
DCLM Children Lesson 33 Preservation Of Holiness Among God’s People

Text: Numbers 5:1-31

Most of the laws given directly to Israel through Moses were often restated in other books of the Bible. This is to serve as reminder and them for their maximum also to emphasize the importance of obeying benefits. As the children of Israel continued their journey in the wilderness, God continued to remind them of the things they need to do to continually enjoy His presence and favour.

The laws outlined in our Bible passage were given to regulate their conduct as they relate with one another within the family and community. The journey of believers to heaven, our promised land, is a very interesting and delicate one. God in His love and mercy has given us laws to guide our conducts and relationship with Him and with one another. Strict observance of these laws will help us to avoid pitfalls, distraction and things that can derail us on the journey. The laws in this study concern various aspects of our interpersonal relationships.

1. LAWS CONCERNING UNCLEANNESS AND HEALTHY LIVING: Numbers 5:1-4; Leviticus 13:1-6; 15:1-7

The laws here deal with problems likely to arise where people lived close to each other in a community. People who were ceremonially unclean, whether through disease (especially leprosy) or any other cause were put outside the camp. The spiritual significance of this was that it demonstrated that uncleanness could not be tolerated in a community where the holy God dwells.

The practical benefit was that it helped prevent the spread of infectious disease. The focus on purity or holiness indicates that the Lord was not only concerned about the uncleanness of individuals, but also the effects that the impurity would have on the sacred assembly. If they want God to dwell in their midst, both the people and the environment had to be pure.

Sin and impurity negatively affect the individual, nation and sanctuary, so, holiness in all areas must be preserved at all costs. Leprosy is a symbol of sin, therefore it made people ceremonially unclean and unable to join in the religious activity of the community till they were healed and ceremonially cleansed. Secondly, public health had to be protected by separating infected people from the camp and destroying anything that might spread the disease to others.

All these are geared towards maintaining holiness among God’s people. The demand for holy living is still the same for the New Testament Church, God calls us to be holy both in our outward appearance and conduct. As a leper is being separated from the people, so will a sinner be eternally separated from Christ to suffer in hell-fire. To be free from such suffering, sinners must repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Then they must desire and pray for sanctification and grace to live a holy life

  1. LAWS CONCERNING RESTITUTION: Numbers 5:5-10; Leviticus 5:14-16:6:1-7: Luke 19:6-8

When people, through carelessness caused harm or loss to others, they had to confess their wrong, present a sin offering and pay back the loss, together with a fine amounting to one-fifth of its value. If the offended party or a near relative could not be found, the offender had to make the repayment and the fine to the priests instead! The attention here was on interpersonal relationship within the camp, especially where there was an offence between individuals. Any offence within the community was viewed as unfaithfulness against the Lord, and so confession and restitution were required.

Restitution is the act of making right the wrong done to another person. It involves making apologies for lies told against another or false accusation, returning stolen items to original owners, taking responsibilities for repair to damaged items and seeking to make peace with one another. Just as the unclean had to be removed from the camp, the cause of conflict and disagreement among children of God must be dealt with to maintain wholesome purity in the fellowship Are you saved from sin through cleansing by the blood of Jesus? If yes, then you need to make your way right through restitution. Return all stolen items, seek for pardon from those you have damaged their properties, make peace with those you have offended and ask for their forgiveness. This is the only way to have a conscience void (free) of offence towards God and man.

  1. LIVING AND MAINTAINING PURITY IN THE FAMILY: Numbers 5:11-31; Exodus 20:14; Ephesians 5:1-12; Leviticus 18:20

The instructions given in this section is about how to test, detect and punish the sin of immorality in the family. God hates sin of any kind especially immoral behaviour either by a man, woman, boy or girl. The law is to warn the people so that they will not be involved in sexual relationship outside marriage. God’s children (men, women, boys and girls) must abstain from every form of immoral behaviour – adultery, fornication, boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, rape, incest, pornography and dirty or foul language that arouse sexual interest. Every member of the family must strive to maintain holiness in the home.

Sin is contagious and must be dealt with before it spreads and destroys the entire family. This is the reason God calls us to be holy. Purity of life is essential because it will attract God’s protection, favour and blessings. It is holiness that will make us qualified to see God and enjoy eternal blessings.

If you are a sinner, you need to repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour. Then you pray that the Lord should sanctify your heart and make you holy. It pays to live a holy life and to encourage others to do so.


  1. Why were the laws given to Israel repeated in many books of the Bible?
  2. Why was a person with leprosy put outside the camp?
  3. What does leprosy signify?
  4. What should a sinner do to receive cleansing from sin?
  5. Mention two important laws relating to other personal and family relationship.
  6. How should members of the family maintain purity in the home?
  7. What are the benefits of living a holy life?

MEMORY VERSE: And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, When a man or woman shall commit any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the LORD, and that person be guilty; Then they shall confess their sin which they have done: and he shall recompense his trespass with the principal thereof, and add unto it the fifth part thereof, and give it unto him against whom he hath trespassed” (Numbers 5:5-7).

LESSON: God wants all friends of Jesus to be free from sin and live a holy life.

THOUGHT: I will remain holy all the days of my life.

ACTIVITY: Sword drill – Leviticus 11:44; Exodus 19:6; 1 Thessalonians 4:7; 1 Peter 1:15; Hebrews 12:14; Ephesians 5:3



(1) Holiness, holiness, holiness, the kingdom of God is holy.

(2) Give me oil in my lamp.

(3) Lord I want to be like Jesus inner my heart.

HOMEWORK: Pray for your family.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

1. Preservation

2. Uncleanness

3. Impurity

4. Restitution

5. Wholesome.

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