
Standing for Redemptive Truth Against Religious Tradition

Message: Pastor W. F. Kumuyi

Text: Matthew 15:1-9; 13:14-15.

Here we find the conflict between the truth and tradition, between the Scribes, Pharisees and our Lord Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer. The conflict between man and God, between the hardened man and the holy God. And the Lord wants us to take a stand, to say where we belong. What will determine your eternal destiny and habitation is where you stand now that you are still on Earth. Did you stand on the side of the traditions of the elders or the side of Emmanuel, God with us?

  1. The Course and Cost of Religious Tradition. Matthew 15:1-3; Mark 7:3-9

The Scribes and Pharisees upheld religious traditions over the word of God. They insisted and hammered on washing of hands, and accused the disciples of the Lord, not for hygiene purposes but for traditional purposes. For our well-being and immunity against diseases and sicknesses, it is necessary to wash our hands when we come back home from our outings and when we visit the restroom. During epidemics and pandemics, on the Doctor’s recommendations, we are also required to wash and sanitize our hands for safety and health purposes.

But in the case of the situation in our text, these religious leaders were not accusing on health grounds. These laws they made were not found in all the writings of Moses, David or any of the prophets, they came in after Malachi in the Old Testament and before the beginning of the New Testament. They called themselves the protectors and custodians of the laws and compiled and added more than 600 such laws which they held more important and significant than God’s words. The doctrines were many and they were for the commandments of men, not for God’s.

The Jews and others who were influenced by these laws would never do anything until they washed their hands. They worshipped in vain even though they looked attractive. They put aside everything that has to do with God – salvation, sanctification, righteousness, acceptably serving God – so that they can keep their commandments and doctrines which had the smeared of human tradition. They laid aside the commandments of God which bring life and salvation and if anyone wants to bring them back, they work against the person.

The two cannot go together, you have to hold one dear over the other. If you receive the commandments of God, you reject the commandments of men, and if you hold on to the commandments of men, you have to reject those of God.

  1. The Contradictory Traditions Against Saving Truth

Matthew 15:2-3; Mark 7:6-8,13; Colossians 2:8; Titus 1:14,16; 2 Thessalonians 3:6

The religious leaders asked Jesus why His disciples didn’t wash their hands and He also asked them in return, why they held on to their traditions against the word of God. The disciples were standing on the truth and rejecting the tradition of men, while the religious leaders were holding on to traditions and rejecting the word of God. Whatever you stand for, why?

  • Holding on to God, why?
  • Believing and standing on the truth, why?
  • Holding on, whatever the temptation or pull, why?
  • If you backslide and reject God, why?
  • If your mind and heart are no longer on the word of God which prepares us for heaven, why?
  • If you trample on the truth that saves and sanctifies or you no longer have the knowledge of the truth against all odds, why?

The question will always come to you, and when you get to the gate of heaven and the Lord sees the record that you were first in the truth but later derailed, and backslid, and didn’t come back till the end. Afterwards, the question will be where will you spend eternity if you hold on to the tradition of men?

Tradition is a neutral word, a standard, policy, doctrine, or idea through which you are guided and ruled, but if this tradition makes you go away from Christ, and reject the commandment of God, it is bad. But whichever one makes you holy, steadfast and closer to the Lord and enlightens you is good. Hold on to them. Don’t negate them, or push them away.

Apostle Paul said some things that he clarified as not coming directly from the Lord, but inspired by the Spirit of God. We all know he was filled with the Spirit of God. For example, he said those who were not married would do well to remain as he was, but that it was not a message from God but by inspiration of the Spirit.

As for the issue of consideration of age in marriage, not allowing two people whose ages are far from each other to marry may not be found in Scripture, yet, they are necessary traditions that have to be affected when necessary to avert future problems. For example, if an 80-year-old man marries a 40-year-old woman, he might die at 85 or 90, and the woman becomes a widow after 10 years of marriage. Jesus said it was necessary to sit down, plan, and count the cost before putting up a building. If you are to marry, you have to look at the future, you may say that it is tradition, but you have to look at the word of God.

Also, people who have debilitating and terminal diseases like HIV and Aids are not allowed to marry so that they don’t produce children like them in the future, and you say we should show you in the Bible. Note that HIV was not in the world in Bible days, but it was in the Scriptural laws at that time that no one could marry a leper. Lepers were separated from the camp. So, if the man who was holy and healthy could not marry a leper, we say the same thing now contagious diseases will bring more problems into your life. This is why all these traditions are there but they are based on the leading of the Spirit of God.

