Deuteronomy 31 1-30, 32 1 52

Farewell is the art of saying goodbye while a charge is a command or instruction given to someone or a group of people. Moses was a servant of God. He was called at the age of eighty (80) years to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. This assignment was to make Moses take them to Canaan, the promised land. The children of Israel witnessed many signs and wonders which God performed in Egypt. This was to convince them that God indeed sent Moses. God also wanted to show His power to king Pharaoh who was refusing to let the Israelites go. It was not an easy task for Moses as the children of Israel provoked him several times. Moses’ humility and patience helped him to endure a lot. The only time that Moses lost his patience was at the water of Meribah when God told him to speak to the rock so that water could come out. Moses hit the rock instead. This made God angry and He told Moses that he would only see the promised land, but not enter it. After leading the Israelites for forty (40) years, it was time for him to depart God told him to handover leadership to Joshua who had been his assistant Thus, Moses gathered the children of Israel and made his farewell charge (last speech) to them Death is certain for everyone but for believers, it is the gateway to eternal life in heaven. Moses is there now, enjoying his reward. You too must strive to serve the Lord faithfully so as to see Him in heaven someday

  1. MOSES FAREWELL CHARGE: Deuteronomy 31:1-13, 23-30

Moses knew that he had come to the end of his life. He knew also that he could not leave the Israelites without words of encouragement or challenge. He needed to say the final goodbye to them, so he gathered them and gave them the assurance that God, Who brought them out of bondage in Egypt would take them to the land He promised. He encouraged them not to be afraid of the enemy nations because God would give them victory. He reminded them that all they needed to do was to continue following God in obedience, teach their younger ones and the strangers the laws and ways of God. He also presented Joshua, his successor, to them and charged him to be courageous. Here are some godly lessons from Moses’ final speech:

(i) He encouraged the people to keep on following the Lord. You must also do the same; let your words and ways encourage other people and lead them to Christ.

(ii) He told them to teach strangers and their children, young and old, the way of the Lord. You must do likewise, teach and preach the word of God to people around – classmates, a friends, neighbours and everyone you come in contact with.

(iii) Moses presented Joshua as the God-given a leader after him; he would lead them to a the promised land. You must be obedient to your leaders as they lead you in the way of the Lord.

(iv) Though he knew he was getting to the end of his life, Moses was not afraid of death. He knew he had served God faithfully and was going to rest with the Lord. You must live and serve Cod faithfully and not be afraid of death.

  1. MOSES’ FAREWELL SONG: Deuteronomy 31:14-23; 32:1-47; 2 Samuel 22:31-36

God instructed Moses and Joshua to present themselves in the tabernacle of the congregation. The Lord then e appeared to them in a pillar of cloud and stood at the door. He revealed to Moses what the children of Israel would do when Moses was gone (dead). The Lord told him that when they enter the promised land and have eaten and filled themselves, then they will turn to serve f other gods, thereby breaking the Lord’s covenant and provoking Him.

God therefore instructed Moses to write a song as a witness against them and to teach the children of Israel the song. Moses did exactly as the Lord commanded him. He was obedient to God till the end of his life. He was close to God that He (God) told him what the children of Israel would do after his -departure. God knows the end from the beginning. Also, God does not hide what He wants to do from His faithful and obedient servants (Genesis 18:17). He is a loving Father. However, you must know that you cannot hide anything from God – He sees and knows all things.

  1. MOSES’ PREPARATION FOR HIS FINAL DEPARTURE: Deuteronomy 32:48-52; Numbers 27:12-23; Ecclesiastes 3:1,2

Though God punishes sin, He forgives the sinner who genuinely repents, cl forsakes his sinful ways and follow Him diligently. Moses had come to the end of his earthly sojourn and God instructed him to go to Mount Nebo which is in the land of Moab. He was to look at the promised land from there, but he would not enter it with the Israelites. God reminded Moses of what happened at the waters of Meribah-Kadesh in the wilderness of Zin. He struck the rock to get water for the children of Israel T instead of speaking to it. God was angry and He pronounced that Moses and Aaron would not enter the promised land. Moses, however, repented from his disobedience and continued to  serve God in obedience till the end of life. Thus, Moses, the meekest man on earth (Numbers 12:3), according to the word of God, died on Mount Nebo.

For you to enter heaven, our own promised land, you must make your ways right with God. If you are not yet a friend of Jesus, take these steps now to ( become one:

(i) Realise that you are a sinner

(ii) Confess your sins to God and forsake them

(iii) Ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus

(iv) Invite Jesus into your hearts as Saviour and Friend

(v) Begin to follow Him as you pray and read your Bible every day.


  1. Who was Moses?
  2. Why did Moses give a farewell speech?
  3. Who succeeded Moses?
  4. Why did Moses not enter the Promised Land?
  5. What must a sinner do to enter heaven?

MEMORY VERSE: Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the LORD your God, and observe to do all the words of this law” (Deuteronomy 31:12).

LESSON: Obedience brings blessings.

THOUGHT: I will be obedient to God so that I will not miss heaven and His blessings on earth.

ACTIVITY: Prayer of consecration.



(1) I will never let the devil win the battle

(2) Until I reach my home

(3) Heaven is full of joy.

HOMEWORK: Go out and warn sinners of the danger of remaining in their sinful ways.


Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.

  1. Farewell
  2. Instruction
  3. Patience
  4. Provoke
  5. Imminent.

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