Fresh Commitment to Preaching the Powerful Gospel.

Text: Romans 1:14-17.

If we want to see the power of the gospel, the gospel we have, the gospel of grace, that gospel is the powerful gospel Christ has given unto us.

We are not just preaching a powerless and impotent gospel, but we are preaching a gospel that will reverse all that Adam and Eve had brought and then give us what Christ has provided on the Cross.

Except that gospel has a life’s changing, it’s not a gospel.

This gospel of Christ is a gospel that transforms. We have been preaching before but now we want to have a fresh commitment to the gospel of Christ, and we do that in a practical way, preaching the gospel afresh.

Point 1: The Preaching of The Gospel of His Son.

Romans 1:9,14-15; Mark 1:1,14-15.

It’s a gospel that finalized everything on the Cross. It’s a good tidying of the Son of God; the Son has come and He has brought the good tiding, we don’t have to die in our sin, we can be saved now, we can be renewed now and we can be transformed now and transported to heaven.

It’s a gospel without ceasing, as much as we are breathing, as much as the opportunity is given to us, there’s no day we pass without preaching the gospel. We are ready to preach the gospel of salvation. It’s not the gospel of man, but the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

The gospel Christ brought and passed on to His disciples must be preached, and as it’s preached, you must believe it and accept it.

  1. The preaching of the convicting gospel.

John 16:7-11; Acts 2:14,37-38; 3:19-26; Hebrews 4:12-13.

When we preach the gospel right, penetrates the heart of man, it brings conviction to the sinner that he has sinned and come short of the Glory of God and that conviction leads to repentance, it leads to being convicted of their sins.

When Jesus Christ was on earth, He told His disciples, nevertheless, I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. And when he comes, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. (John 16:7-11). The Lord Jesus Christ said, when the Spirit comes, He will rebuke the world of sin, cleanse their hearts from unrighteousness, and reveal that the world has sinned entirely. The judgment of God is coming, and all who have not been forgiven will be condemned forever and ever. If we are preaching the convicting gospel, it will rebuke the world of sin. And in that situation of being filled with the Spirit of God, it’ll make sinners come under conviction. If you preach in the power of the Spirit and in the conviction of the Spirit, He brings conviction to the people. In their hearts, they will desire to know what they should do to come out of condemnation. If sinners are going to come out of condemnation, they will repent, they will turn away from their sins and they will receive the grace, they will receive the goodness and the gift of the Holy Spirit. Christ died for us, you’re under condemnation because of your sin, and if sinners remain in this deadness of sin, they will perish and they will suffer forever and ever. But when we come to Christ, the Spirit of God effectively and powerfully turns us away from sin.

  1. The persuasion through Christ’s gospel.

Acts 19:8,26; 18:20; 18:4,8-11; 28:23-24; 2 Samuel 12:7,13.

Christ brought the gospel, He brought redemption, He brought total transformation, He brought total redemption to turn us away from all our sins and we need to have that persuasion through Christ’s gospel. Paul the apostle went into the synagogue and he spoke boldly, if you are sure of what you’re saying, you will speak boldly. If you have experienced that salvation yourself and it has made a definite change in your life, you will speak it boldly. If you love the person you’re talking to, you will speak boldly. If you’re going to persuade people, you need to know where you are going and why you’re telling them. It’s not just to preach, but you want to bring them from where they are to where they ought to be. You persuade them that religion, Judaism cannot save them, persuade them that Christ only can get us out of sin and bring us to the life of a redeeming saint. As you show them in the Bible, let that power of the gospel have an effect on them. As we preach, we want to persuade them and convince them. When you speak persuasively, people will know that this is the truth and they will believe and what they believe will take them to heaven.

  1. Our pardon, peace in the converting gospel.

Acts 15:3,28-32; Psalms 51:10-13; James 5:19-20; Acts 5:30-31.

We speak to sinners about Christ our substitute and when they believe and receive it, the conversion of sinners brings joy to the heart of sinners. As a child of God, if you deviate, if you’re backsliding, if you’ve turned away from the path of righteousness, you will come back to God, but if you don’t repent from that backslidden and you die in that condition, you will not be in fellowship with God and you will be in hell fire forever and ever. Peace and joy come through salvation. Through our ministry, sinners will be getting converted to the Lord in Jesus’ Name Amen.

Point 2: The Power of The Gospel of Salvation.

Romans 1:16-17; Ephesians 1:12-13.

The power of the gospel of salvation is the greater power on earth. Morality, running education does not have the power to save, education does not make men pure and Holy and it does not make them turn around. The theology of this world does not have the power to turn lives around and makes life different, but the power of the gospel brings salvation. Education does not save, science does not save, we come in at the gate of faith and then we progress through the guidance of faith, and then we go from glory to glory in the grace, we come in through faith and we are justified, we continue with the Lord and we are steadfast.

2a. Return and become godly through His salvation.

Luke 19:5-9; Titus 2:11-14; 2 Timothy 3:12-14; Psalms 54:3-4.

