

Text: John 6:1-71

many people always gathered to hear the preaching of Jesus. This time, they were hungry and needed to eat. Jesus performed a miracle by multiplying five loaves of bread and two fishes belonging to a young boy, to feed five thousand men, women and children not counted. They were happy; having eaten to their satisfaction, they wanted to make Jesus king over them by force. Not only when you have enough to eat, but at all times, make Jesus Lord over your life.

After this, the disciples attempted to cross the sea to the other side, then a great storm arose, but Jesus walking on the water, met them and calmed the storm.

Jesus is always on time to save His friends from trouble. The people Jesus fed followed Him to this new place, expecting Him to feed them with more bread. There are two parts to everyone’s life the physical and spiritual. The physical has needs which include food, shelter, clothing and others. These needs when provided, can only give temporary satisfaction like the multitude who Jesus fed.

They followed Jesus so as to have constant provision for physical needs. Jesus then made them understand that there is a more important need than food this is spiritual need. This spiritual need is the Bread of Life which is the Word of God. He came from heaven to feed us with the word of life so that we can be saved and qualified to live eternally with God in heaven at last.

  1. JESUS FEEDS THE HUNGRY: John 6:1-15; Matthew 14:17-21; Luke 9:13-17; Psalm 28:9

Jesus is interested in both our spiritual welfare and physical wellbeing. He knew the multitudes that came to hear Him were hungry and arranged to feed them. In the cause of telling others about the love of Jesus, we must not neglect the feeling and condition of the people. We should be like the lad who gave his food so that others could eat and not starve. The people wanted to make Jesus King so that He would continue to feed them. But Jesus refused because He did not come to rule for a short while as earthly kings do, but He is coming back to reign as King of kings. He taught them that the physical food would only give temporary satisfaction and they would need to eat again. Jesus told them that the Bread of heaven will feed us and we will not be hungry anymore. That is, whoever turns away from sin and makes Jesus his Saviour and Friend will receive salvation of his soul and enjoy eternal happiness with God in heaven. Are you a friend of Jesus? You must make Him your Saviour and Friend today.

  1. JESUS: THE BREAD OF LIFE: John 6:16-59; 4:13-15; Exodus 16:15

Jesus walked on the water and calmed the storm that threatened the lives of His disciples. He then went further to present Himself as the Bread of life to the people. Throughout the Bible, bread is used as a symbol to represent God’s life-sustaining provision. When Jesus told the hungry crowd which was seeking for more physical bread that He is the Bread of life, He was teaching us that He alone is the true Source of spiritual life, both in this present world and in the everlasting life to come. The Bread of life that Jesus represents can never perish, spoil or run out. It is a life-sustaining Bread as can be seen in this acronym. Build up your spiritual life and bless you with all necessary needs of the body.

Redeem you through the power of Christ’s atoning blood and restore you to a loving relationship with God. Empower you with the Holy Ghost and make you to excel in all areas of life. Accept you into His kingdom and avail you with all your physical and spiritual needs.

Deliver you from eternal damnation and from every evil work. Operate your heart and sanctify you through the power of His shed blood. Fulfil all your heart’s desire according to His word.

Lead you always in the right path Impart His character and image on you so that you can be like Him. Feed you with both physical and spiritual food till you is fully satisfied. Encourage and comfort you in times of trouble.

To partake of the Bread of life, every sinner must repent, confess his sins and ask for pardon and cleansing in the blood of Jesus.

  1. JESUS CHARGE TO HIS FRIENDS: John 6:60-71; 1 Peter 2:7,8

The Jews and some followers of Jesus were confused about Christ’s teaching on eating His flesh and drinking His blood. Yet, Jesus was teaching them that it is through believing in Him as the Messiah and Saviour and in continuing to remember His body that would be broken and His blood that He would shed on the Cross that they would be saved. When we believe and surrender our life to Jesus, the He becomes our Saviour and Friend. Like Peter and other disciples of Jesus, we have no other Person to follow. Some friends of Jesus turned back from following Him. We should not be like so them. They did not understand the teachings of Jesus and did not ask questions. When you do not understand the word of God you have been taught, ask your teacher to explain it to you. Do not stop loving w your Saviour and Lord. If you are still doing bad things like stealing, fighting and others, turn away from your bad ways. Share out of the Bread of Life by turning away from all your sins and in prayers, ask Jesus to forgive you. (Continue to follow Him as you daily read your Bible, meditate on it, pray it in, believe its words, obey everything, and share the Bread of life with others.


  1. What miracle did Jesus perform in our lesson?
  2. Why did the people want to forcefully make Jesus a King?
  3. Who is the Bread of life?
  4. How can a sinful child share in the Bread of life?
  5. Mention the things you can enjoy through the Bread of Life.

MEMORY VERSE: “And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth shall never thirst” (John 6:35).

LESSON: Jesus alone can satisfy our souls and give us eternal life.

THOUGHT: I believe in Jesus as my Saviour and Lord.

ACTIVITY: Search the Scriptures and write down five other names of Jesus.


CHORUSES: (1) Only Jesus can save (2) I am satisfied in Jesus (3) Give me y grace to follow.

HOMEWORK: Share the word of God with a sinner in your neighborhood.


Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.

  1. Symbol
  2. Life-sustaining
  3. Spiritual
  4. Wellbeing
  5. Forever.

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