

TEXT: Mark 3.1-35

Who were the 12 disciples and what were their jobs? | End Time MessageThe Wycliffe Bible Dictionary processes of learning under a teacher. In a broad sense, Jesus Christ fines disciple as a pupil who submits to used the term disciple to describe all His followers who come under the influence of His teaching and strive to conform to His principles. “Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed(John 8:31). Jesus’ disciples then and now are people who respond to His invitation to … learn of me (Matthew 11:29a). However, the disciples of Jesus can be divided into two categories.

(i) Those who repent. surrender to Jesus and wholeheartedly accept Him as Lord and Saviour. They are expected to follow Him and serve Him faithfully and acceptably.

(ii) Those who are specifically called and ordained like the twelve apostles. They were called out of the greater company that they might be with Christ, hear Him teach about the kingdom. witness and later perform signs and wonders, and proclaim the gospel to the world. This study will examine the call of this second category, their works and lessons we can learn from their obedience to the Master. Are you a friend of Jesus? Then you are called to be a disciple. If not yet a friend of Jesus, you must answer the call to be saved so that you can become a child of God and also be able to serve Him faithfully


Mark 3:1-19; Matthew 4:18-22; 10:1-4; Luke 10:1,2; Acts 9:1-20.

 Jesus came into the world to fulfil God’s divine purpose for mankind. He went about preaching the good news, healing the sick and setting the captives free. As He was doing these great works, He knew that the time is short and that He would need people to carry on the work after Him. Therefore, He called some men to follow Him and become fishers of men. There were many people who came to Jesus and He taught them about the kingdom. Out of this great multitude, He only chose twelve of them to be His disciples. These twelve men later became apostles who formed the foundation of the New Testament church. The twelve were as follows: Simon Peter, James, John, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew also known as Nathanael, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddeus, Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot who later betrayed Him.

Today, Jesus is still calling out to boys and girls to come and be His disciples. This call is in two parts:

(i) The call to repent from sin. This is the first call to every child. As you hear this call, you most respond without delay. Repent now, confess your sins to Christ, ask Him to forgive and wash your heart clean with His blood. Accept Him into your life as personal Lord and Saviour.

(ii) The call to partner with Christ in the work of the kingdom. This work involves preaching of the gospel to sinful boys and girls, following up on new converts, teaching younger ones the word of God and doing everything that will influence sinners to become friends of Jesus. As a disciple of Jesus, you are to walk in His steps by following His example of love, humility, compassion and willingness to serve others, and other characters He has shown us. Asa friend of Jesus, you are called to be a disciple, obey His voice and follow Him.


Mark 3:14,15; Matthew 10:24-39; 16:24-26; Luke 9:1-6; 1 Timothy 3:1-13; 2 Timothy 3:15

The twelve friends that Jesus called to work for Him were true disciples except Judas Iscariot who allowed Satan to deceive him. They obeyed His call to be saved, sanctified and to serve Him faithfully and acceptably. What then are the characteristics or attributes of a true disciple of Jesus? A true disciple must be:

(i) Saved from sin and its consequences. He must have repented and turned away from his bad ways.

(ii) Sanctified and made holy in his heart and character.

(iii) Spirit-filled through baptism with the Holy Ghost power.

(iv) Separated from the world and ungodly influences.

(v) Sober in his lifestyle, not given to any form of naughty behaviour.

(vi) Selfless in serving the Lord.

(vii) Sound in the knowledge of the Bible as he daily reads, think on and obey God’s word.

(viii) Steadfast and immovable in his faith and walk with the Lord.

(ix) Single-minded in his decision to serve and follow the Lord till the end. From these characteristics, can you really say you area true disciple? If i no, you can pray for God to input these attributes into your life. He has called you and will also equip you to achieve His purpose for your life. If your answer is yes, then strive more to serve Christ because it is only those that shall endure to the end that shall be saved.


Mark 3:1-19; 16:15-20; Matthew 4:17-19; Luke 5:1-11; Acts 1:8; 8:4-8; 2 Timothy 4:1,2

When Jesus called His twelve ‘disciples, He told them exactly the assignment He has for them. Mark 1:17 gives us a good explanation of the assignment: “And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men ‘. After calling the disciples, He then commissioned them to carry out this important assignment. To commission means to invest with ministerial or sacred functions. The word also means to establish, order, train, appoint and set apart. The disciples were not only called to be saved, they were commissioned or set apart for a sacred assignment. Jesus sanctified them, sent the Holy Spirit to empower them for service. He also gave them power and authority to heal the sick, raise the dead, open the eyes of the blind and cast out devils. The disciples after been commissioned went out, preached the gospel and did great wonders through the name of Jesus. These disciples except Judas are in heaven now enjoying their rewards. Now it is your time to be commissioned. The work of preaching the gospel is ongoing till Jesus comes in the rapture. You must enlist in the workforce of the kingdom. The Bible reveals that the harvest is still plenty and the labourers are few. Be among the few who will work for Jesus and preach the gospel. Be an evangelist in your school, home and community. As you grow, pray so that you can be a missionary and a teacher of the word of God. There are many rewards for those who will obey. Do not miss it.


  1. How many disciples did Jesus call?
  2. Mention the names of the twelve disciples.
  3. What were the disciples called to do?
  4. What are the characteristics of a true disciple?
  5. How can a (i) sinful child (ii) friend of Jesus become a true Disciple?

MEMORY VERSE: And he ordained twelve, that they should be with him, and that he might send them forth to preach, And to have power to heal sicknesses, and to cast out devils (Mark 3:14,15).

LESSON: Jesus is calling boys and girls to be saved and to faithfully serve Him.

THOUGHT: I will answer Jesus’ call.

ACTIVITY: The names of the twelve apostles will fit exactly in the squares in the puzzle. Read Matthew 10:2-4 as a guide.



(1) There were twelve disciples Jesus called to help Him

(2) When He calls me, I will answer.

(3) It is a good thing to serve the Lord.

HOMEWORK: Children should be given tracts to witness to at least two children during the week.

BIBLE WORD SEARCH Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

  1. Selfless 2. Disciple 3. Sacred 4. Commission 5. Divine.

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