It is not right to overlook leadership instructions which were put together by the Spirit of God and compare them to Pharisaic laws which were not put together by the Spirit of God. They are different and far apart, one from another.

  1. Carnal Transgressors Against the Saviour’s Teaching

Matthew 15:3-6; Mark 7:9-13; 1 Timothy 5:8; Matthew 23:15,33; Hebrews 13:7.

Every tradition that contradicts the word of God, and teaches the people against the Scriptures or the Saviour’s instructions is from a modern-day Pharisee. It was not only the Pharisees then; some people today are equally guilty. While the Scripture teaches that children should honour their father and mother, some teachers in the schools teach them that this is the age of liberty and freedom, and they can be bold to stand up to their parents because they are old school. This is the same message young people get from their heroes which they see on the TV screens and billboards. If anyone comes up in the church today trying to discourage you from honouring your father and mother, he has power over you, and you have lost the authority of the Scriptures.

Obey those who have the rule over you in the church and submit yourself to them. We are to honour and respect our leaders who teach us the way of salvation, holiness, righteousness, and how to get ready and eventually make heaven. Some people teach people not to obey leaders because according to them, everyone is equal. Ministers and members, Apostles and Assemblies, are all equal. They try to encourage people to stand up to and put aside the words of their leaders spoken in good faith. They claim there is nothing they know that they also don’t know. They make people reject the word of God, thereby establishing their traditions. But the word of God has not changed, it is still the same. These leaders watch over our souls and guide us from going the wrong direction and towards perdition.

There are some Pharisees who come in to move the people to disobey church leadership. Their motive is to take heaven away from you. Not only the GS but all leaders who are helping you to go in the way of righteousness must be obeyed and respected. If you are selected to do anything in the service of the Lord, if anyone teaches you to not obey the GS’s instructions because they have taken over authority from him, and give you contrary instructions to follow, whoever they are and whatever authority they wield on you, they are not of God, but

The Lord called them serpents and generations of vipers and asked them how they would escape the damnation of hell.

  1. The Calloused Teachers with no Submissive Tenderness

Matthew 15:12-14; 13:14-15; John 9:34-41; 12:42-43

Calloused hearts, hardened hearts, hearts seared with a hot iron.

Matthew 15:12. Christ did not come to curry the favour of sinners, but to convert them. He did not come to campaign for the Jews to lift Him, He was lifted already. If you are looking for a position or anything from the Scribes and Pharisees, you will not want to offend them. They did not know anything about salvation and righteousness, and if you want to please them, you will never preach the truth of the word of God in salvation, Sanctification and holiness. So Jesus gave the people the word in the presence of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes.

Today, we are supposed to preach the truth without fear or favour.

Christ’s disciples came to tell Him that the Jewish leaders were offended by His words, yet that did not make Him relent and change His words. When the message of salvation is preached, and some people get offended, and you hear the information, you are not to tone down the word of God, but to keep up the truth. Regardless of who is angry or offended, you will preach the truth, we will all preach the truth because we must lead the people to heaven. We will all stand for the truth in Jesus’ name.

Jesus said any plant which the Heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted out. He also told His disciples to leave the angry people alone. He didn’t expect them to be so close to the Pharisees to the extent that they heard what they thought or said. Who was the link connecting them to the Pharisees? They were blind and anyone who follows them will also become blind and fall into the ditch (hellfire). If the Pharisees are leading controlling the Pastor and Teacher of the word, he will mislead his congregation.

  1. The Consequence of Corruption Through Rigid Tradition
  2. The Hypocrites Corrupted by Inflexible Traditions.

Matthew 23:25-28; Mark 7:13,21-23; 2 Timothy 3:7,8; 2 Peter 2:19-22.

That was the lifestyle of the Pharisees. Their hypocrisy condemned them. They were inflexible, unchanging and incorrigible in their tradition. They made the word of God to be of no effect. Have you noticed how they were always around Jesus when He preached but they never repented, and also influenced those who would have repented not to because they would cast them out of the synagogues? Up till now in the 21st century, the traditions persist.

