SIGNS OF THE END , DCLM Children Search, Volume 2
Matthew 24:1-51; Mark 13:1-37; Luke 17:20-37; 21:5-38
The story was told of a group of religious people who said they received revelation that Jesus will come on a particular Saturday. That day, they gathered at an Island to await Christ’s return. They waited all through the night till day break and nothing happened. They realised then that they had been deceived. Therefore, they went back to their various homes disappointed.
Over the centuries since Jesus ascended to heaven, many people at one time or the other have declared that Jesus will come at a certain date. Such dates would come and go and nothing would happen. These are false teachings manufactured to deceive people.
Despite the clear teaching of Jesus that no one knows the “day and hour” of His return (Matthew 24:36), many religious sects overlook this biblical revelation and give dates to the time of Christ’s return. It is for this reason that Jesus Himself explained in detail, the events that will characterise the end of the age and signs to look out for in order not to be deceived.
No one will ever know the date when Jesus will return until they see Him coming in the cloud. Still, there are certain things happening in our world today that suggest the day of His return is very close. We must be careful to obey the word Of God, and heed Christ’s warning and admonition to “watch therefore” (Matthew 24:42). It is only then that we can be prepared and not taken unawares.
Matthew 24: 1-51; Mark 13:1-32, Luke 17:20-37, 1 Corinthians 15:51-58 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-17
In His teaching on the Mount of Olives, Jesus reveals to us that His second coming will be according to God’s end-time programme. However, it is important for us to understand that the second coming of Christ will be in has.
The rapture. This will occur before the great tribulation. It is going to die and Jesus will appear in the sky as the archangel blows the trumpet. a twinkle of an eye, the saints of God both dead and alive will fly up to Jesus in the sky. Therefore, you must live righteously and holily so as to be captured with the saints. The raptured saints will then be taken to heaven for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
- ii) Second coming after the great tribulation. Seven years is the period of the great tribulation. During this time, the Antichrist (someone who is against Christ) will rule the world. At the end of the seven years, Jesus will come to reward faithful tribulation saints, pour out His judgment upon the sinners, overthrow the antichrist and false prophets, bind Satan and throw him into the bottomless pit, destroy this corrupt and dirty world and set up His millennial reign.
These are great events that will surely come to pass. Therefore, you must not be careless like the people of the world. Surrender your life to Jesus now. Obey His word be ready for His coming.
Matthew 4:1-14; 27-35; Mark 13:28-32; Luke 21:5-33; 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Jesus made His disciples know that the end-time is near. If it was near at that time, then it is nearer now and even at the door. Through His parables and other teachings, Jesus had spoken a number of times of His going away and His return in glory which would bring in the end of the age, the triumph Of His kingdom, and final judgment. His disciples then came to Him privately to ask Him for clarification “saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” (Matthew 24:3).
To comfort His friends and also help them to escape the great suffering’ Christ gave them the signs to watch out for. Though the signs are not meant to give them specific dates for the end of the world, but they will help them to know that the time is short. Therefore, we ought to prepare and be ready. These are the signs:
(l) Multiplication of false prophets and false teachings. Many deceivers will rise up to teach wrong and corrupted doctrines. They will make sinners to believe and accept the “easy-life gospel” rather than the truth of God’s word. The only acceptable gospel is the gospel of repentance, total cleansing from sin, and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
Be warned, there are many false teachers out there who perform ‘miracles, signs and wonders’ but they are not of God. They have sweet tongues with which they boast, tell lies and claim to be what they are not. Run away from such!
(ii) The increase in wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, strange diseases such as COVID-19, AIDS, cancer, etc. All these are the beginning of sorrows.
(iii) Persecution of God’s people will become more severe as we can see in terrorist activities and an increase in false religion.
(iv) Backsliding among friends of Jesus with the love of many waxing cold.
(v) Increase in violence, crime, wickedness, ungodly behaviour and disregard for God’s righteous standard.
(vi) Disobedience to parents and constituted authorities.
(vii) Worldliness, immoral behaviour even among children, shamelessness, rebellion against God, bad games and music, pornography, drug abuse, will characterise the last days. In fact, Jesus compares it to the time of Noah when the thoughts of human heart were evil continually (Genesis 6:5). It will also be as “in the days of Lot” when the people continued in their abominations till, they were consumed with fire and brimstone” (Luke 17:28, 30).
All these signs and more are visible all around us. This is to make us know that the end is near. Do not be careless with your soul. Jesus is calling you to come. The people of Noah’s time refused to listen to Noah’s plea for them to enter the ark. Animals were taken in to replace them. The door of God’s mercy is still open, do not delay. Surrender your life to Jesus now and He will save you from the wrath to come.
Matthew 24:42-51; 25:1-29; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 17:31-37;
Jesus is coming very soon to take His friends in the rapture. Anyone Who misses the rapture will face the terror of the antichrist during the great tribulation. To escape the suffering of the great tribulation and eternal suffering in hell, you must specially prepare to meet the Lord. There are two parts to this special preparation.
(i) Sinners’ preparation — Sinners must repent now without delay. Confess all sins to God. Ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Forsake all sins and accept Jesus as personal Lord and Saviour. Share your testimony by telling your friends, family members and neighbours about your new life.
(ii) Believers’ preparation – As a new creature, you must remain a friend of Jesus in order to qualify for the rapture. This you can do by thirsting for and praying to be sanctified and living a holy life every day.
In addition, you must have regular fellowship with God through prayers, reading and meditating on His word. Furthermore, you need to separate from association and worldly affairs, hold fast to God’s word, trust and obey and never yield to temptation. God will keep, prepare and make us ready His coming.
- Mention the two phases of Jesus’ second coming.
- What are the events that will occur before and after the second coming of Christ?
- Mention the signs of the end-time that we can see all around us today.
- How should a
(i) sinner (ii) believer prepare for Christ’s coming?
MEMORY VERSE: “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that e be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is t yet” (Matthew 24:6).
LESSON: Jesus is coming very soon.
THOUGHT: I will prepare and get ready for the second coming of the Lord.
ACTIVITY: Read Luke 21:34-36; Mark Matthew 24:42. Identify -and write out two important things Jesus ask His friends to do in preparation for His second coming.
(1) I’m thinking when my Lord shall come again.
(2) Will you be ready when the Lord shall come?
(3) Are you in the number?
HOMEWORK: Search the Scripture and write out five passages; two in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament that speak of Jesus’ second coming. Use your dictionary:
- Centuries
- rapture
- triumph
- doctrines
- persecution