
And things are not the same anymore

And things are not the same anymore. I never dream that I could have all things he had in the store, But now he lifts me higher, than I’ve ever been before things are not the same anymore, any more things are not the same anymore.

  1. And there was a time when no one seem to love me but what a change this be, for I listened and I heard someone knocking at my heart for the first time in my life I let him in.

2. To eyes that were once blind now see clearly and the sky that was once very dark is now daily bright a soul once bound for hell now can sing all is well and a life that once was wrong is now made right.

3.But I can’t forget the days living in my simple way I didn’t even have a song to sing. I could not afford a drink of water or my sin was the only life I knew, though I use you to beg for bread every day and I am fed, all things are passed away, all things are new.

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