The Call Unto Holiness Lesson 27, Search for Children

Text: Leviticus 20:1-27; 21:1-24; 22:1-33

The Wycliffe Bible Dictionary defines holiness as “separation from what is common and impure and consecration to God.” Other terms used to describe the word holiness are devotion, humility, holiness, devotion and hard work. Holiness is God’s nature and He desires His children to be holy like Him. This is why He calls us to be holy. This call is found throughout the Bible. From creation, God called Adam and Eve to a life of holiness that would allow them to pursue an unbroken relationship and fellowship with Him.

Alas, Satan, man’s enemy, came to tempt them to disobey God. Their disobedience led to separation and loss of fellowship with God. Disobedience is punished. In the passages of the Bible we have studied, God has clarified the punishment He inflicts on those who continue to sin. He therefore calls them to repent and put on His nature of holiness. This is the only way to continually enjoy His presence and favor.

  1. PENALTIES FOR BAD DEEDS: Leviticus 20:1–27; Psalm 9:17; Ezekiel 18:4, 20.

Chapter 20 of the book of Leviticus prescribes different forms of punishment for various offenses. God had repeatedly warned His people of the danger of disobeying His word. He will not punish a sinner without warning him. Only those who refused to heed God’s warning will be punished.

God’s law provides penalties for many violations of God’s word:

(i)  Those who offered sacrifices to idols were to be condemned to death (Leviticus 20:1-5).

(ii)  Those who seek guidance from a familiar spirit or witchcraft are guilty of rebellion against God and must be excluded from the community (Leviticus 20:6).

(iii)  A child who curses his father or mother must be put to death (Leviticus 20:9).

(iv)  Immoral behavior was also punishable by death (Leviticus 10:1021).

The children of Israel were to be holy before God, which meant that they were to separate themselves from the sinful practices of the Canaanites. If they did not, God would destroy them as He did for the Canaanites (Leviticus 20:22-27).

The same warning applies to every boy today. Do not follow the path of sinners. Come out of the midst of them and separate yourselves from God. Your lifestyle must be different, because you live a holy and righteous life.


Leviticus 20:7, 8, 22–26; 21 : 1-24 ; 22 :1-33 ; 11 :44 ; 1 Peter 1:15, 16.

The priests of the Old Testament were to separate themselves from all ungodly customs and lead blameless lives, conforming to God’s standard of justice. They were to be examples of piety, both in their ceremonial duties and in their character and personal conduct. This principle of holiness also applies to the new covenant. God desires that only children who live holy and righteous lives be His chosen people.

Holiness is the goal and purpose of our calling. It means that we must be like God and be consecrated to Him by living to please Him. This is why the Bible insists on the need for Jesus’ friends to be holy. Without holiness, no one can see God or please Him. To be holy, a friend of Jesus must therefore develop a strong desire for the experience of sanctification. It is a desire to be like Christ in all things. Then we must go a step further by sincerely praying for God to sanctify our heart.

Then, wait patiently for the experience. Sanctification will remove all the roots of sin from your heart and you will become blameless and pure. Jesus has paid the price for your cleansing; therefore, you must pray now to be sanctified (Hebrews 13:12).

  1. PRACTICAL EXAMPLES OF A HOLY LIFE: Leviticus 21:1; 22 : 1, 2 ; Luke 1:5, 6, 26-35, 74, 75.

Holiness is not an abstract subject; it is a practical way of life expected of every child who has been washed by the blood of Jesus. It is a higher calling for Jesus’ friend who desires to see God at the end of his journey on earth. God calls His people, especially priests, to a life of holiness. Those who have obeyed and walked the path of holiness are good examples of how to live a holy life.

The following biblical personalities were good examples of how to live a holy life.

  • Hulda – 2 Kings 22:10-20. She was a prophetess who explained the contents of the book of the law to the king and priests. She remained a holy child of God in the midst of the corruption that reigned in Judah at that time.
  • Obededom – 2 Samuel 6:1-12. This man received God’s ark (which signifies His presence) in his home with holy fear and absolute obedience. God blessed him and his family. What resulted in Uzza’s death brought blessings to Obededom, as he turned out to be a holy man.
  • Lazarus – Luke 16:1-31. Although this man was poor in material possessions, he was rich in spiritual works. God, who sees the heart of all men, sent angels to carry him to heaven after his death. What a glorious life!
  • Isaac – Genesis 22:1-14. He learned the word of God from Abraham his father and was obedient. He gave himself up as a sacrifice to God on the altar before a ram was provided in his place. It is total submission to God and obedience to one’s father.
  • Noah – Genesis 6:1-9. The Bible testifies that Noah was a righteous, perfect, and the only righteous man of his generation. You, too, can distinguish yourself in this corrupt and wicked world. Be a righteous and perfect child who will walk with God and serve Him to the end.
  • Esther – Easter 2:1-9. She was raised among idol worshippers and immoral people. Yet Esther remained a virgin and a true child of God. You must remain holy and righteous, even when others engage in immoral and dirty acts.
  • Samuel – 1 Samuel 12:1-5. From birth, Samuel was a righteous child and a prophet of God. He was found upright and blameless before God and the children of Israel. You must be fair and blameless in your words, lifestyle, and actions.
  • Salome – Mark 15:40, 41; 16:1-8. She is one of the holy and faithful women who served Jesus during His earthly ministry. They followed Christ to His crucifixion, burial, and resurrection. You must surrender to the Lord and serve Him faithfully to the end.

All these characters in the Bible lived exemplary lives that we can copy. Many of them lived in very difficult times, but they stood out. They served God in holiness and justice. You too can follow their example and you will be blessed.


  1. Defining holiness
  2. According to this study, what are the penalties for bad deeds?
  3. Name eight biblical examples of people who have lived holy lives.
  4. Who called us to live a holy life?
  5. How can a (i) sinful child (ii) friend of Jesus become a saint?

VERSE TO MEMORIZE: You shall sanctify yourselves and be holy, for I am the Lord your God” (Leviticus 20:7).

LESSON : God calls all His children to live holy lives.

THOUGHT : I will live in holiness and righteousness every day of my life. 

ACTIVITY : Prayers and call to the altar



  • Holiness, holiness, holiness, the kingdom of God is holy.
  • Holy, holy, holy, holy is the Lord.
  • Lord, I want to be like Jesus.

ACTIVITY: Prayers and call to the altar.

HOMEWORK: Prayer for the grace to live a holy life every day.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

  1. Holiness
  2. Purity
  3. Norm
  4. Principle
  5. Alliance


Write the Bible verse in capital letters in the space provided: Leviticus 20:7

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