There was a man named Zacchaeus, which was the chief among the publicans, and he was rich. And he sought to see Jesus who he was; and could not for the press, because he was little of stature. And he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him: for he was to pass that way. And when Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and saw him, and said unto him, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house. Moses and other prophets in the Bible never called any man by name whom they had never met. But Jesus Christ greater and higher than any of those prophets said, Zacchaeus, make haste, and come down; for today I must abide at thy house. And he made haste and came down, and received him joyfully. And when they saw it, they all murmured, saying, that he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner.

We could see the change in Zacchaeus. If you say you know the Lord and nothing has changed in your life, that testimony is rubbish, that testimony is in vain, and it has no weight because your life does not show that you meet Christ. Anyone that meets Jesus meets Him redemptively and there’s a change. Zacchaeus never met Christ before and Jesus called his name, immediately he knew that Jesus is his Redeemer and change came immediately. There are people who meet Christ casually, they didn’t touch Christ, but this Zacchaeus manifested the same faith that Abraham manifested, and salvation came to him. Salvation is available for all men and when that grace comes, it teaches us to deny ungodliness in this present world. We don’t live frivolously life anymore, we don’t live hypocritical life anymore, we don’t live messed up life anymore. Anyone that meets the Lord that the Lord lays hand on him and converted him became peculiar.

2b. Reflect and behold the glory of the Son.

John 1:12-14; Ephesians 4:22-24; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 2 Peter 1:3-4.

When you receive Christ the Lord, He enters into your life and He gives you the power to become a child of God we are changing to the image of Christ from glory to glory, it’s beaming, reflecting, and glory life, the Lord will reflect it to your life in Jesus Name.

2c. Reckon and bring His gospel to all sinners.

Romans 8:18,35-39; 10:13-15; 1 Peter 3:18; Luke 14:23.

This persecution, this misunderstanding, this difficulty, we reckon that everything we go through in this life as Christians, they are nothing to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed to us, we are more than a conqueror, anything that happens, you reckon that, that will not stop the preaching of the gospel because that cannot be compared with the glory that shall be revealed. Paul the apostle knew he was a creature an appointed creature, an anointed and energized creature, and a heavenly-minded creature, and he knew those persecutors are creatures but they are not called by God, that’s why he was not afraid. You will succeed as God has appointed you to take the gospel to your world. If you don’t go out to them as a preacher, they cannot be saved. That’s what the Lord has placed in your hand.

Point 3: The Penetration with The Gospel by The Spirit.

Luke 4:18,42-43; Romans 15:19-26.

Jesus Christ said, “The Spirit of God is upon Him…” When you’re saved and you’re sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost, you will also say the Spirit of God is upon me. The same Spirit of Christ given to you is not given to everyone. The Spirit of God anoints us to preach deliverance to the captives and to set them at liberty. Christ knew why He came, He knew the goal, He knew His destiny, and He knew where the Father has sent Him to go.

3a. The penetrating gospel for sinners’ salvation.

Romans 1:16-17; Hebrews 4:1-3; Mark 1:14-15; Ephesians 1:12-13.

The gospel we are preaching should penetrate every community all over the world. Except we preach to them, they can never be converted. We need to go and tell them that the just shall live by faith, they will not live by resolution, by self-righteousness, by traditional religion, and by Mosaic religion, but they will live by faith. We want to persuade them and penetrate their thoughts that the only link to come to the presence of God is to trust in Christ. The gospel of salvation is what they should hear from us.

3b. The prevailing godliness of Saints’ sanctification.

Zechariah 8:23; Titus 2:12-14; 1 Thessalonians 1:7-10; 2:10-13.

When we are saved and sanctified, and the people who do not know us before know our past, and we share the testimony of our Salvation with them, now we have come to Christ, our lives have now turned around, they will want to come to the Lord through us. The beauty, the miracle of God in our lives, they will see it and they will come to us and they will say they will go with us. Your life and your personality will attract people in the world, God’s goodness is with you, His glory is with you, and your life will attract people to come to Christ in Jesus’ Name Amen.

3c. The permeated globe through strategic streams.

Esther 1:22; Daniel 4:1-3; Acts 2:5-6,11; Romans 10:17-18.

When we possess the gospel, we take the gospel to our neighbour’s. Take that gospel to your neighbour’s so that they will have salvation in all the countries of the world. We have strategic streams, it may be through social media, etc. God will use us and this good news will go to every place in the world in Jesus’ Name. Nebuchadnezzar had instruments and tools to send forth anything he wants to send, and if that happened at his time, this is our time, we are going to strategize and spread the good news of Christ over the world. If you’re going to do any good thing, you must strategize. All the possibilities are there to develop strategies and streams into the world. We can do it, we will do it, if you preach the gospel in our language, it’ll only reach the people that understand your language, but when you strategize and you make it clear to everyone, it’ll attract the whole world. with all the modern gadgets available, we can make the gospel go around the world to every country and the gospel will reach and penetrate the whole world. Our works will go through the whole world, God will use us and this gospel will reach everyone in our world in Jesus’ Name Amen.

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