
lesson 25 Christ’s power over demons, diseases and death

Text: Mark 5:1—43; Luke 8:19—56

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor¡ he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to, preach     deliverance      to     the   captives,  and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord” (Luke 4:18,19). This passage clearly shows the mission of Jesus on earth. It is a multiple fold mission that no prophet or anyone that ever lived can lay claim to. Jesus alone is vested with full authority and power to:

(i) preach the gospel to the poor, afflicted and brokenhearted

(ii) Heal those who are bruised and oppressed by Satan. This healing is both physical and spiritual.

(iii) Open the spiritual eyes of those blinded by Satan and

(iv) Proclaim true freedom and salvation from Satan’s bondage.

During His earthly ministry, Jesus went about to accomplish this multiple fold mission. At the end of His work on earth, He surrendered Himself to die on the cross. After three days, He rose triumphantly because death could not confine Him to the grave. Then He declared that all power in heaven and on earth has been given unto Him. This is the power to save sinners, cast out demons, heal the sick, deliver the oppressed, set the captives free and raise the dead.

He then gave this power to His friends to forth and continue with His work on earth. Are you a friend of Jesus, living a holy life? Then pray to receive the power of the Holy Ghost, so that you can do what Jesus has called you to do. If you are still a sinner, you are under Satan’s dominion. Repent now and ask for forgiveness and cleansing the rough the blood of Jesus. Ask Jesus to be your personal Saviour and Lord. And if you are sick and urder demonic influence, the power of Christ is still available to deliver and set you free.


Mark 5:1—20; Luke 8:26-39; Matthew 8:1-28-34

As Jesus continued His work with His disciples, they got to a country of the Gadarenes. Here they came in contact with a demon-possessed man. The demons immediately recognized and acknowledge d the power and authority of Jesus. The demon-possessed even ran to worship Christ. Jesus shows compassion on the possessed man and cast out the demons through His word.

No demon can resist the power of Christ. Immediately, the man was set free  and the demons perished with the swine. who run errands for him. They are demons are messengers of uncles spirits that cannot be sickness and mental problem to Satan seen with the physical eyes. They cause humans. They also possess the hearts of sinful boys and girls in form of witchcraft, familiar spirits, etc. Such children are used by Satan for wicked assignments. If you are suffering under the dominion of Satan, there is hope for you. Jesus is not willing that you die and perish. He wants you to come to Him and receive deliverance. You can seek prayers and guidance from your godly teachers, parents and pastors. As a friend of Jesus, you need not be afraid of demons, Jesus has given you authority to cast them out. All you need do is to live a holy and prayerful life.


Mark 5:21-34; Luke 8:43-48; Matthew 9:18-22

In our Bible passage, we can see how Jesus demonstrated His power over sicknesses and diseases (Mark 5:25-35). In this instance, a woman who has been afflicted with an issue of blood (continuous loss of blood) for twelve years came, touched Christ’s garment and she was healed of her disease. This shows that even the clothes of Jesus carry power. There are so may instances of instantaneous healing by Christ during His earthly ministry. Many sick people were often brought to Him and He healed them all. He has power and authority over every sickness and diseases, lamentations, deafness, blindness, ulcer, Coronavirus, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, stomach- ache, headache, etc. Diseases are subject to the name and power of Christ. Sickness and diseases are the result of the fall of man arid Satan’s activity in the world. “For this purpose the word of God was manifested so that might destroy the works of the devil(l John 3:8b).

Jesus heals and also gives gifts of healing to His church. He commanded His friends to heal the sick as part of their of the gospel message. Are you Sick? Then there is good news for you. Jesus the same yesterday, today forever will heal you right now. Believe that He has power to heal you. Pray with faith and receive your healing.


Mark 5:21-24,35-43; Luke 8:49-56; John 11:38-44; Matthew 9:18,19,23-26

while Jesus was still speaking with the woman who has the issue of blood, a message came to Jairus who had come to Jesus for the healing of his only daughter that she has died and that there was no point for him to trouble Jesus. When Jesus heard them, He told Jairus not to be afraid but only believe. Jesus then tool Peter, James and John along to Jairus’ house.

As Jesus got to the house, He excused the crowd, went inside and took the twelve-year old girl by the hand and said “Talitha cumi” which means, “damsel I say unto thee, arise!” Because death recognises the voice of Jesus, it released its grip over the girl’s life and she arose from death to the armament of the people. Now Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. He has irreversible power over demons, diseases and death.

As friends of Jesus, you have nothing to fear. So do not cry when you are sick, rather pray to God in the Name of Jesus. You will be made whole. Do not fear death because Jesus has conquered it on the cross when He said “It is finished”. Always pray and claim the promise of God Which says, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17). A sinner is under the judgment of death. Therefore, he needs to urgently seek the Saviour, repent, pray for forgiveness and cleansing of his sins and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour. He will be delivered from sin and eternal death.


  1. Who has authority and power over demons, diseases and death?
  2. Where did Jesus cast the unclear spirit in the demonic man to?
  3. What did the woman with the issue of blood say in her mind as she moved among the crowd? Was she made whole?
  4. Jesus raised        from the dead.
  5. Can Jesus still heal and deliver today?

MEMORY VERSE: “Howbeit Jesus suffered him not, but saith unto him, Go home to thy friends, and tell them how great things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had compassion on thee” (Mark 5:19).

LESSON: Jesus has power to heal, deliver and set the captives free.

THOUGHT: Lord, I will trust you for help in time of need.

ACTIVITY: Testimony time — children arc to share testimonies of how they were healed and delivered through the power in the name of Jesus.



(l) Jesus conquered the world and gave us victory.

(2) I know He’s able.

(3) Unquestionable You are the Lord.

HOMEWORK: Search the Scripture and write out five Bible where the disciples of Jesus showed authority demons, diseases and death instances in the and power over


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:  1. Mission

  1. Proclaim 3. Triumph 4. Dominion 5. Instantaneous.

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