Message : Pastor Dr. W. F. Kumuyi
TEXT: Romans 8:9; Philippians 1:19.
The Holy Spirit will rest upon us, and we need His power. The power of the Holy Spirit is here tonight, He will turn your life around, you will grow from strength to strength, from power to power and from glory to glory, you will not miss it today, it’s a special day of the last day, and everything will be special in your life tonight IN Jesus Name. The word of God says, But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. You will see there He mentioned the flesh, the flesh is weak, the flesh eventually will die, the flesh doesn’t have anything good, anything permanent for us, but the Spirit of God but in the Spirit dwell in us and bring good things to our lives.
Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. First of all Spirit of God, and now second, Spirit of Christ, they are still the same Spirit, and it’s the same way that He is the Spirit, He’s the Spirit of God and He’s the Spirit of Christ, the most important thing is that He dwells inside you, and when the Spirit of God comes, goodness, grace, glory, all blessings that you need will dwell inside you. When the Spirit of God dwells in you, all the other deity that refers to spirit of infirmity and spirit of evil, they will find their way out, and all the spirits that had been tormenting your life will find their way, and all those power ruining and tormenting your life, when the Spirit dwells with you, all the other spirits will vacate your life. All the gift we got, the boldness, the courage and every good things the Lord has done, when the Spirit of Christ dwells in you, all those good things will be sustained in your life IN Jesus Name.
1 Peter 1:9-12; Genesis 6:3,5-6; Nehemiah 9:30; Acts 7:51.
In your life every day, the Spirit of God will continue His work. The same sun that shinned at century ago shine today, there’s no replacement, the same sun that shinned at the time of Noah keeps on shinning, there’s no replacement, the same Spirit that came with power in century ago, it is that same Spirit that is at work today.
The prophets of the past, the Spirit of Christ which works in them is still working in us today, that same Spirit in Elijah that called the fire down is the Spirit of Christ, the same Spirit that did wonders at that time is the same Spirit of Christ. The same Holy Spirit of God, Spirit of God, they are the same person (trinity). The works, the power of the Spirit and the glory that the Holy Spirit comes into our lives is marvelous that the angels were eager to know the mysterious things that will come in the future. In the time of Noah, the world was corrupt, and it’s the Holy Spirit convicting him, at that time, the world was dirty, and it’s the Spirit of God that was reminding them and convicting them of evil. Anytime you do evil, it’s the Spirit of God that will say why will you perish? and that is his work in original time. But because they didn’t listen to the warning of the Holy Spirit, that’s why the flood came. And today, the Spirit of God is policing us, those who do not listen perish in the flood at the time of Noah, and today, all the works of the flesh, lying, envying, the Spirit of God will not leave us alone, He warns us to come out of them so that the judgement of God will not come upon us, but the people at the time of Noah didn’t listen and they perished. And today, the Spirit of God is warning us and reminding us of the day of judgement.
That Spirit was in the prophet, when Nathan warned David, it was the Spirit of Christ in him. When Elijah came to Ahab, it was the Spirit of Christ in Elijah that warned Ahab. The Lord also sent His Spirit to the children of Israel but they wouldn’t listen and they brought themselves into captivity. The same Spirit is warning us today, but if we don’t listen to the Spirit of God, judgement will come if we die in the sin, we will suffer in the lake of fire forever. If the Spirit of God is warning you and knocking at your door to convince you, repent, turn, change and let new life of the Spirit come upon your life. If you ignore the warning of the Spirit and you die in that condition, you will perish forever. You will listen to the Spirit of God. The people in the time of Noah resisted the Holy Ghost and they perished in the flood, hundreds of thousands died in wilderness because they resisted the warning of the Spirit of God and many people like that that resisted the warning instead of repenting, they perished. It was the Lord that sent the Spirit to warn them, and those that resisted faced the judgement of God, but as we listen to the Spirit of God, life, salvation will come. When JESUS came to the Jews and He warned them, as they did in the time of Jeremiah, they continued and resisted, and at the time of Paul the apostle, they continue in their rebellious against the Spirit of Christ, many of those people perished because they would not repent. You will be among the people that will repent in Jesus Name.
Zechariah 4:6-7; Romans 8:2,11,13; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Titus 3:5.
Anywhere the Spirit of God is allowed to come in and to remain, He will do marvelous thing in your life. And tonight, the Spirit of God wants to take over your life and take you higher, if you don’t resist and you allow the Spirit of God to take hold your life and to guide you, salvation, healing and deliverance will come. Many thinks in our lives we cannot resolve by human power, and all those things we find impossible in our personal life, when the Spirit of God comes in and dwells in us, the Spirit of God will bring solution to what appear impossible IN Jesus Name. Before you tonight, all those mountains will become a plain in Jesus Name. As the Spirit of God enters and you listen to what He tells you, and you do not do like the people at the time of Noah who waited for the flood to sweep them away, you will not perish, the power of the Spirit of God makes us free, when the Spirit of God comes, He’s the One actually testify that our sins are forgiven, He’s the One that makes us free from the law of sin and death. You should not allow the Spirit to be outside you, if you open the door to the Spirit of God and He comes in and He dwells in you, He will quicken your mortal body. The Spirit of God is the Spirit of life, he’s the Spirit of resurrection and renewal and every part of you that is deaden by sickness, everything will come alive. He will do it tonight, he comes to live inside of you and his resurrective power will change everything, you will be strong by the Spirit of God that dwells in you. By the present and power of that spirit, He will make you to be healthy, to be sound and to be alive.
Those who called themselves Christians and they go back to all those activities of the work of flesh, they shall die. Now we have a choice, either to hold on to those defiling things of the flesh and then we die, or we hold on to the Spirit of God, and by the presence of the Spirit of God will deaden all those actions of flesh and then you will live. When we yield and surrender to that Spirit of Christ, he does marvelous things in our lives, when you are in the flesh, you cannot see the glory of God, but when you allow the Spirit of God to comes in, you will be change from glory to glory, it’s the Spirit of God that monitors our lives so that we can be change from glory to glory, many people know about God the Father, and they know little about God the Son and they are ignorant, they don’t know the activities of the Spirit of God in our lives, tonight as you allow the Spirit of God to bring salvation, freedom and forgiveness to your life, you will sustain the new life he has brought to you IN Jesus Name. When we are saved, he refashioned, reformed our lives by the renewing of the Holy Ghost. And when you allow Him today, a change will be there.
Acts 10:38; Matthew 12:28-29; Romans 15:19; Mark 16:15-20.
Something you never saw, something people have never seen in your life, they will see that you look new and special. Everything called sorry will vanish away from your life, if you are lame, you will walk like a soldier, if you are blind, you will see tonight. You will see the faces of your children because the Lord will open your blind eyes IN Jesus Name. The Spirit of God will change everything in your life tonight IN Jesus Name. In Acts 10:38, the apostle said, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him. The secret of healing the sick is the presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Anywhere the Holy Ghost is, there’s power, he will come with healing, with power and every spirits that has been tormenting your life, the power of the Holy Ghost will roll away all those infirmities tonight in Jesus Name. Tonight, he’s going about there, he will do good in your life, you will rise up by yourself because JESUS Christ is there and He’s going to do good in your life today. Salvation, healing, deliverance will come, he will do good in your life, all the chains that binds you He will break, he will remove all shackles from your life tonight. You will get something good tonight, the final day, every good thing you desire from heaven, he will grant unto you