Lesson 38 Vol 3 Children Search CONTROVERSY CONCERNING JESUS
John 7:1-53
The word controversy means disagreement or argument. Now there was a lot of argument going on about Jesus among the people during His earthly ministry. Jesus had to hide Himself at some times because the people wanted to kill Him. Jesus teaches us here that though God is protecting us always, yet we should not be careless and expose ourselves to danger and evil people. The controversy or argument about Jesus and His work started with His own brothers.
The brothers of Jesus at this time, did not yet believe in Him as the Saviour and Messiah. On the other hand, the Jews and their leaders were engaged in argument concerning the Person and the work of Christ. Some agreed that He was the Messiah and Saviour, but some rejected Him.
But those who believed in Him remained faithful to the Lord. They did not deny Him. There should be no argument in your heart about Jesus and the word of God. All that you need do is to believe and accept Him as your Saviour and Lord.
CONTROVERSY CONCERNING JESUS. John 7:1-15; Matthew 13:53-58
The controversy concerning Jesus came from many sources – Jesus’ family, the unbelieving Jews, the religious leaders and the rulers of the Jews; all had one argument or the other against Christ. His own brothers said if the works of Jesus were true, He should not hide. They wanted Him to make a show of it.
Some people said that Jesus was a good Person while others said He was deceiving the people. These arguments or disagreements arose because the people were ignorant of the plan of God and the Person of Christ.
The Pharisees, the rulers of the Jews, sought their own honour instead of working for the glory of God. They saw the great signs and wonders Jesus did, yet they used their false obedience to the Law of Moses as excuse to reject the Saviour.
Even in the world today, ignorant people still raise arguments against Jesus. Some say He did not actually die on the cross, while others say; “He is neither God nor the Saviour of the world.”
Do not be deceived, Jesus is the Saviour of the whole world. Confess like the Hymn writer: “I need no other argument, I need no other plea; It is enough that Jesus died, And that He died for me.
“In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried saying, if any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink” (John 7:37). These words of Jesus stand as the key verse in our Bible passage.
It was a great proclamation by Christ to all who are thirsty of the water of life to come and drink. Having listened to all the arguments about His personality and ministry, Jesus Christ knew that the people were ignorant about the judgment that awaits them. He was more concerned about the salvation of their souls than proving to them that He is the Messiah.
The world hates the truth and will always oppose Christ Who is the Truth, the Life and the Way.
Hatred and opposition from sinners should not hinder friends of Jesus from preaching the gospel
Christian boys and girls must be bold at all times to stand for the truth. No one can harm them because God is always with His children to defend them.
Despite all the arguments, Jesus still showed love by inviting them to come to Him. He gave the invitation on the last day of the feast which He attended.
On the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles, the priests would go to the pool of Siloam and draw water into golden pitcher which they would pour onto the altar of sacrifice at the temple. They would then sing songs of worship. This ritual was a reminder of God’s provision in the wilderness.
Jesus Christ is the Fulfilment of this feast. He is both the Rock from which the living water flows and the Living Water. (Deuteronomy 8:15; Revelation 21:6; 22:1).
A Bible commentary explains Jesus’ invitation this way “Jesus did not focus on a particular, group but made a universal appeal; anyone who thirsts could come to Him and drink.
- Jesus quenches every thirst – He is:
- Knowledge to the thirsty mind,
- Love to the thirsty heart,
- Peace to the thirsty conscience, and
- Holiness to the thirsty spirit.”
Have you responded to Jesus’ invitation? Do not be like the people who always raise questions and arguments against God’s word. Believe the gospel, repent and confess your sins to God. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing of your heart with the blood of Jesus. Accept Him as your personal Saviour, Lord and Friend.
Commitment is a promise or vow to do a particular thing. Many of the Jews, despite the arguments about Christ, sincerely believed in Jesus as the Messiah. These included some important people like the officers of the rulers and Nicodemus who was one of the rulers of the Jews.
These were not afraid to declare their faith in Jesus openly before the Pharisees. This Nicodemus who first came to Jesus by night, was the one God used to assist Joseph of Arimathaea to bring down Jesus’ dead body from the cross and buried Him in a new tomb.
He came there with expensive burial spices to honour the Lord. Are you a committed friend of Jesus? Are you ready to shun the arguments of the ignorant people around you and continue to love and speak for the honour of your Saviour?
At school, home, the neighbourhood, and at playground, as a friend of Jesus, you must boldly speak in defence of your faith in Jesus. A sinful child must first repent from his or her bad behaviour and receive Jesus as his/her Saviour before he/she can follow Him.
- Give three other words that have the same meaning as the word, controversy.
- Mention two arguments the Jews made about Jesus.
- State three important lessons you learn from Jesus’ response and invitation to the people.
- What is the name of the man who spoke in support of Jesus in our text?
- Give the passage of the Bible where he first met with Jesus.
- What must a sinful child do before he can follow Jesus?
MEMORY VERSE “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:37,38)
It is needless to engage in controversies about God’s word.
I believe in Jesus as my Saviour and Lord. A boy and a girl are to mention at least three things about the works of Jesus
- In the name of Jesus
- Keep me through Lord Jesus
- There is power mighty in the blood
Pray against every argument that Satan is using to keep people away from salvation through Christ.
Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.
- Controversy
- Messiah
- Response
- Proclamation
- Commitment