the Look of Faith

All Round Emancipation Through the Look of Faith, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi



Text: Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14-17

God delivered the children of Israel and He was taking them on a journey to the promised land. All of us are also on a journey in our lives, from the baby to the toddler, to the infant, youths, teenagers, young adults, and from adult to old age. We are moving on and every year is like a milestone in the journey. Sometimes, we get discouraged because of all the things that are happening to us. If you are discouraged tonight, you are not alone, others have been discouraged before you.

When we are discouraged, we can look at the sun in the sky or the dungeon down below. As for the children of Israel, they spoke against God and Moses. They asked Moses why He brought them to the wilderness to die. Some people see more death than any good thing in their lives and situations. This is not right.

The Israelites complained about hunger and manna with which they are fed, they said their soul loathed it. They murmured against God and He sent fiery serpents to their midst which bit and killed many of them. At this point, they came to their senses and repented. They went to Moses and repented and begged him to pray for them.

Moses did and God instructed him to make a serpent of brass and put it upon a pole. Why the need to do that? God was giving a picture of Jesus as the Saviour, Healer, and Deliverer which would be lifted on the Cross in the future. The children of Israel were in their millions, they were about 3 million. If the serpent was put on the ground or at the level of a man’s height, many of them will not see it, so it had to be lifted on the pole for all to see.

The same way Christ has been lifted so high that everyone here in Nigeria and all over the world can see Him. As you look at Jesus by faith tonight, salvation, healing, and deliverance will come to you. He has been lifted high and above every man, in every nation, of whatever religion, status, and creed because His sacrifice is accepted by God.

If you don’t exclude yourself, Christ will not exclude you. Man, woman, young girl, or boy, Christ died for you. Tonight, the power and authority of Christ will deliver you. Look up to Him and you will live. As for the children of Israel, anyone who looked up at the serpent lived. God does not want anyone to perish, but to have everlasting life.

All you need to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. God, Jesus, and heaven do not want you to perish, I look at you and say you must not perish. You will also look at yourself and say you will not perish.

Point 1. The Cause and Comprehension of Man’s Suffering

Numbers 21:4-6; Isaiah 59:1-3; Jeremiah 5:25; Daniel 9:16

God had good intentions in bringing the children of Israel on that journey, but because of discouragement, hardship, and difficulties, unexpected things happened. In life, many things happen that we don’t expect will happen. This was what made them do what they did and the consequences that followed.

Bad language and actions cause affliction, sickness, and suffering on Earth. Many people’s hands are defiled with blood: those who kill, who smoke, and fight, among other things people do which cause suffering for them. No one can you say that he has not sinned with the eyes, ears, hands, etc. since he was born. Suffering comes because of waywardness and sin.

The Lord does not love your sins, but He loves you. He does not approve of your sin.

The Israelites didn’t anticipate the situation very well and they sinned against God. Our sins and transgressions hold good things away from us. Whatever anyone sows he shall reap. Some people think that when they do bad, they will get good, how possible is that? That is the deception of the human heart. Some say when that join a bad gang, will bring good things to them, or if they do bad to people, something good will come their way, and people will be forced to do good things to them. It doesn’t work that way. Sins and transgressions hold good things away from us.

Point 2. The Confession and Conviction of Marked Sins

Numbers 21:7-8; Jeremiah 2:22; Psalm 51:3-7

The people came to Moses. They didn’t sit back and expect Moses to come to them. Some people know they are guilty but stay put in their sins. Before sins can be forgiven, sins must be repented of and confessed particularly. Before sin can be confessed, there has to be a conviction on the part of the sinner.

When sin is confessed genuinely, without pushing the blame onto others, blaming father, mother, siblings, or any other person, they are forgiven.

Conviction is like a big load on your back, which will not allow you to move forward until you deal with it. I’m happy that you are here tonight because if you will take the simple steps and repent and turn around tonight. As you come to the Lord in repentance, you will be forgiven. Some people blame the country for behaving badly, it is not so. Individuals make a community, and communities make the country.

