There will be many that will cry on that day, Choir Song
There will be many that will cry on that day
When the trumpet of the lord shall sound when the saints are taken away from this world
There will be many that will be missing on that day Then the anti-Christ will take over the world and torture as many that will miss the rapture in this world
Sinners will cry backsliders will cry “had I known” they will pray but their prayers will not be heard
Examine your life my brethren before it will be late
Examine your life my brethren before it will be late
Stanza 1
As we can see brethren there is no more time the signs of his coming are everywhere nations fighting against nations, troubles here and there is confusion everywhere The whole world is expecting the Man of peace
There will be many that will cry on that day
When the trumpet of the lord shall sound when the saints are taken away from this world
There will be many that will be missing on that day Then the anti-Christ will take over the world and torture as many that will miss the rapture in this world
Sinners will cry backsliders will cry “had I known” they will pray but their prayers will not be heard
Examine your life my brethren before it will be late
Examine your life my brethren before it will be late
Stanza 2
I you must go with Christ when the trumpets sound
Then you must be holy before Lord Holiness in the way to heaven.
No man can see the Lord without holiness in his life
Now is the time to prepare to meet the Lord.