Who Is This Jesus? The Prophet, Priest, and King

Minister: Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

Text: Matthew 21:10-11; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 20:1-2, Matthew 21:10-11

Everywhere in the city, He moved, and people asked “Who is this?” That was not the first time Jesus came there. He had done many miracles, signs, and wonders in Jerusalem, yet, many people wondered who He was. This should not surprise you, he was with them for three years, yet Philip asked Him to show them the Father. And He said, “Have you been so long with me, and yet, you don’t know me?” The people with Him didn’t fully know Him even though they knew him as Saviour, Redeemer, Master, Lord, Healer, and Deliverer.

When He calmed and walked on the sea, they asked who is this? Everyone who has known Jesus will continue to ask about Him because you cannot fully know Him. It is possible to know the Lord and not really know who He is. Apostle Paul who was formerly Saul became born again, he knew the Lord experiential and the Lord spoke to him, even then, he said later, that I may know the Lord. And to you who is a child of God, you may still be asking, who is this?

People who have had contact with Him said He is Jesus, the Prophet of Galilee. They were still limited in their knowledge too. He is not the prophet of Galilee or of the Jews alone but a Prophet of the whole world, the One God said He would raise among His people.

Point 1: Recognizing Jesus, The Prophet from The Father

Matthew 21:10-11; Deuteronomy 18:15,18-19; Acts 3:22-23; Hosea 12:13; Matthew 1:21; 2 Peter 3:9

Many people asked, “Who is this?” When the owner of the ass asked, they answered, “The Lord has need of it, and he released it. Many people inquired about him, and they were told, “He is the prophet, not a prophet for every generation.”

Moses prophesied of the Prophet whom God would raise who will deliver every captive. That is why we go through water baptism to signify how the Israelites passed through the Red Sea.

After salvation, we are delivered from sicknesses that would have killed us. Jesus put all sickness into destruction. He preserved us.

He lives within us, and He could say “Peace be still“. We would have perished, but He kept and preserved us. When Satan knocks on the door, the Lord will tell us not to open it to him because He will deal with him. According to the Prophet, Jesus of Nazareth will never leave or forsake you.

Christ the Saviour brought salvation to the world. He is still coming back to take us home. Why has He not come? Because of those who are yet to come to salvation. He is not slack concerning His promise but is long-suffering towards us so that all will come to repentance. All who are yet to be saved are delaying the coming of the Lord who does not want anyone to perish.

Point 2: Receiving Jesus, The Priest Cleansing as Foretold

Matthew 21:12-13; 2 Chronicle 29:5, Ezekiel 36:25-27; Ephesians 5:25

The temple that Jesus cleansed was the physical one, and while we are the spiritual temple, our bodies are His temple. He and His Father will dwell with whoever believes in Him. We are also the temple of the Holy Spirit. There is little acknowledgement of the physical temple because He said it would be destroyed and not a stone would be left on another. If Jesus cleaned the physical temple, then He will cleanse us.

Jesus is the Priest who made atonement for us all. Have you taken note of what He did when He entered the temple? This is what happens today, even in His presence, we at times get distracted. Those birds and animals brought for sacrifice in the temple were legitimate because people buy them for sacrifice in the temple. It was legitimate but they turned it to illegitimate. Same in our lives, some things which we do are not legitimate, but Jesus will clean us up, a d we will be clean.

The house of God is for prayer, and we must not allow anything to pollute it so that our prayer will not be hindered from ascending to the Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The temple in Israel had three parts, the outer court, the middle court, and the holy of holies. Same for us, our bodies are divided into three: soul, spirit, and body. We must never allow anything we see around us to pollute us. When the water is outside the boat, there is no problem, but when it enters the boat, even the engine, there is a problem. Hezekiah instructed the priests to clean up the temple and bring every dirty thing out.

Our bodies are the temple of God, we have to make them clean with the precious blood of the Lamb so that God can dwell in them. Many believers are not conscious of the presence of God. They say things they would not have said if they knew He was there. They do and indulge in things that they would not have touched if they knew God was there. They assumed that as long as other people do not know, it was good. The Pastor or other members are not the ones who will rapture us to heaven, so it doesn’t matter whether he knows or not. Anyone who destroys the temple of God would He destroy.

The Priest has come to forgive the past, cleanse and fortify you for the future. He purifies and makes us fit for eternity. After you have Him, and He shows you very clearly how holy you ought to be, therefore, you have no excuse to remain dirty.

Christ loves the church and gave Himself to her so she can be clean and pure. He is our High Priest who makes us holy and clean with the water of His word. He takes from us the depravity of sin and every blemish.

Point 3: Reigning with Jesus, The King, Walking by Faith

Matthew 21:4-5; 2 Timothy 2:11-12; Matthew 16:18; 2 Timothy 2:11; Revelation 20:6.

The people put palm fronds and their clothes on the ground because they saw Him as King, but just a week later, they shouted “Crucify Him!”, they told Pilate that they had no king and Caesar was their king. Anyone can shout hosanna today and say crucify him tomorrow. What they said was just a confirmation of the prophecy which had been given, it didn’t really have any impact on their hearts.

  We need to allow the beasts in us to die. In every temple, there is a John and a Judas. John is quiet while Judas is not. In every heart, there is a John and Judas and both want to express themselves. John is good and will influence you positively. But if you allow Judas to take the upper hand, that is whom people will take you to be. When a powerful lion is caged and you want to kill it, just leave it there and not give it food and water. It will naturally die. Let John express himself in love and tenderness in you. Don’t pay attention to Judas, his characters, and his attributes.

You will reign with the Lord and for that to happen, you must take His word wholeheartedly. Make His word a priority in your life. You need to pray to the Lord today to purify, cleanse and make you clean. Determine to starve Judas in you to death. Don’t suffer because you are stubborn and given to the flesh. If you must suffer, let it be for righteousness, holiness, what Christ stood for and there will be no rival in your life again. The Lord who cleansed the temple will do the same for your life and your life will be beautiful and glorious.

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