When some people pray, they just confess and say “Forgive us“, No. That is not right, confess your sins directly to God and He will forgive you. David confessed his sins, not the sins of others. He did not blame anyone for what he did but took all the blame upon himself. This is how everyone must confess their sins. He did not blame the country “Wash me and I will be whiter than snow” Only God can wash sinners to become clean and sinless. After forgiveness, pardon, and blotting out of sin come joy and gladness. All sins and iniquities are blotted out. The joy of salvation follows you to heaven.

Point 3. The Conversion and Cure by The Cure by The Merciful Saviour

Numbers 21:8-9; John 3:14-17; Acts 3:19,26; Luke 7:21-23.

Conversion is like when you take cuttings and strands of paper which have been abandoned and you convert them into something useful. Never say you are useless; God has the power to convert you from being useless to being useful and turn your life around in Jesus’ name.

Apart from salvation, He also cures us of all sicknesses. The children of Israel needed to look up to the serpent on the pole, to be healed, so also, we need to look up to the Lord with faith for healing.

Conversion / Cure

Salvation / Healing

Miracle of healing and deliverance coming your way in Jesus’ name. What God has done for others He will also do for you.

Can I give you a testimony? We have been having the GCK, and the Lord has been doing wonders. I cannot think of anything He ought to do which He has not done. He has opened the eyes of the blind, made the deaf and dumb to hear and speak, the lame to rise and walk, and those who have broken bones to be mended. He has healed those with kidney and liver failure.


Paralysis Of Right Arm and Leg Disappeared

There is this woman in our capital city, Abuja, Nigeria. Her name is Esther. She had a stroke and in one of our Crusades, I said to lay your hands on wherever you are having challenges and raise the other hand. That was how the power of God came upon her and she got healed and began to walk.


I thank God for giving me another chance.


The case of my sister was simply amazing and I can say that it is a case of undeserved mercy. On the 22nd of May, she went to bed like every other person. By 1 am of the next morning, she woke up and realized that she was paralyzed in the right hand and right leg. It was a bitter experience.

But to the glory of God, on the second night in the last Crusade, Supernatural Deliverance through Christ. Because I was not around, my family could not go to church so they connected from home.

At the time when Pastor was sharing the testimony of others, all of a sudden, my little daughter went to meet Esther and told her to pray, get up, and start walking. She did this and that was how she got up and started walking. She went to open the kitchen door with the same hand that she could not use for anything earlier. That night, she went to the bathroom to have her bath by herself.


That was how I went to have my bath and also drink water with the hand I cannot use since. I am here to return all the glory to God.


Holy Ghost embarrassed us with this undeserved miracle of mercy because she is not even a member of the church, and has never been serious in her spiritual life, it was during this crisis that I saw her making efforts to know God. Praise the Lord.


Herbalists Surrendered to Jesus After Hearing the Message of Salvation

Bro Anthony Ogbodo, formerly an herbalist was in his house hearing GS messages during one of our past Global Crusades.

On the third day, the power of God fell on him and he surrendered his life to Jesus.

He brought out all juju (voodoo) in his possession and burned them to ashes and identified fully with Christ.

After his conversion, because of the change in his life, his wife and children who had left him came back to live with him in peace and joy. They are all praising God with him.

He is pleading with the GS to continue the Crusades because if he who was in his house could be converted and changed completely, it means that more lives have been touched, and many more will still be touched.

He ended by saying that anyone who is not in Christ does not know what he is missing.

Praise the Lord. Bro Ogbodo said we should not stop the Global Crusade so that you, your family, and everyone will know about Jesus and also be blessed. Tonight, in your life and family, it will come to pass. Tonight, the miracle of salvation and healing comes to you.

In the story we were reading in Numbers 21, any of the children of Israel who looked up to the serpent got healed. All your problems are taken away immediately after you look up to Jesus, you will be saved, healed, delivered, and made whole. All you need to do is that you are convicted and the Lord will set you free from sin and save you.

Heads bowed and eyes closed. Pray and talk to the Lord. Confess your sins and He will forgive and pardon you.

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