TEXT: Mark 1:1-45; 2:1-28
When Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, curses were pronounced on them and they became separated from God. However, God made provision for man to come back into fellowship with Him. This great provision was the promise to send His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to come into the world to die for us (Genesis 3:15). This promise was fulfilled when Jesus was conceived and given birth to by Virgin Mary in Bethlehem of Judea. At the time of Jesus’ birth, the whole world was in darkness and separated from God. At the much appointed time, God raised up John the Baptist, who helped to prepare the way for the full revelation of God in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. John the Baptist was the first one who preached the good news concerning Jesus, as the One who would come and baptize His followers with the Holy Spirit. Immediately after John’s proclamation, Jesus, revealed Himself ready to begin His ministry. Before He started His work, He submitted Himself for water baptism by John the Baptist. He also passed through temptation from Satan and came out triumphantly. Then, lastly, He chose able and willing men to assist Him in His great work. Thereafter, Jesus started His ministry in earnest. Multitudes of people became partakers of Christ’s earthly ministry and were saved, healed, blessed and enlisted in God’s kingdom. The ministry of Christ is still ongoing. He is still saving sinners, healing the sick, delivering the oppressed and setting the captives free. Boys and girls must make up their minds to partake of the great work that Jesus is doing presently the world.
Mark 1:1-20; Matthew 3:13-17; 4:1-11,18-22; Luke 3:21,22; 4:1-13
Jesus came into the world to do the will of God, His heavenly Father. He knew all that He had been ordained to do. However, to have great success in the work and also show us a good example of how to do things, He made adequate preparation before He started His work. As friends of Jesus, we are to follow His example in everything that we do. We must plan and prepare for important projects like schools to attend, career choice, evangelism or Christian outreach programmes, etc.
(i) Baptism – Jesus submitted Himself for water baptism under the ministry of John the Baptist. This He did to: – Show His approval of the ministry of John, His forerunner. – Identify Himself with sinners whom He came to save and – Fulfil all righteousness. Immediately after His baptism, the heavens opened and the Holy Ghost descended to empower Him for kingdom ministry. When a sinner comes to Christ, he must repent, turn from his sins and be baptized in water as a sign that he now belongs to Jesus.
(ii) Fasting and prayer – Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights. He prepared Himself by means of prayer and meditation on the word of God for the work the Father sent Him to do. You must cultivate the attitude of praying and fasting not only when you are told to do so, but as an act of obedience to Jesus’ command. In every decision you want to make, put it before the Lord through fasting and prayer.
(iii) Temptation and triumph – Immediately after His fasting, Jesus was tempted by Satan. His preparation through fasting and prayer, made Him to triumph over Satan. As Jesus triumphed, so He expects His friends to resist Satan and triumph over him.
(iv). The call of His disciples -Jesus knew that the work He has come to do is much, and that He needs to call people to work with Him. Therefore, He began by calling some people to follow Him to become fishers of men. The first calling of the disciples is to follow Jesus, and to know Him personally. Asa result of this relationship, they must then lead others to a saving knowledge of Jesus. The call of Jesus is still coming to boys and girls today. Are you a sinner, come to Him, repent and confess your sins to Him. Ask Him to forgive and cleanse your heart with His blood. Then ask Him into your heart to be your Lord and Saviour. The disciples immediately forsook all and followed Jesus. You too must forsake all to follow Him.
Mark 1:7,8,21-45; 2,17,23-28; Luke 4:16-21
‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed no to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable as the year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18,19). This statement by Christ Himself summari programme and purpose of His ministry on earth. It is a four-fold mission which are:
(i) Preaching the gospel of the kingdom – Jesus came to proclaim and bring to completion the kingdom of God. This was the theme of His earthly message. He preached to call sinners to repentance. This is the same assignment He has given to all His friends. If you are a friend of Jesus. Then you must preach the gospel to sinners and bring them to the Saviour.
(ii) Healing of the sick – This healing involves the whole person both physical and spiritual. He demonstrated this immediately He started His ministry by casting out unclean spirit from the possessed, healing Simon’s mother-in-law and those with different diseases. Cleansing a leper, forgiving and healing of a man with palsy and many others. If you are sick, pray to Jesus. He is our great Physician. He will heal you.
(iii) Opening of the spiritual eyes of those blinded by the world and Satan order that they might see the light and accept the truth of God’s word.
(iv) Proclamation of freedom and salvation from Satan’s dominion, sin, fear and guilt. Sinners have no excuse to remain under Satan’s control. Jesus has finished the work of their salvation. You most therefore go forth and proclaim this gospel truth to all the sinners around you.
Jesus came into the world as it was prophesied of Him. He went about doing good, healing the sick, delivering the oppressed, preaching the gospel and preparing the saints for God’s kingdom. At the conclusion of His earthly ministry, He laid down His fife on the cross, died, was buried and rose triumphantly on the third day. Before His ascension, He handed over the assignment to His friends empowered them with the Holy Ghost so that they can succeed as He did. The disciples did their part and handed over to the next generation. Now it is our turn to continue with Christ’s ministry. Are you saved? If no, the first thong s to answer His call to be saved. Repent, turn from your sins and accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour. Then, go further to pray for the sanctification of your heart and Holy Ghost baptism. This will enable you to faithfully carry on with Christ’s ministry.
To partake in Christ’s ministry, you must have pa sinful boys and girls. Also, determine to surrender fully to Christ and become ‘’ fishers of men’. The disciples left their fishing business to follow Jesus. You sinners to ca. to repentance pursuit or career, but wherever you are, there are your heart. Preach the Let the assignment be the paramount desire of gospel to sinners in your school, playground, and market. Our neighborhood, community and everywhere you go. Christ has promised to bless all who obey and join Him in doing the work.
- Jesus came into the world to fulfil His Father’s will. Yes/No?
- How did Jesus prepare for His ministry on earth?
- Describe the programme and purpose of Christ’s ministry on earth.
- What should a (i) sinner (ii) friend of Jesus do to partake in Jesus’ ministry?
MEMORY VERSE: ”Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel” (Mark 1:14,15).
LESSON: Jesus came to save, heal and set the captives free.
THOUGHT: Accept Jesus as my personal Saviour and Lord.
ACTIVITY: Use the key to decode the passage. Then you will find out what Jesus came to the world to do.
(1) Anywhere He went, He was doing well.
(2) Jesus, the same yesterday, today and forever.
(3) I know He’s able, He’s able.
HOMEWORK: Preach the gospel to a child during the week. Invite to fellowship.
Find t inclining of these words. You can use your dictionary:
1. Ministry 2. Multitude 3. Enlist 4. Outreach 5. Triump