Ascending Acts and Attitude of Advancing Achievements
As we look at Ascending acts and Attitude of Advancing Achievement, today, I pray that the Lord help us to hearers and does of his word.
TEXT: DANIEL 1:8,17,20; 2:48-49; 3:30; 6:3,28
On the first day we dealt with letter “I”, on the second day we dealt with letter “M”, on the third day, we dealt with letter “P”, and this morning we are dealing with letter “A”. This letter “A” sends us forth into ACTION. Whatever you have, the brain, the mind, the school, the authority, without action nothing happens. Whatever you have gathered, whatever you have learned in life, without proper, positive and progressive ATTITUDE that makes you a winner, without that attitude you won’t get anything. There are people that think if they are in the right environment with the good people and with the great president they can be somebody in life. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, they didn’t have an enabling and an encouraging environment that will encourage them and live them up and yet they made it. One with God is a majority, the Lord is with you, and you are with the Lord. With that appropriate attitude, you can be an achiever. You cannot use the courage of a hero, you have to have your own courage and it’s what you have that lifts up. The Lord will plant something in your life that will lift you up. There are people that allow themselves to be papule down by the crowd and by the gangs, but in the case of Daniel, he was the only one having a solitary goal, he was a man of himself in the right way that he will not defile himself with the meat of the king. The word “ACTS” will lift you up, if you’re in the depth of the valley, that hand of God, the hand of love will pull you up. He will stretch that hand and pull you up. Let Almighty God come to you today, He will pull you up, He will make you an hero.
√ Have an ADVANCING LIFE. You wake up in the morning and determine your life will be advancing.
√ have a COURAGEOUS LIFE. If you cannot look other people eyeball to eyeball, you cannot go up. People will intimidate you and you cannot go higher if you’re not courageous. But today you will have a courageous life to come to the front of the line. See your life as a courageous life, the crowd will not stop you.
√ Have a TEACHABLE LIFE. The people that progress in life is willing to learn principles and practices.
√ Have a SELFLESS LIFE. You’re learning to bless people. If you have those words, you will go up. The Lord will implant them in your life. Sometimes we have a good intention and we have something before us and then something happen; the people that do not know who you are they will do something that will rob you to the wrong direction. If you have the right attitude, whatever happen around you will give you breakthrough.
✔️ Have the attitude of APPRECIATION. You appreciate where you are. Daniel had appreciation attitude and he keeps appreciating God.
✔️ THANKFULNESS. You will be thankful for everything God has given you and for the place He put you in life.
✔️ TOGETHERNESS. If you’re not together with other people and you isolate yourself, that kind of attitude will not help you. If you’re a great person but there’s no togetherness, there’s nothing to bring out.
✔️INTRESTEDNESS. The people that have attitude they are interested. They are not indifferent. It’s that interestedness in life, in progress that makes you the person that you ought to be.
✔️ TOLERANCE. You need to be tolerance, don’t get emotion at everything. Be like a sun that keeps on shinning whether people complain or not. When people complain, don’t worry about what people think, learn to tolerate people
Everybody around you will not be thinking the way you are thinking.
✔️ UNDERSTANDING. There are people that understands books but they don’t understand people, they understand friends but they don’t understand enemies. If jealousy people are jealous, you will understand everything and nothing can destroy your progress.
✔️ DEVOTION. Everything you’re doing, you are a concentrating person.
✔️ EXCITEDNESS. You are excited to live at such a time like this. Put all that attitude together, and that attitude will lift you and get you high place you have never been. we divide it by three parts.
EZEKIEL 37:10-14; ROMANS 4:18-22.
Attitude can build up and it can bar. The mission and the vision that Ezekiel had was to come to the children of Israel, even though they were down, and he’ll prophesy that they will rise up like great armies. A performance and a manifestation in every life today in Jesus Name. There are people, who look at things on one side and they see adversity as a trend.
▶ Adversity comes, they were being threatened by foreign power and because of those unchangeable circumstances, discouragement comes in. And because of that discouraging element, what they expect didn’t come true and they do not have a bright future.
What is the right attitude?
▶Adversity—Accept. Adversity within and adversity without, don’t complain but accept.
▶ Troubles— Think through
How can you penetrate this and still move over in your life without you think through? In your life, you will find something standing like a mountain but keep moving.
▶ Trends—Triumph. Triumph over that thing, trend may makes minimize and minority people triumph, but you will triumph im Jesus Name Amen.
▶Inconveniences—Ignore. Ignore the things that will not help you.
