
Harvesting in The Last Days Through the Healing Revival

Text: Psalm 67:1-2,6-7; Acts 8:5-8,12

In the healing revival, we start from the top, the heads, from our Leaders, Ministers, Bishops, Pastors, and Church Founders, we start and there is healing for everyone. Then we come to our Ministers, and professionals, the healing stream flows on and they are hale and healthy. Then we come to the people in the church, as well as our members because charity, power, and healing gift begin from home. We pass the healing virtue of the Lord upon them.

Then we take the healing gift and power outside the church, to every village and city, and it begins to manifest not only in one person but everywhere. When the world sees, they will want to find out the story and come to the source of miracles, and we lead them to Christ. You are going to begin that in Togo here and all over the world, from here, we will transmit the power of God to heal and deliver everywhere.

After Philip’s Ministrations, many people were saved, many were healed and delivered of demons and evil spirits, and there was great joy in that city. Seven of them were chosen to serve food, one of them, Stephen had died, so, where were the remaining five? When we do the right things, we will have the right results. Many lives will be turned around. Many souls will be saved, healed, and delivered.

Point 1: Turning and Transforming the Hurting with Healing

John 4:46-53; 10:37-38,41-42; 7:31; Luke 7:19-23; Acts 9:32-35,40-42; 11:19-21; 19:11-12,17-20

People are hurting, with many sick. Hospitals, private and public are springing up everywhere. If the church will be up and about, she will be of help to many. The hospitals are showing more love to the hurting and sick than the church. The medical doctors went to school for nothing less than seven years to become professional caregivers, how many hours have you spent searching the Scriptures to become a healing Evangelist?

Normally, a nobleman like this will not like to come to an open-air meeting like this to ask for help, but it was an emergency situation. He came to ask for help and Jesus Himself had to come out to help him. No matter what you have, you need to come out so that people can reach out and get help from you. Jesus said except the people see signs and wonders, they won’t believe.

The world will see wonders from the Church. There are churches on every street, yet, the sick remember the hospital first before they think of the church. Jesus knew that the world was created through different pronouncements, the decree came forth and it was so, He also knows that He and His Father are one. When He said it, it was done. Like Father, like His only begotten Son. So, he pronounced to the man to go because his son lived.

I am one with Christ, as well as you. If you believe that what you say will be done, it will be done. It is not the tone of your voice, choice of words, or quality of grammar, Satan and sickness do not know grammar. At times, two preachers are preaching, with one making a lot of grammatical mistakes, and his pronouncements will be done because God does not look at grammar, He looks at the heart. The other one is preaching with perfect grammar, and a good physique but because he does not have faith in his heart, nothing happens. God does not care about proper grammar, but our faith.

This was how it worked with the Apostles. Peter saw Arenas who had kept his bed for 8 years, that is, he had been bedridden for 8 years. He declared him healed and commanded him to get up and he was healed. How do miracles happen? By you believing in the declaration of faith you are making in your heart. Peter understood this, we should also understand that we have a ministry and whatever we say shall come to pass.

It is like telling my boy to get up, take a chair, and put it in another place. Even though he has the free will to obey or not obey, I believe in my heart that he will obey. Now, coming to sickness, it doesn’t have free will and must obey our command. Peter commanded Aeneas to get up because he was healed. He obeyed and rose immediately. What was the result? All the people in Lydda believed. That is what the power of healing does. It brings many souls to Christ.

Point 2:  Teaching the Truth of Healing for The Harvest

Jeremiah 5:24; Matthew 9:35-38; 10:1,5-8; Mark 3:14-15; Luke 9:2,6; 10:1-2,8-9,10-17

We are living in the time of harvest when we will harvest souls to the Kingdom of God. There was a problem with the Israelites: none of them chose to fear God who brings rain and harvest. They didn’t know the favour which God has done to them between harvesting and sowing time. This is the time of harvest, and God has appointed for us the appointed weeks of harvest. These are the last days, and if we are going to harvest souls, this is the time.

Do you understand this? Why are you now saying that you are too old, are you wiser than God? Why will you say that you are not educated? Some say they have family problems; how would they go out and preach to others? Stop every other consideration that negates the reservation of the week of harvest for you. But please, understand that when the prophets of old say ‘week’ they don’t mean 7 days. When Daniel used the word week, he was actually referring to years of sevens. The Lord has reserved for us years of weeks and periods of the harvest of souls. Realizing this, we learn the truth of healing for the harvest.

