Youth Sts Lesson 144 Sanctity Of Life And Family Values

Youth STS Lesson 94 The Commemoration of The Passover And Divine Guidance

Memory Verse:

Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at his appointed season” (Numbers 9:2).

TEXT: Numbers 9:1-23; 10:1-36


Our study today focuses on the commemoration of the Passover and the significance of the pillar of cloud and fire. The Passover was a divine ordinance instituted for Israel to commemorate their deliverance from captivity in Egypt. It was instituted in Egypt on the eve of their release from bondage. The Lord specifically commanded the children of Israel to observe the Passover as an ordinance throughout their generations (Exodus 12: 24, 25). We also see God providing divine protection and guidance for His people through the pillar of cloud and fire. This is a great encouragement for believers because it assures us that He will and can do the same today. Furthermore, we shall see another symbolic means of communication which God used with the children of Israel. This was the use of the trumpets. These trumpets, like the pillar of cloud and fire, were for guidance.



Numbers 9:1-14; Exodus 12:21-28; 2 Chronicles 30:1-27: Matthew 26:17-19,26-30; Mark 14:12-17,22- 26: Luke 22:7-20; 1 Corinthians 11:23-30


The Lord commanded Moses to instruct the children of Israel to celebrate the Passover at the appointed time (Numbers 9:3) This was the second Passover to be eaten by the Israelites. The first was eaten in Egypt in the night it was instituted. The plan of God was for them to commemorate the Passover every year (Exodus 12:14; 13:3,10). 


Question 1: Why did the Lord command Moses and the Israelites to commemorate the Passover again ? 


Whatever God does, He does it with a purpose. His purpose is both for His glory and our good. Though Israel was not yet in the Promised Land at this time, God wanted them to keep in mind their redemption from the land of Egypt, lest they soon forgot the process that led to their deliverance from bondage. 


The Passover was therefore commanded again because God wanted the children of Israel to: 

  1. Remember His grace that redeemed them. This is also true of believers today who are redeemed by the blood of Christ (Hebrews 9:13,14; 1 John 1:7).
  2. Remember His goodness (Isaiah 63:7-9):
  3. Remember His greatness;
  4. Reverence His glory (Exodus 9: 13 17); and (5) Remain grateful throughout their generations. 


Today, the Church of Christ does not commemorate the Passover any more. The Passover has been replaced with the Lord’s Supper by Christ. As the Passover was peculiar to the Old Covenant, so the Lord’s Supper is peculiar to the New Covenant. Believers are constantly to remember the travail the Lord went through in order to purchase their redemption. As believers commemorate the Lord’s Supper at regular intervals, it is an expression of gratitude to the Lord for the so great salvation. And there were certain men, who were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the Passover on that day…” (Numbers 9:6). The general thought or idea is that the defiled were excluded from partaking in certain rites so as to avoid desecration. Defilement of whatever kind generally symbolized sin, and sinners cannot partake in holy things lest they pollute it and restrain God’s glory. The defiled were excluded from joining the congregation of righteous Israelites who were qualified to partake in the Passover. In like manner, sinning youths, whose minds and consciences are defiled with sin, cannot partake in the Lord’s Supper. They are unfit for communion with God who is of a purer eye than to behold iniquity” (Habakkuk 1:13). 


Question 2: What can we learn from those who were defiled?


There are some lessons Christian youths can learn from the actions taken by those who were defiled.

One, they came to Moses. They consulted God’s representative to have their problem solved. Christian youths should learn to consult mature Christian leaders in the church who will guide them into finding the solution to their moral and spiritual problems.

Two, the men did not resort to presumption or self- management.

