rich man, being concerned about his brothers who were still alive wanted Lazarus to go and warn them. But even the miracle of someone rising from death would not cause such people to give up their selfish ways. They had the message of salvation in the word of God. If they rejected that, nothing else could save them.

The word of God is still the same today. It teaches us that there is heaven for the righteous and hell for the sinners. Which one do you choose? Choose to live a righteous life so that you can escape hell and get to heaven a last.

  1. THE WAY OF ESCAPE FROM ETERNAL PUNISHMENT IN HELL: Mark 9:30-50; Luke 16:29; Genesis 19:15-17: Matthew 11:28-30, John 3:1-7,16-18: 14:1-6; Acts 2:21;4:12

From Bible accounts, we learn that many people had opportunity to be saved but neglected it and they perished. On the other hand, there are few who received the warning from the Lord and escaped hell. Two examples are:

(a) The second thief on the cross-he narrowly escaped hell because he accepted He endured Jesus as Saviour and Lord (Luke 23:40-43).

(b) Stephen persecution as he was being stoned to death. Heaven opened and he saw Christ welcoming him to heaven. It was a glorious escape from the corruption of this world.

These two examples show us the way to escape from the destruction and judgment coming upon this wicked and corrupt world.

(c) Like the thief on the cross, a sinner must-believe the good news that Jesus died on the cross to save him-acknowledge that he is a sinner; confess all his sins to God; repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus; ask Jesus to be his Saviour and Lord. From now on, he must strive to live a life pleasing unto God. Jesus is the only way of escape, accept Him now.

As a believer, you must desire and pray to be sanctified so as to have power like Stephen to live a holy live. Pray for grace and determination to be salt of the earth, endure persecution as good soldier of the cross and be at peace with others. Warn sinners of the danger of hell and show them the way of escape through the preaching of the gospel. Watch, pray and wait for the coming of the Lord.

Children should always remember that two ways of life and two ends lie before them with a great gulf fixed between them. Therefore, choose life by following Jesus to the end (John 14:6).


  1. Hell is a real place. Yes/No?
  2. warns us against hell.
  3. Hell is a place of
  4. Who is the way of escape from hell?
  5. What should a sinful child saved to escape hell?

MEMORY VERSE:And if thine eye offend thee, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:47,48)

LESSON: Hell is real and dangerous

THOUGHT: I will do away with everything that can take me to hell

ACTIVITY: Prayer and altar call



(1) One day be one day, the sinner child go find himself for hell fire

(2) Do not delay, tomorrow may be late.

(3) If you do good, there is kingdom.

HOMEWORK: Evangelism in the neighbourhood.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary

  1. Reality
  2. Agony
  3. Illustrate
  4. Eternal
  5. Faithfulness.

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