TEXT: John 14:12-15.
Jesus Christ said, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it. If ye love me, keep my commandments. Today you will find that our God is real in salvation, real in healing, real in dominion, He’s a great God. Today, we are talking on the Name of Jesus. There’s wonder, there’s power and dominion in that name of Jesus. There’s notable possibilities in the Name of Jesus. The miracle and greater miracle in every life tonight in Jesus Name. Whatsoever you ask for tonight, instantaneously you will have, if you ask for salvation, if you ask for healing, if you ask for deliverance, if you ask for prosperity, if you ask for success, if you ask for progress, instantaneously they are coming to you tonight in Jesus Name. What solution are you looking for? The Lord says, if you ask anything in His Name He will do it.
Matthew 1:21; Acts 4:10-12; Philippians 2:9-10; Colossians 1:18-19.
That Name is not lost its Power, and as you come today believing in the Name of Jesus, there’s power in that Name. Jesus Christ the sinless One who came to save all sinner, tonight, that Name of Jesus still has the power, and whosoever shall call on the Name of Jesus shall be saved from their sins. You cannot save yourself, sin is bondage, the sinner is in bondage, all his personalities are tied by the cord of sin, and because of that bondage that he cannot deliver himself from, he needs the Saviour that will set him free from the punishment of sin. We need the Saviour, and when we could not save ourselves, He came to bring salvation to us. Congratulations tonight, salvation is coming to you because Christ is so mighty that everyone that binds you that you couldn’t escape by yourself, Christ will save you, praise the Lord, salvation has come today. You need to know beyond that you’re nearer the grace of God and you need to know something before you crossover to the other side, if you go to the other side without salvation, you are finished forever.
Christ will cleanse you tonight, everybody ought to know, the church goers ought to know that there’s no other Name, no other power except this Saviour, by the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we are saved. Everything that had been taken away from your life that makes you impotent, everything will be restored in your life tonight. You cannot set the Saviour behind and try to build your life, Christ is the very foundation of success in any area of life, there are people that try to build the nation and set the Saviour aside, you cannot build anything significant without Jesus Christ, and as you make Him the head of your life, your life, your family and everything you thought will be built up in Jesus Name. There’s no Salvation, there’s no perfect health, there’s no liberation in any other except in the Name of Jesus. If Salvation is your desire and your possession, there’s no other name given among men whereby we must be saved than the Name of Jesus Christ. The Name of Jesus is above every Name, any name you know in religion, in your celebration, in your worship, any name anywhere in any century cannot save except the Name of Jesus.
1 Timothy 2:3-6; Hebrews 8:6; 1 John 2:1-2,12; Ephesians 4:31-32.
Christ the Mediator comes, He holds the hand of God and your hand together and He hold them together, you were born in sin, practicing sin, and Jesus Christ holds the hand of the Almighty and He holds our hands and He brings us together. That Name still have the mediating agency. Christ is our Mediator, He’s the One pleading for us, no other personality in heaven can plead for you. Nobody can do anything except the mediator that cannot say no. He cannot say no to you. No angel can make intercession for you, only Jesus can make intercession for you and the Father will not say no to Him. Like the thief on the Cross, the only One that can take the thief on the Cross to heaven is Jesus Christ, no any personality can do that. Christ died for us, He mediates for us and the Father cannot reject anyone. He brings you to heaven, in heaven you will save because of the mediator. He counts you in, if you count yourself out, that’s your luck, He counts you in so that you can be saved. He wants everyone to be saved, and He wants everyone here tonight to be saved.
You will be saved, He will forgive your sins, He will change your life because He meditates for you and salvation will come to you tonight in Jesus Name. You don’t have two mediators in this case, only One for the whole earth and His Name is Jesus and this night, you’re going to have testimony. Whatever your age, this salvation, this redemption belongs to everyone. Christ is the propitiation for our sins, you cannot cover your sin, your cloth, your smile, your devotion, your activities in the church cannot cover it, there’s only Person that can cover all your sins from the sight of God, He’s the only One that can effectively cover all the sins we have committed and the Father cannot see that anymore. Any sin you’ve committed are covered because of Jesus, and tonight as you surrender your life to Christ, He will cover your sin. Everyone in the world can come now because Jesus Christ is the propitiation of our sins and as you come to Him, all the remembrance of your sins He will take away, you are not born a saint, and when you come to Christ, He’s the One that will grant you that salvation through His mercy.
1 Peter 2:1-3,10; Titus 3:5-7; Hebrews 7:25-26; John 1:12.
The Provision of salvation, the provision of healing and deliverance is available for everyone, everyone can now come to Christ, even if you could not walk, believe Jesus is your healer and healing provision will come to you tonight and your healing is waiting for you, He will save, He will heal and whatever chain bonds you, He will deliver you. His Name saves, His Name delivers, His Name heals and set your brain aright, He will come and take poverty and all the suffering away because He has provision and His provision is on the basis of His mercy, not by merit, only the provision of mercy can save you, the Lord will save you, He will heal you tonight. You will get to Christ your Saviour, and push aside all the things that will hinder you, and then you come to Christ, you are born into the Kingdom and you’re born into the Kingdom of Heavenly Father, you will grow in salvation in Jesus Name.
When you were with Satan, you didn’t have the connection and the link with the Lord, but now as you come to Christ, you will obtain mercy, don’t think of your merit because of what you have, you can obtain mercy now and the Lord will grant you mercy tonight in Jesus Name. Amen. Christ is able to save, able to heal, able to bring you ought of scarcity and bring you into abundant, He is able to deliver you tonight, if you come to Christ tonight, He’s able to save you, no matter how deep you have gone in sin God is able to save, He will save you tonight, He will heal and deliver you tonight as you come on the Name of Jesus. Whosoever shall call on the Name of Jesus shall be saved.