Three, they exposed their state. They declared before Moses, “…we are defiled by the dead body of a man...” (verse 7). They were sincere and straightforward. Youths should not cover their faults. They should expose them to the Lord (Proverbs 28:13). Four, they were eager and thirsty to have the lost opportunity restored to them. Believing youths should earnestly seek lost Christian virtues and experiences without delay. And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the LORD will command concerning you” (Numbers 9:8). Moses’  response to the defiled men brought forth virtue, which stands as a model for Christian leaders and believers in general. It is worthy of note that the men who deemed themselves ceremonially defiled consulted Moses and he in turn consulted God. Moses never showed any form of undue familiarity with the things or dealings of God. Christian leaders should not take God for granted, especially in giving counsel to the youths who desire to know the will of God in various areas of life. They should wait on the Lord and seek His will before taking decisions in life. God’s response to their inquiry shows that

He is considerate. The men were offered another chance to commemorate their own Passover feast. The fourteenth day of the second month at even they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs” (Numbers 9:11) 



Numbers 9:15-23, Exodus 40:33-38; 13:20-22; Nehemiah 9:19: Isaiah 4:5,6; Zechariah 2:5


And on the tabernacle was reared up the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning” (Numbers 9:15). After the construction of the tabernacle, the glory of God filled it. This shows God’s approval of the tabernacle which was built by His revelation. It is important to not that, this cloud was clearly distinguished from other clouds, both by its peculiar figure and by its constant residence in the tabernacle. This tabernacle is referred to as the tent of the testimony (Numbers 9:15). the tabernacle of the congregation (Numbers 1:1: Exodus 40 35). the tabernacle of the testimony (Numbers 1:50,53; 10:11), the tabernacle of witness (Numbers 18:2) and the sanctuary of the Lord (Joshua 24:26). 


Question 3: Why did the children of Israel enjoy such privilege of divine guidance from God? 


The redemption of Israel from Egypt affords them great privileges. For unto me the children of Israel are servants; they are my servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God” (Leviticus 25:55). In like manner, salvation from sins through Jesus Christ is the greatest blessing one can receive from God which connect us to other blessings. It is the pathway into the grace and fullness of Christ (John 1:12, 14). The pillar of cloud and fire symbolise the presence and guidance of God in the Israelites’ wilderness journeys. During the day, God guided them through the pillar of cloud, while during the night, it was the pillar of fire to give light. This supernatural presence of God was not temporary but permanent as long as the Israelites were in the wilderness. The promise from Christ, our Saviour to believers is “..I am with even unto the end of the world. Amen”  (Matthew 28:20).


Question 4: How can Christian youths enjoy God’s presence in our fellowships today? 


One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire 17Ihis temple” (Psalm 27:4). 

We can enjoy God’s presence and glory as we come to worship Him. This is possible through: 

One, Waiting on the Lord (Psalm 27:4,14): 

Two, Obedience to the  Lord (Deuteronomy 28:1-13): 

Three, Resisting every form of distraction (James 4:7); 

Four, Sincerity in serving the Lord (Joshua 24:14): 

Five, Hearing the word of the Lord (lsaiah 66:5): 

Six, Interceding for the glory of the Lord (Exodus 33:18): and Seven, Preaching the gospel of the Lord (Colossians :27.28). May the Lord make our worship a blessing! 


Question 5: What was the purpose of the pillar of cloud and fire to the children of Israel? 


The pillar of cloud and fire served many purposes to the children of Israel.

One, it was an indication of God’s approval on the tabernacle (Exodus 40:33-35).

Two, it was a sign of divine guidance for His people (Exodus 13:21).

Three, it served as protection and preservation of God s people (Exodus 14.19,20: Psalm 105:39).

Four, it helped God’s people in the time of battles (Numbers 10:33-36).

Five, it served as encouragement in the worship of God (Exodus 33:8-11).

Six, it acted as a sign of approval in the appointment of leaders (Deuteronomy 31:14,15,23).

Seven, it gave support to His ministers when administering discipline (Numbers 12:5.9,10; 14:10-14). Therefore, as youths, when we come into the tabernacle (church) or presence of the Lord, we should be careful in our attitude and action before Him. 


Question 6: What is the first step for any youth to enjoy divine guidance from the Lord? 


Salvation brings one into relationship with God. Repentance from sins is turning away from all known sins through faith in Christ. However, there are several ways God leads His people today.

One, through the Scriptures.

Two, Spirit’s impression On a believer’s mind.

Three, Spirit guided perception (Acts 27:7-11,21,22).

Four, God can also lead through Spirit-led counselling from His Servants (Proverbs 15:22; 11:14; Acts 27:7-1121,22).

Five, through divinely arranged situations (Genesis 24:10-20).

Six, through God-given dreams. Every Christian youth needs, God’s guidance in choosing a career, school to attend, place to work, marriage partner, friends, where to worship  place to live,, when to travel, etc. pray. listen and obey His voice and it will be well with you. 