The Pharisees never mentioned anything of sin, they were more concerned about people washing plates, tables, spoons, etc than the people repenting from sin and turning to God. Forgiveness, redemption and restoration were none of their concern. I pray we will not be like that. They were ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the word of God. They always listened to the teachings of Christ but they never listened to the point of them repenting.

  1. Hearts Cauterised by Influential Traditionalists

Matthew 13:15; Acts 28:27; 1 Timothy 4:1-2; 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12.

The word ‘cauterised’ means to be hardened, and have any feeling. The hearts of the Pharisees were cauterised. They loved their positions and would do anything to keep them. They were not concerned about their salvation and that of their followers.

We need to follow the truth of the word of God. Don’t get tired of following and obeying instructions from the word of God. Don’t allow your conscience to be seared with a hot iron to the extent that truth will not be able to penetrate anymore.

  1. Heaven Closed Against Incorrigible Transgressors

Mathew 5:20; 7;21-23; 18:3; Romans 1:28-32.

The Pharisees by being hardened and unsaved perished. Someone claiming Christ to be his Lord is not enough, he must do the will of God. Jesus came to show us how to obey God from the heart but the Pharisees did not allow this to happen both in their lives and in the lives of all who followed them. Some people neglect their salvation and run after healing and deliverance. They give their attention and devotion to that; hence, they lose their souls and the souls of those under them. Because of this, people are no longer concerned with the salvation of souls and preparation for heaven. Many will say at the end that they cast out devils, prophesied and did many miracles in the name of Jesus, but it will be too late because they will be at the gate after wasting all their time focusing on everything other than the most important thing – the salvation of souls, and maintaining the standard of the word of God.  If we preach what Christ commanded us to preach – the gospel of life which saves – not just healing, deliverance, breakthrough, etc. we will get to heaven. Every sinner must be converted and have a heart like that of little children.

  1. True Conversion and Commitment to Redemptive Truth. Matthew 15:12-14; Philippians 3:5-10
  2. Conversion from Past and Present Tradition

Acts 6:7; Galatians 1:14-16; Philippians 3:5-10; Acts 22;3,6-10,13.

The priests who were of the assembly of the Sanhedrin, Pharisees, Sadducees and Scribes thought about it and became saved and obedient to the doctrines of the word of God. Chief among them was Saul of Tarsus who became converted and got called into ministry by the grace of God. He was initially inflexible and incorrigible in the tradition and doctrines of the Jews. He fought against Christ the Son of God, but this same Jesus met and called to salvation and ministry. Paul immediately heeded the call and committed his entire life to it. He conferred not with flesh and blood. May you also have this grace in Jesus’ name.

  1. Total Commitment to Permanent and Purifying Truth

(Mark 12:13,14; John 18:37; Ephesians 4:22-25; 6:14-18)

This is the truth which Christ gave to the Apostles which they also passed to us. It is the permanent and purifying truth that we must commit ourselves to. The Pharisees came to Jesus every time He preached, not to be converted but to catch Him in His words. Is there anyone like that in the church today who only come to catch the preacher in his word to cut him down? The Pharisees who dedicated all their time and life to doing this perished.

The disciples called Jesus Master, and the Pharisees also called Him the same. They said Jesus cared for no man, He feared no one and taught the way of truth. They were right, but after all these accolades, they asked their hypocritical question that would trick and distract Him. The disciples of the Lord had opportunities to ask genuine questions, but the Pharisees asked questions that would set a trap in the feet of Christ and prevent Him from preaching and teaching the people.

Jesus came to show the people the way of salvation, He came to die on the Cross for them, yet, they would ask questions that have no profit. Why would you bring such questions to the house of God? Let us give Caesar what we need to give to him and give our hearts totally to God. Our hearts and lives belong to Him.

  1. Tender Conscience for Purposeful and Profitable Teachableness

Luke 19:47-48; John 6:45,47,63; 14:26-27; Acts 11:26.

The people listened to the word of God when the Lord preached and they stopped following the Pharisees. This ought to be our attitude whenever we hear the word of God. You will always be willing to hear the word of God which has the power to save, redeem and prepare you for heaven. I pray that as you hear, the word will do you good.

The people did not allow the traditional Pharisees to hinder them from hearing the word of life. All the words that we have heard today of salvation, the holiness of life, and preparing for heaven will have an impact on your life in Jesus’ name. God will keep you safe and no Pharisees or false teacher will be able to pull you back from the way of life in life in Jesus Name.

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