▶ Threats—Tame your tongue. If you take your tongue, people will not know what you like, what you have and what you don’t have. When there are threats, put on the smile, become happy and forget all those things that threatens your life.
▶ Unchangeable–Utilize. Utilize the unchangeable, anything that appears unchangeable in life, you can’t alter it, utilize it.
▶ Discouragement—Disregard. Disregard discouragement, move on, that word moving is a present continuous tense. When discouragement comes, you will not be discouraged but you will disregard it.
▶ Expectations—Express. This new year will be great for you, it’s be marvellous for you. Your expectations will turn to realization. Express your expectations, keep on express it. Romans 4:15-22. If your Faith is not weak, that strong faith affects the feet and the hands that are weak. And those feet and hands will become strong. If your Faith is not weak and any part of your body is weak, that strong faith will change everything around, you will not consider the things that are negative. Don’t consider the things that you don’t like. Have the attitude that wins and conquers. It’s never too late for you, you can start now to become a champion and develop your vessels.
1 SAMUEL 2:3; 1 PETER 2:21-25; GALATIANS 2:20.
A series of actions may break a man down, series of actions may break projects, and vision down. And action can broaden freedom and achievements. Action is very important, love without action is just a talk of mouth. The secret of progress and success is action.
Actions for a breakthrough are:
♠ Animates; don’t annul. Bring joy to what you have, rise up, animate, and don’t allow your words to cancel all those good intentions you have.
♠ Cultivates; don’t complain. In your life, cultivate good seed, nature good seed and attempt to good seed.
♠ Try; don’t tremble. Try, get up, don’t tremble at the challenge, don’t tremble at the task, don’t tremble at the calling before you, don’t tremble at the project before you, try and try again.
♠ Intensify; don’t interfere. When you intensify, increase your effort, when you wake up your brain and you intensify and you’re not interfering, then you will go up.
♠ Occupy; don’t oscillate. You will not be going here and there; you will occupy what you are here to do.
♠ Navigate; don’t negate. Navigate in your life, look at the place you will get to and navigate.
♠ Sit up, stand out; don’t sulk. It’s when you sit up and you stand out, it’s that kind of action that will take you from where you are to where you ought to be.
PROVERBS 1:10-19,23,33; PSALMS 119:63-68; JOHN 15:13-16.
Associates are companions, they are people that comes to our side to be our friends. Some associates come to decrease us, some associates come to block our vision, some associates come to bury our achievements, some associates come to destroy and disallow, some associates come to slow us down, and if you are fortunate in life, you will have some associates that comes to you and encourage you to climb higher, that’s kind of associates that will bring accomplishments in your life. He will bring good and great and progressive associates into your life. He will bring the people that will help you and lift you up, He will bring the people that will make you look higher than you have ever looked. Here is the one that is the greatest, He’s the most glorious and gracious of all associates, in fact, He is the associate, He’s so separate, He’s so higher than any other associate that wants to associate with you, than He will take your hand and take you higher. The sky is your limit because there’s an associate that moves you from this path to the top.
√• He’s the ADVOCATE. He’s the One that goes before you go, Heavenly Father, He’s the Heavenly lawyer that argues your case before the Father and you become justified.
√• He’s the SAVIOUR. He saves from sin, He saves from self, He saves from Satan and He saves from suffering and He saves from everything that will put you down and flat you down. There’s nobody like Him. He will save you.
√• He’s the GOOD SHEPHERD. He voluntarily made Himself our Shepherd because of the love He has for us. The Lord is your Shepherd, you will not lack. Psalms 23.
√• He’s the OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENCE AND OMNIPRESENT. He’s the One that knows everything about you and He can do everything in your life. He will cut off all the loads that drag you down. You will walk, you will not faint. The things that makes you tired easily before, all that tiredness are gone.
√• He’s our COUNSELLOR. He knows all the challenges that are there.
√• He’s the INTERCESSOR. Moses prayed for Israel and the greatest intercessor that ever lived is Jesus, He’s higher than heaven and He made intercession for you.
√• He’s the ALPHA AND OMEGA. Nothing before Him, nothing after Him, He’s the beginning and the end.
√• He’s the TRUTH. He’s the truth, the life and the way, He will set you free and you will be free indeed.
√• He’s the EMMANUEL (God with us). He’s the Healer, He’s the Comforter, and when there are resources and no provision, Emamnuel will never leave you. Anywhere you are, this associate will be with you and take you to the top.