Numbers 10:1-36; Isaiah 58:1, Ezekiel 3.17-21: Acts 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians, 15:52; l Thessalonians 4:14-18;  Hebrew 9:4


And the; LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Make thee two trumpets of silver; of a whole, piece shalt thou make them: that thou mayest use them for the calling of the assembly, and for the journeying of the camps (Numbers 10:1,2). 


Question 7: Why did God command Moses to make silver trumpets ? 


God specifically gave Moses reasons for making trumpets of silver, and the reasons are:

One, for the calling of the assembly (verse 2).

Two, as a Signal for the journeying of the camps (verse 2).

Three, to call people during the time of war (verse 9)

Four, for a memorial before God (verse 10). When the trumpets are blown, the assembly was to gather at the door of the tabernacle. If one trumpet is blown, only the leaders are to gather before Moses Furthermore, when the trumpets are blown with an alarm. the camps in the east will go forward in their journeys. When an alarms blown the, second time, the camps in the south will go forward in their, journeys. “But when the congregation is to be gathered together, ye shall blow, but ye shall not sound an alarm” (verse 7). “And the sons of Aaron, the priests, shall blow with the trumpets: and they shall be to you for an ordinance for ever throughout your generations” (verse 8). The sons of Aaron, the priests were  authorized people to blow the trumpets They were the link between the children of Israel and God. The commandment was a statute forever. Today. Jesus Christ is our  High  priest  He is the Mediator between God and man.  Ali who receive  Him  have life. He has sent us to Warn sinners and backsliders to turn away from their evil ways. The final trumpet will, soon sound Every youth is called to prepare for the rapture of the saints In the Old Testament sounding of the trumpets, every Israelite was expected to be at alert to discern the trumpets sound. In the same way, we are to be at  alert  t o go In the rapture. The rapture will occur  unannounced and it is very imminentAnd Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses father in-law, we are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel” (Numbers 10:29). Moses exhibited prudence by asking Hobab to go along with them to the resting place Prudence is the act of showing care and thoughtfulness about the future. Hobab was Moses father in- law. He knew that Hobab’s experience would be of benefit to them in the course of their journey.  Hobab invitation was not to lead them to show where they must encamp . The Lord was to direct them through the pillar of cloud. Secondly. Moses was thoughtful, wanting Hobab to partake of the goodness which the Lord had spoken concerning Israel. Like Moses, Christian youths should invite other youths to partake of the goodness of the Lord. 

Question 8: What can Christian youths learn from-the prudent actions of Moses? 

Christian youths should exhibit prudent in their day-to-day life and activities. As we trust in God for academic success by studying and praying, we must seek assistance from those Who know what we do not know. We must pay attention to teachers in order to acquire knowledge. We must ask relevant questions from those who have answers to our questions.And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days’ journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days’ journey, to search out a resting place for them” (Numbers 10:33). The place of the ark of the Covenant in Israel’s journeys is very significant with specific implications. The ark actually,  was a representation of the Lord to the children of Israel. It assured them of Gods predominance among His people. Therefore, as the children of Israel saw the ark of the covenant “set forward”


They were to call to mind: 

  1. Jehovah’s Power over all enemies (Numbers 17:10.1l: 2 Chronicles 6:41).
  2. Jehovah’s pre-eminence over all other gods (1 Samuel 5:2,3).
  3. Jehovah’s precept to them. They were to constantly remember the commandment of the Lord (Exodus 25:16,21,22; Deuteronomy 31:24-26).
  4. Jehovah’s presence with them (Judges 20:27,28; Exodus33:14).
  5. Jehovah’s promise to take them to the Promised Land (Deuteronomy 11:10-12; 1 Kings 8:56).
  6. Jehovah’s provision for them while journeying to the resting place (Exodus 16:32-35). and
  7. Jehovah’s preservation of their tribes (Joshua 24:16-18; Psalm 97:10). This explains the reason

Moses, at the setting forward of the ark prayed thus: “..Rise up, LORD and let thine enemies be scattered; and let them that hate thee flee before thee. And when it rested, he said, Return o LORD, unto the many thousands of Israel” (verses 35,36).

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