![LESSON 41 MISCELLANEOUS LAWS](https://inspiringalways.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/children_logo.jpg)
Text: Deuteronomy 7:1-26; 8:1-20; 9:1-29: 10:1-22; 11:1-32
Sundry means various, diverse or different kinds, several of items while exhortation means encouragement, advice or counsel. Sundry warnings and exhortations therefore mean different kinds of warnings and advice or encouragements given to individuals to help them live a fulfilled life.
There are safety rules in the world we live today and different signs that warn us on how to avoid danger. Some electrical appliances have manuals that give us directions on how to use them so that they would not harm us. The same applies to our spiritual lives. The Bible which is the word of God and the roadmap for every child of God. It tells us what God wants us to do, what we should run away from and the type of friends we should keep. God loves children that are obedient to His instructions because obedience brings blessings.
As the children of Israel were about to enter the Promised Land, Moses reminded them that they were special people of God, and warned them of likely future punishment if they disobeyed God. He also exhorted them on the right actions to take to ensure a good relationship with God in their new settlement in Canaan land. There was a strict caution against friendship and fellowship with idol worshippers and idolaters. The world we live in now is still as corrupt as it was during the time of Moses. The Bible warns that friends of Jesus must run away from bad association and focus their attention on the heavenly Canaan land.
- CAUTION AND WARNINGS TO ISRAEL: Deuteronomy 7:1-26; 8:1-20; 11:26-28
Our Bible passages outline specific warnings God gave to the children of Israel through Moses their leader. These warnings were necessary guides to help them enjoy their inheritance in their new country. The people who lived in Canaan before them neither loved nor feared the living God. 2. sacrificed their children to their gods They were idol-worshippers who even (Psalm 106:35-38). This was the reason God drove them out and gave their land to the children of Israel. In order to continue to enjoy God’s favour, mercy, protection, good health and provision, the people had to take heed to God’s warnings and obey His word.
Specifically, God gave several h warnings and instructions to help them to avoid sinning against Him and a breaking their covenant with Him. t There are two words that God uses to (summarize His warnings, they are REMEMBER AND BEWARE. The s children of Israel were to remember.
(i) (The way through which the Lord led them in the wilderness.
(ii) The manner He fed them with Angel’s food.
(iii) The raiment, shoes that waxed not old for forty (40) years.
(iv) The good health j they enjoyed.
(v) The divine protection He provided
(vii) The miracles they witnessed.
(vii) His commandments, judgments and statutes. God also told them to BEWARE, how?
B – Be not unequally yoked together with idol-worshippers, but rather destroy them.
E-Exalt the Lord only in their worship.
W-Watch against idol-worship and evil influences from neighbouring nations.
A-Abstain from all appearances of evil and sinful practices.
R-Remember God’s faithfulness.
E–Endure and abide in God’s statutes. The same instructions that God gave to the children of Israel also apply to us today. There is danger for anyone to disregard God’s warnings. He desires that we heed His warnings, obey His word so as to enjoy all His promised blessings
- CALL TO OBEY GOD’S COMMANDMENTS: Deuteronomy 9:1-7; 10:12-22; 11:1,32
“And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul, To keep the commandments of the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this this day for thy good?” (Deuteronomy 10:12,13)
This passage of the Bible summarised the command and call of God to His people. The Bible refers to the children of Israel as being stiff- necked and stubborn. They were unfaithful in their walk with God. God was not happy and wanted to bring judgment upon them if not for the intercession of Moses. Therefore, He made them to see the need for repentance and obedience to His counsel.
Many children today behave like the children of Israel. They act as – Christians when their parents or teachers are around, but when left alone, they put on the sinful and disobedient attitudes. The Bible says that we cannot continue in sin and expect grace to abound. No!
God is reaching out to you today before it becomes too late. If you are a sinner, a backslider, an hypocrite or a stubborn child, you need to respond to God’s call today. If you choose to continue in your sin, there is a fearful day of judgment ahead; but if you repent today, the mercy of God will S locate you. You can take the following steps to escape God’s judgment. Realise that you are a sinner. Confess to God. Ask for cleansing in the blood of Jesus. Invite Jesus into your heart 4 to be your personal Saviour and Lord. Believe that you are saved.
A covenant is an agreement between two or more parties. It is required that parties in the covenant relationship fulfil their part of the 1 agreement. God is always faithful and a sure promise Keeper (Deuteronomy 7:9) and thus He desires His children to keep their part of the covenant so that w they can have their promised blessings. Obedience is always the pathway to God’s covenant blessings. God has kept in store immeasurable blessings for those that will love and keep His commandments.
There will be multiplication of God’s blessings, fruitfulness in all areas of life, divine provision, healing of all sicknesses and diseases and victory over all their enemies.
A sinful boy or girl cannot enjoy the covenant blessings meant for those in covenant relationship with God. As a sinner, you need to repent and turn away from all your disobedience, ask God to forgive and wash your heart clean with the blood of Jesus. Now, you can enter into a covenant relationship with God by asking Jesus to come into your heart to be your Saviour and Friend. Once you take this decision, the floodgate of God’s blessings will be thrown open to you.
- Define
- (a) Sundry (b) Exhortation.
- The children of Israel were warned to BEWARE of ____________
- What does God demand from His people?
- How can a sinful child be obedient to God?
- Mention the blessings that the obedient will enjoy.
“Thou shalt therefore keep the commandments, and the statutes, and the judgments, which I command thee this day, to do them” (Deuteronomy 7:11).
LESSON: Obedience is the best way to enjoy God’s covenant blessings.
THOUGHT: I will always obey God’s word.
ACTIVITY: Teacher should lead the children in prayer to consecrate their lives to God’s service.
(1) Obedience is the very best way
(2) I have decided to follow Jesus
(3) My head, my shoulder, my knees and toes.
HOMEWORK: Children should pray for the sinners in their various communities.
Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.
- Sundry
- Covenant
- Exhortation
- Instructions
- Exalt.