Present Partakers of Heaven-Sent Abundance

Message: Pastor W.F. Kumuyi

TEXT: Matthew 13:12,15-17

I welcome every one of you tonight. I welcome you to abundant life, assured salvation, definite healing, and deliverance. We started yesterday and great things happened, greater things will happen today. Many people came to the Lord for salvation, as you come tonight, you will be saved. Many people were healed yesterday, and many more will be healed today. Every infirmity, sickness, and deformity will be taken away from you tonight.

When the Father, God Most High sent His only begotten Son, He sent abundance along with Him. He holds the key to salvation, healing, and deliverance in abundance. The people who receive are the partakers. Christ gave and the people took. They knew He came from heaven; they came to Him and took of the blessings He had to offer. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Today, He will give to everyone. You will receive it.

Whosoever has and desires shall be given more. You will also have the demonstration of His power. I have the desire and ask, and receive. You will not only have but have in abundance. You will have a demonstration of His performance.

POINT 1: Committed Ears and Hearts Responding to The Heaven-Sent Address

Matthew 13:12,16-17; John 17:8; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 1 Samuel 3:

Christ said to His disciples who were partakers of heaven-sent blessings because they knew that He came from heaven, and is greater than all on earth. Every word He spoke was from heaven and they accepted every word, every edifying exhortation as from heaven, because of that, that address from heaven pulled all kinds of miracles for them.

Before Christ came to the earth, God the Father gave Him the message to deliver to us. He delivered the message from heaven and the word of God He brought has the power to convert restore, forgive, set free, transform and renew lives, and those who came to Him received the word He brought from heaven, which made a change in their lives. Words of abundant life, healing, and deliverance, they paid attention and were not thinking of other things. They knew that surely, Christ came from heaven with abundant life and salvation so that we can be partakers of eternal life, it will come to you tonight.

Apostle Paul said For this cause thank we God without ceasing because the people received the word of God. They didn’t receive it as the word of men, they didn’t despise the men (Paul, Peter, Timothy, Silas) who preached, they heard the word from God Almighty. If Paul comes to you and says he would pray for you and your blind eyes will open, if you believe, your eyes will open. As Christ comes to you tonight that He will touch you and your lame leg will walk, it is sure that it will be like that.

If Jesus comes to you, showing you the print of nails in his hands, and He says He will heal you, He will heal you. He will also heal and set you free tonight. He came to break every yoke in your life. Congratulations, wonder of all wonders, God is the One talking to you tonight and you will be a partaker of all blessings.

POINT 2:  Closed Eyes and Hearts Rejecting Heavenly Assistance

Matthew 13:15; Acts 7:51,57; 2 Corinthians 4:3-4; Hebrews 2:1-4

When heavenly assistance comes to him, the one who cannot see will see clearly. The one with swollen body parts, swollen in the tummy, legs, and armpit, swollen because of disease, needs heavenly assistance and when it comes, all swellings, diseases, and infirmities will vanish away. But there are those who close their hearts and eyes and reject the assistance of heaven. When you open up for help, divine assistance will come to you.

There are people who have some preconceived notions, and private agendas, so they seal their minds and hearts and pretend as if they are not seeing the salvation and deliverance of the Lord in the lives of others. The Lord would have done wonders in their own lives but their attitude rejected everything.

God gives us eyes to see and eyelids so that when the wind is blowing sand, or if evil things come around, we will have protection for our eyes. As for the Pharisees, they closed their eyes when good was coming their way but when Satan, and tradition that will seal them to eternal doom is coming, they opened it but closed it to salvation, healing, and deliverance. They closed their hearts to messages of salvation and got busy with things that will distract them, therefore, they remained the same way, with no light from heaven, no transformation. This is not the fault of the preacher; they are responsible for losing all the good things that Jesus brought to them.

Today, as you realize your need for eternal life and salvation from heaven, and you open your eyes, you will be a partaker of the miracle-working power of God. When you open your mind’s eyes, you will have conversion and healing.

POINT 3: Converted Hearts and Minds Receiving Heaven’s Abundance

Matthew 13:16-17; Psalm 51:12-13; Acts 2:38-43

When you present your soul, mind, character, and personality to Him, and admit that you need a change and transformation, and need the touch of heaven He brings into your life, soul, and spirit, heaven’s abundance will be your portion.

In heaven, there is an abundance of spare parts for your body. Heaven has all parts missing in your body. Brand new kidneys, livers, perfect speech, and vocal cords, for your courage and stamina, so you can stand on your feet and resist temptations to drink alcohol, join bad gangs and do anything to hurt yourself.

 Anything you lack in your life, spirit, soul, and body, there is enough in heaven.

When your eyes see the Saviour, Redeemer and there is no wall of partition between you and your Saviour, salvation will come to you, He is your Healer. Since GCK started, we have seen many miracles: the lame walking, the blind seeing, and drunkards set free, delivered, and released. We’ve seen the barren receiving miracle children. Lunatics being set free, cancer cells drying up, people with broken backbones receiving healing and their backbones straightened up.

The people heard the word and sent a prayer to the God of heaven. Not a long prayer but short, and direct and their requests were heard. “Heal me O LORD, and I shall be healed, save me and I shall be saved“. Indicate that you need salvation, and healing, you will be saved and healed. Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, and healed. Your life will turn around for the better in Jesus name. Heaven is ready for you now. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Bow your head and pray to the Lord.

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