The ABC Of All-Around Abundant Life and Renewal.
Minister: Pastor Dr. Kumuyi
Text: Psalms 103:1-5,11-13,19,22
Praise the Lord, On this final day, whatever you have missed, you are getting today. Today is a glorious day to have salvation and great healing from the Lord, today you will take all your blessings back home. And even though we are finishing today, the blessing will continue. As we conclude the crusade today, I want you to understand that there’s still a blessing, salvation, new life, abundant life, miracle, and healing waiting for you, You will not miss your miracle. The miracle you’re having today is as simple as ABC, receiving salvation, and the deliverance you’re having tonight, simple as ABC, anyone who comes tonight, ABC, will get your miracle today, Your miracle is as simple as ABC. You can get all-around abundant life today.
The Psalmist said, “Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that is within me, bless his holy name.”
Because your soul will receive God’s blessings, everything within you will bless the Lord as well, because they will all receive God’s blessings. Benefits from heaven, bless every part of your life, and because heaven loves you, heaven blesses everything within you. He so loved you, merciful, compassionate, and forgave every sin you have committed. And then today is the final day of the crusade, any remnant of sin or any kind of guilt still remaining, He will take away. He will heal all your diseases; every sickness is going to be removed.
What is disease?
Whatever is disturbing and breaking up your mind, and removing your peace is a disease, the Lord will remove it tonight. There is earthly destruction and eternal destruction—He redeemed you from all kinds of destruction on earth, and He will take away all eternal destruction. This is what He does, and tonight blessings innumerable will come to you. There is Salvation, there’s satisfaction, there’s sufficiency, and today He will satisfy every mouth that prays and demands. The old life, the sorrowful life is turned into a happy life because He renews your strength like eagles, for you, you’re here for blessings tonight, and tonight is going to be a time of miracle for your life, for your spirit, and for your body.
Point 1: Abandon All Abominable Secrets with Transparent Repentance.
Psalm 19:12-13; Job 22:21-28; Jeremiah 4:3-4,14, Revelation 21:8,27
God is holy and righteous; He will bless us if we abandon, reject, and cast away all abominable secrets and come with open repentance. Many times we don’t understand our secret abomination, we go to church, and you help other people but we do not understand the secret abomination God looks at. Abomination in our character, habit, and lifestyle—we do not understand our hidden abomination, as the Bible says. the Psalmist said, who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.
Presumptuous sin occurs when a person claims that God is merciful and loving, and that they can do whatever they want; this is presumptuous sin. Consider David. He was a Christian who loved everyone, but he thought Christianity allowed him to take another person’s wife. That’s what many people do today: we assume that because God is love, we can disobey Him and sin against Him on purpose. That’s presumptuous sin, and that’s why the Psalmist prays to God to keep him from presumptuous sins. He said, keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.”
You’ve been far away, you’ve been in the far country like a prodigal son, if you will turn to the Almighty, you shall be built up. The Lord is going to rebuild your life; the lives that have been broken down, scattered, destroyed, the lives that have gone down to become nothing, the Lord will take all those pieces of life and bring them back this night, but you must return to God; that’s transparent repentance; that’s serious and true repentance; so that you’re not coming back every day for repentance; put that sin far away from you; if you’re hiding secret sins in your life, put them away;
If you don’t stop that sin, you’re challenging the authority of God, God sees everything and if you continue in that sin till death comes, is like you’re spiting before the Almighty God, and if you die in that condition, you are lost forever and hellfire will be your final destination. But as you come to the Lord and you ask for the forgiveness of the Lord, and you receive the forgiveness, you’re no more spitting in the presence of God and you’re no more disobeying God, and every time you’re rending thanks to God and when you leave this world, you will get to heaven because you don’t keep on stealing, blaspheming God, spitting at the face of God, and because you know Christ died for you, you repent and you’re no more doing things that blaspheme the Name of God, that is repentance and you will get to heaven
Point 2: Believe with Absolute Surrender to The Trustworthy Redeemer.
Acts 8:35-39; 19:18-20; Luke 4:8,18,32;9:61-67
He is our redeemer, He died on the Cross to take away our sins, He is trustworthy, we can trust Him, we cannot trust Satan, he is a liar, we cannot trust the idol worshipper, he is also a liar, they will say they will help you and make you happy, they will say they will solve your problem and then you go to them, if you look at their surroundings, they are not decent, if herbalist is going to help you, he Jesus is the trustworthy Redeemer; He is the One who can wash away every sin; you must surrender to Him.
He wants to take all those evil things away from your life, you must surrender and believe Him. Without believing Him, He cannot do the operation on you. That surrender and trust are what you need to surrender to Christ, and He will operate on you and take your sins away, and He will give you a new life; He is the trustworthy Redeemer, and believing Him means completely surrendering your life to Christ. How do you know Christ will save you? It’s somebody that introduces you to Christ, and you hear about Christ, He’s a Saviour, God sent Him to save those who will believe, when you believe, you will have everlasting life.
You hear about Christ the Redeemer as transparent, and trustworthy; He has changed the life of other people, and the day you hear about Him; you start believing Him. If you will believe with all your heart, not with half of your heart, you don’t have to say you will confess your sins to your priest, it doesn’t work that way, you come to Christ and He does the job.
A baby cannot repent, and infant baptism cannot work for eternal life. If you believe with all your heart, then you shall be baptized, you believe with absolute surrender to the trustworthy Redeemer. The Spirit of the Lord will confirm that the work is done, and you will go on your way rejoicing. The joy of Salvation will be there because you abandon all your secret abominations with transparent repentance, and you believe with absolute surrender
Point 3: Come for Abundant Supply and Transforming Renewal.
Luke 9:23-26; John 7:37-38; Romans 12:1-2;3 John 1:2
You must make your own decision; no one can force you to do so. You must come to Christ on your own volition, and as you do so, you must tell Him who you are and what you want.
You want Salvation and it’s after that, you ask for healing. Sin is more serious than sickness, you feel the pain of sickness but you don’t feel the pain of sin, sin is like leprosy, you don’t feel the pain of leprosy until all the other parts of the body are affected then it becomes incurable.
The problem we don’t feel is more dangerous than the problem we feel. If somebody dies in sickness, he can get to heaven but if somebody dies in sin he can never get to heaven. That’s why repentance comes, if you deal with the problem of sickness and you don’t deal with the problem of sin, hellfire will be your place of abode forever. That’s why you need Salvation first, and then you need healing for the heart, not for heaven. Heaven and hell are forever and ever, if you have healing, you will enjoy the healing for years, but salvation is forever and ever, that’s why the most important is your salvation.
The Lord says come unto me, and as you come He will give you eternal life, and then after you get Salvation, you now come for healing, you must, first of all, get freedom from sin, and salvation, this is what will last you for millions of years, now Christ calls you to come unto Him and He will give you salvation, eternal life tonight, as you come tonight He will forgive you, He will give you abundant life, abundant supply, real salvation He will give to you tonight.