Christ ordained the 12 that they would be with Him and also go to preach. He wanted to teach them what to do, what to preach, and how to make the preaching effective.

Christ brought His disciples around Him so they can learn from Him, and so He could give them authority to heal and deliver the oppressed. He brought them nearby. How did they learn?

i. By Observation. They saw Him as He commanded the sick to rise and take his bed and go home.

ii. By Demonstration. He wanted to raise the dead and He picked Peter, James, and John to where the daughter of Jairus was dead. He got there and spoke the word and the damsel to rise and she did. That is a demonstration.

iii. By Consecration. He said I must work the work of Him who sent me while it is the day, the night comes when no one can work.

iv. By Submission. He submitted to the will of the Father.

v. By Separation. John the Baptist who came before Him did no miracle. He didn’t say because of that He would not do miracles.

vi. By Utterance and Declaration. Christ declared to the man who brought his son, “all things are possible to Him that believes“. When you bring all these things together, you see the teaching ministry of Jesus in practical things.

There are many theoretical things you learn that you can only turn around in your brain.

Do you believe that when you speak to the sick, that the words are not yours, and your words will not do anything but Christ dwelling in you does the work? Some people think by fasting for 7 days, and their words are not powerful. This is not true. You cannot close the mouth of Jesus, and your fasting won’t open it either. Christ living in you speaks the word. Pastor, are you saying that fasting is not good? What I’m saying is that it is not your fasting that will make Christ speak.

Peter and John were going to the temple in the hour of prayer.

Peter said, “in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk!” The man had never heard anyone talk to him like that before and he was 40 years of age. He was alive when Jesus was on earth but no one took him to Jesus, but they carried him to the temple every day. The disciples of Jesus did to him what He would have done if he were here on earth. You will get well, and the people you go to will be well.

It is not how you feel, or what you feel. Look for example, as I’m standing here, do I have a brain? Can I feel it? No. Can I see my eyeballs? No. Do I have eyes? Yes. It is not how you feel, but whom you have.

Look at farmers who just plant their seeds with the confidence that they will germinate even if they have not gone to school to study how seeds germinate. Anyone, educated or illiterate who plants the seed, will definitely see it growing. Go and practice it. The disciples went everywhere, preaching the word and the Lord went with them. Do the same and you will see the hands of God.

John 14:12. “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father”.

This is your day and time; you are the one who will do it.

Point 3: Transmitting the Triumph of The Healer to His Household

Deuteronomy 34:9-12; Joshua 3:5-7; 1 Kings 19:13,15-16,19-21; 2 Kings 13:20-21; Acts 5:12-16; 14:7-10; 1 Corinthians 12:7-11

Look at this example. This man has been working for years and has a large bank account and a lot of resources. He calls his household and says he will not be here forever and does not want the government or any other person to eat up what he had acquired. So, he brings his household together being a generous and loving father and husband. He distributes everything he has to them. Even to the youngest in the family he also gave a portion. Everybody got their own.

When Jesus was to go up and prepare a place for us, He called and gave to His disciples all He had. If He was so generous to go and prepare a place for us in heaven, then He will also give us our own portion. When Moses was to leave, he didn’t sneak away, but he called Joshua and handed him all he needed to guide and lead the children of Israel to the Promise Land. So, Jesus did to His disciples of that time and this time, He has made available to us all we need to succeed in ministry. He said whatsoever we ask the Father in His name He will do. If you want success, fruits, healing ministry, etc. it is done! He gives gifts to everyone without partiality.

You must not close your mouth or your bottle holding water from thirsty people. Open your bottle and go give the people and you will satisfy many lives here in Togo and beyond.

If I want to give you something and you fold your hands behind you and sit back and not move towards me, you won’t receive anything from me. This was why the Lord turned to the Gentiles when the Jews rejected the gospel. Your gift of power and healing is here, rise and get it. It is there for you my brother and sister. Don’t say you have never done it before, start now, start today. The name of Jesus that cannot fail has been given to you, use it profitably.

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