Text: John 4:1-54

There is a chorus that goes thus: “Jesus loves all the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow, black and white. All are precious in His sight. Jesus loves all the children of the world.

In our Bible passage, Jesus had a very wonderful discussion with a woman of Samaria. The woman was surprised that Jesus talked with her because the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans; that is, the Jews kept away from them and avoided them at all costs. Maybe at times, you have refused to play with some children or allowed them to use your toys, other children might have done that to you and you felt unhappy. This is called segregation. It was common among the Jews and Samaritans. Jesus loves and welcomes everybody who comes to Him, all boys and girls are important and precious in His sight.

The Samaritans received Jesus happily. If He is not your Friend now, make Him your Friend today. As you become His friend, tell other children in your school and neighbourhood about Him.

DESCRIPTION OF THE SAMARITANS:   John 4:9,11-12; 2 Kings 17:22-24,41

A long time ago before Jesus came into the world, the Israelites, also called the Jews, were carried away from the land of Israel to Assyria by the king of Assyria. This king moved people from other nations and brought them to take over Samaria, which was part of the land of Israel. The remnants of the Jews who were left in Samaria, the capital city of Israel’s northern kingdom, intermarried with the strangers. They now became a separate tribe known as Samaritans. They were no longer pure Israelites. After many years of serving Assyria and Babylon, God brought the Israelites back to their land because they repented of their idolatry.

When the Jews came back to their land, they refused to have any relationship or friendship with the new breed of Samaritans. They considered them to be strangers who no longer belonged to the family of Abraham, the friend of God. This hostile attitude towards the Samaritans was very common during the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus. Christ.

Jews and Samaritans, including all boys and girls, are born as sinners. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;” (Romans 3:23). Everybody needs to be saved from sin, and that was the reason Jesus came C into the world to save everybody from t sin. “And she shall bring forth a son, ” and thou shalt call His name JESUS: w for He shall save His people from d their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Are you still a sinner, doing bad r things like lying, cursing, disobeying, stealing, fighting, cheating and others? Make Jesus your Friend today as you repent and turn away from your sins. Remember, there is no discrimination in Christ Jesus. He loves everyone and desires that we all come to Him.



After preaching in Judea, Jesus decided to return to Galilee. He needed to go through Samaria, where He waited to rest by the side of a well. When a Samaritan woman came for water, Jesus asked her for water to drink. The woman was shocked that a Jewish man would ask her for a drink. Their sin custom forbade conversation between the Jews and the Samaritans. But she did not know that this man was different from all others. He is Jesus, go the Christ and Source of living waters.

As the only-begotten Son of God, Jesus loves everyone, no matter the race or colour. Through the encounter between Jesus and the Samaritan woman, there are some important lessons to learn:

(i) Jesus loves everyone. This was why He surrendered Himself to die for our sins (John 3:16).

(ii) Jesus does not want anyone to perish. Therefore, He went everywhere to seek and save the lost.

(iii) Jesus is always committed to doing His Father’s will, which is to save sinners.

(iv) There is no discrimination with God, He is the Creator of all human m beings.

 (v) Jesus is the only Source of living : waters; anyone who comes to Him will drink and never thirst again.

(vi) A sinner must play his part to d receive salvation through Christ.

As Jesus was still speaking to the woman, she realised that she needed the Saviour more than anyone else. She became sorry for her bad ways, repented and accepted the “living water” from the Saviour.

For a sinner to be saved and partake of the living water of eternal life, he must:

(i) Reject all distractions of race, tribe, self and custom.

(ii) Recognise Jesus as the Saviour and Messiah Who takes away sin.

(iii) Realise his sinfulness and need for salvation

(iv) Repent and confess his sin

(v) Request with supplication for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus.

These steps will lead the repentant sinner to God and cause him/her to worship God in truth and spirit. Filled with the Living Water and the power of the Holy Spirit, the saved should then go everywhere to relay the good news to others.


Having had a life-transforming encounter with the Saviour, the Samaritan woman left her water pot, returned to the village to tell others about the Messiah Who gives living water. It was the greatest news ever told. The woman had experienced she was genuine salvation and she determined to bring others to the Saviour. Are you saved? If no, you must respond to the call of Christ today. Repent, turn from your bad ways and T accept Jesus as your personal Saviour J and Lord. Then without delay, go out and share the good news to your a classmate, friends, and neighbours. The woman’s invitation brought the Samaritans to Jesus. They came in 9 large numbers, heard the word of life from the Messiah and surrendered their lives to Him. It was a beautiful and rewarding experience for them. The Samaritans were saved and given eternal life by Jesus. If you too will obey the call to preach the gospel, souls will be saved and the kingdom of God will be t enlarged.

Jesus broke the racial and tribal d barriers in order to give eternal life to thirsty souls. It is the duty of all His friends to join Him in this important work. Jesus went about doing good, saving sinners, healing the sick, delivering the oppressed and giving hope to the hopeless. Come to Jesus and be a beneficiary of the life-giving water.


  1. Who were the Samaritans?
  2. Jesus welcomes everybody that comes to Him. Yes/No?
  3. How can a sinner make Jesus his or her Friend today?
  4. Give two examples from our text, of people who listened to Jesus and were saved and blessed.

MEMORY VERSE: “And said unto the woman, Now we believe, not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the world.” (John 4:42)

LESSON: Jesus loves all the children of the world.

THOUGHT: I will share the love of Jesus with sinners around me.

ACTIVITY: Prayer for sinners to be saved.



(1) Jesus, the same, yesterday

(2) No, you can’t get to heaven without SALVATION

(3) Come to JESUS, JOY will follow.

HOMEWORK: Give out gospel tracts to the children. They are to go out during the week to share the love of Jesus with others.


Find the meanings of these words.

You can use your dictionary.

1. Conversion 2. Disobedience 3. Divine 4. Encounter 5. Determination.




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