Lesson 21 Jesus’s Teaching on Forgiveness, Faith and Gratitude
Text: Luke 17:1-19
our main Bible passage for this study reveals Christ’s command on three areas of the Christian life. They are important virtues that we must cultivate in order to maintain a close walk with God and good relationship with one another. These three areas are:
(i) Forgiveness– This is the act of forgiving an offender. It is to let go of offences in order to enjoy peace and maintain a conscience free of offence toward God and men (Acts 24:16).
(ii) Faith – This is defined as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. It simply means trust in God and His word (Hebrews 11:1).
(iii) Gratitude – It is a show of appreciation for favour received.
How can a Christian child show forth these great attributes in a practical way? This will form the basis of our discussion in this lesson.
Jesus gave us practical examples of how to forgive offences, develop faith in God and show gratitude in order to receive permanent blessings. As you obey His command, great will be your blessings. 71
- CHRIST’S COMMAND ON FORGIVENESS OF OFFENCES: Luke 17:1-4; Genesis 50:17-21; Matthew 6:12,14,15; Mark 11:25,26
In normal human relationships, there is bound to be occasions where we offend one another. There are times of misunderstanding and disagreements on some issues. What Jesus expects and commands is that we must learn to forgive one another.
However, He cautions that offences should not be deliberate. You must not be in the habit of always causing others to be angry and then expect forgiveness because it is commnded. Jesus will not be happy with such attitude.
When somebody FAITH IN GOD offends you and becomes sorry for what he had done, you must make peace by forgiving such an offender. Always remember that we can only receive grace to forgive when we first receive forgiveness from God. He sent Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son to die on the cross for our offences.
If you are still a sinner, you must first seek forgiveness from God. Repent and ask for pardon and cleansing of your sins with the blood of Jesus; your cleansed heart will now receive grace to forgive those who will offend you. We are commanded to forgive as many times as possible. His grace is sufficient to help us.
- CALL TO HAVE FAITH IN GOD: Luke 17:5-10; Mark 11:20-24; Hebrews 11:1-6.
Faith has been described as Forsaking All I Trust Him (Christ). To have faith in God, you must forsake all negative thoughts like fear, doubts and unbelief, and put your trust in Christ alone.
The Bible confirms that without faith it is impossible to please God. Those who seek Him must believe that He is real and a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Faith is the basis of our relationship with God. This is the reason Jesus encourages us to have faith in God.
He makes it so simple for us by emphasising the fact that even if our faith is as tiny as a grain of mustard seed, it will achieve great things. Some children think that the bigger the challenge, the bigger the faith needed to overcome such challenge.
The equation is different in spiritual warfare. A little faith is all you need to move mountains and root out every stubborn problem. To develop faith in God, therefore, you must make His word your best companion. Spend quality time to pray, read your Bible, think deeply on its message, instructions and promises, believe what you read, confess it and I put it into action. Your faith will grow and attract God’s bountiful blessings into your life.
Luke 17:11-19; Psalms 103:1,2; 105:1-3; 107:1,2
In the last part of our Bible passage, Jesus came across a group of ten lepers. He sent them to the priest even before they were healed and they went. They responded in faith and Jesus healed them on the way. Is your trust in God strong enough for you to act on what He says even before you see the evidence? Have faith in God. The lesson here is not so much about the healing, but about the expected attitude of gratitude from the healed lepers.
One of the ten lepers, seeing that he had been healed, returned to Jesus, thanked Him and showed his gratitude. Jesus was happy for appreciating Him and He confirmed his healing to be permanent (Luke 17:17-19). Children must always appreciate the kindness and love people show to them, no matter how little it may be.
Jesus is taking note whether you always say, ‘thank you’ or you just grab what is given to you and go your way. In the end, you will be the loser; no one will want to give you anything next time. You must show love, kindness and appreciation to people who help in paying your school fees and providing your necessary needs.
Jesus will always affirm and confirm His blessings in your life. Always remember that gratitude produces a deeper and greater form of blessings and healing. Super abundant blessings await boys and girls who obey willingly and live by the teaching of the holy word of God from the heart.
Supernatural blessings of salvation, sanctification- holy living, Spirit-filled, inspired and controlled life, power from above to do exploits, great and wonderful things will be showered upon you.
- What do you learn from Jesus’ teaching on forgiveness?
- What is faith?
- Can your little faith do great things for Jesus? Yes/No
- What can you learn from the leper who showed appreciation to Jesus?
- Name at least three blessings for obedient children.
MEMORY VERSE: “Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him“ (Luke 17:3).
LESSON: Clear conscience with faith and show of gratitude are open doors to greater and higher blessings.
THOUGHT: I must forgive wholeheartedly and show gratitude to God at all times.
ACTIVITY: Children should spend some time to praise and thank God for the blessings they have received so far.
(1) Give me love for my brethren. Love from above.
(2) Have faith in God, all things are possible.
(3) I am saying thank You, Jesus. Thank You, my Lord.
HOMEWORK: Spend at least five minutes after school hours to praise and appreciate God for His goodness towards you.
Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.
1. Forgiveness 2. Gratitude 3. Responded 4. Overcome 5. Clear conscience