Divine Provision for Everyone’s Abundant Life
Ref: Pastor W. F. Kumuyi
TEXT: John 10:9-11
On day one, get excited when you hear the message because something good is about to happen in your life. Jesus said, “I am the door.” He is the door of redemption, deliverance, healing and the supernatural. If you want to enter a room or any other building, you must use the door, whether you are a man, a woman, or a child. Tonight, Jesus said that through Him and Him alone, anyone can enter. He said that if anyone entered, they would be saved and find the pasture.
Jesus said he has now come to Lome so that you may have eternal, abundant and richer life. As you come here tonight, I have the certainty in my heart that you will have life, eternal life, abundant life and the life of Christ in you. A rich life belongs to everyone, from all over the world.
Jesus is the good shepherd who gave himself up for us so that we may have abundant life. Christ provides for everyone. I will explain the message in three points and then we will pray.
John 10:10; 1 Timothy 1:15
Why did Jesus come? Because a thief sucked everyone up and locked them in cages. When you put chickens in a cage, you want to keep them in there so you can kill them and eat them if needed. Jesus came to give you an abundance of life that the world cannot give. Tonight, you will have the life you have always wanted. After receiving the initial salvation and the change of life, after turning to Christ, one becomes a new creation. The old things have passed away, and all things have become new. The old evil, suffering and death will pass away. You have an initial transformation and a richer life because He came to make you live.
“Here is a truth that deserves to be embraced by all,” is a saying that must be embraced by everyone, everywhere. The word “loyalty” is related to the faithfulness of God and Christ. The Word extends to the nature of God, so anyone who believes in God must accept and believe in it. It will always exist as long as God lives.
The proverb says that Jesus Christ came to save sinners. Some say they cannot come to Christ because they have gone too far in sin. This is wrong because Christ actually came to save all sinners, including you.
You go to the doctor when you are sick, not when you are healthy. If you are in sin, you are in bondage to sin when you come to Christ. He is here to save you. Some people say knowledge comes because they are still ignorant. No, you will come as you are: a filthy sinner sinking into the well of sin. The apostle Paul called himself the chief of sinners, yet he was saved. Some say they can’t come to Christ because they’re the leaders of the gang, but they can come, just as the apostle Paul came. You come, she comes, he comes, and redemption becomes everyone’s share. Christ is here with abundant life, and you will have it today.
John 10:10; Proverbs 5:22; Revelation 18:2; Galatians 5:19-21
Why is he here? For example, the devil puts everyone in a cage, just like you put birds in a cage, they can’t escape. This confinement is designed to destroy life and humiliate us. Thank God, when Christ came, all the people in the cage were freed from the bondage of evil forces. When you come tonight, the Lord will undo all the work of the devil in your life.
The devil is associated with sorrow, death and suffering while Jesus brings abundant life. Whoever the devil wants to destroy, he puts him in a cage. If he wanted to catch someone, he would lock the cage before leaving and let everyone he caught stay in the cage until he returned. He didn’t give the key to the cage to any demon, he kept it for himself. Only Jesus Christ can break the cage and set you free tonight.
Only Christ can untie the rope. If he says yes, no one can say no. To those he sent to lead the donkey, he said to tell anyone who asked them for help that the Lord needed it. Tonight I want you to know that the Lord needs you. He wants to come into your life so that you may have eternal life. If you come to Him, He will accept you.
Anyone who does now no longer come to Christ will now no longer have the sort of lifestyles they have to have. What do humans try this makes them have aborted lifestyles? In this gift age, now no longer withinside the olden days: adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, variance, wrath, strife, anger, fighting, violence, sedition, heresy, envy, murder, drunkenness, they which do these items shall now no longer inherit the dominion of God become abundant, abounding lifestyles dwells. Those who refuse to return back to Christ live in aborted lifestyles however tonight, Christ will make a distinction to your lifestyles.
Many years ago, I became in a college wherein there has been no progress. There became no person passing out or making progress. My father took me out of college and I became like Why? My pals have been there, the colourful crayons and watercolours have been there to attract and paint. My father stated in case you do not apprehend today, you’ll tomorrow. If I became now no longer transferred from that college, I may not be right here today, you may not recognise me and I may not recognise you. Anyone who does now no longer come to Christ will stay an abated existence, however, in case you come, He will keep and switch you out of darkness into His marvellous light. He is asking you to heal, prosperity, be completely satisfied and have considerable existence for everything, and existence in its entirety.
Matthew 11:28-30; MARK 10:47-52; Galatians 1:15-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:24
When the arena calls you, they name you into problems and all sorts of challenges, whilst Satan calls you he calls you to destruction. When a mystery cult calls you, it’s far into bondage, however, whilst Jesus calls you, it’s far into considerable existence.
When Christ known as the blind man, he acquired his sight. When He known as the sinner, he acquired salvation, whilst the bad is known as, he gets provisions to satisfy his needs. Christ saves, continues and gives for all who solve His name.
Christ is the best Saviour, and Healer, thank God the Healer is withinside the house. He calls to all who are laboring and are heavy-laden. He calls to present his considerable existence. He desires to take the yoke of Satan off your neck and set you free. All you want to do is confess and forsake your sin. He will provide you with everlasting existence, and then you will definitely keep studying Christ. He will provide you with relaxation for your soul. He may also provide you with righteousness, redemption, and healing for your souls. His yoke is straightforward, and His burden is light. He will take the yoke of Satan absolutely away from you. The Lord is asking you this evening. You may have a brand new existence, recovery, and miracles.
He has supplied salvation and is looking you to it. He is devoted and could do it. He is looking you to a better, and extra efficient existence. You will depart the dwindling and aborted existence of the beyond as He presents you a brand new and forgiven existence. He changed into devoted yesterday, He is devoted today, and might be forever. He has known as you and He will flip your existence around; you may in no way be the same, a extrude and transformation will come. Reject your sin and evil and embrace the Saviour, He will do it. Amen to you. Bow your head and talk to the Lord, confess and repent of all your sins and accept His new life.