Mark 1:40-45

How God Anointed Jesus Christ With The Holy Ghost | Christian.net

The story in the text is an important event in the New Testament. When Christ came, He touched and transformed everything, and the word of God assures us that “Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today and forever”, and because He remains the same, He manifests His love and compassion on everyone today without partiality. He will touch your heart, life and family, and He will do the impossible in every life. “And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.” (Mark 1:40-43). Leprosy at the time was incurable and even for thousands of years after, leprosy remained incurable. This leper came to Christ knowing and believing that God can do the undoable, and that Christ can cure the incurable. He believed that the power and healing of the Lord come to everyone to save, heal and deliver. The leper came to Jesus and begged him to be healed. He worshipped Him as God and Lord, and as the One that came from heaven to be a blessing to everyone. When you come as the incurable leper, He will take away the heavy load you couldn’t take away by yourself. As you bow the knee to worship Him, He will do the impossible in your life. Believe that He will, and He can do all things in your life.


The reason He saves, heals and delivers us is because He is full of compassion, and His compassion, mercy, and authority of His touch will never fail.  He is still the same and what He did before, He will do again. The leper is a representative sample of every one of us, and as Christ did for Him, He will have compassion and mercy on us. The mercy of the Lord will forgive our sins, save our souls and heal our bodies. Jesus never says, ‘I won’t’ or ‘I can’t’ or ‘I don’t want to’, He always says ‘I will’. He tells you, ‘I will save you’, ‘I will heal you’ and ‘I will deliver you’. With a touch from the Saviour and Lord from heaven, you will be saved, cleansed, healed and delivered. Your life will turn around in Jesus name. The seekers who come to the Lord know that by personal means, human effort and history that they are incurable until they come to the Lord. You cannot save, heal or deliver yourself; you must seek the Lord for his salvation, healing and deliverance. Transformation is divine, not human, it comes from heaven not from earth because Christ is the Only Power by which we are delivered and saved. The transformation is redemptive as our lives are totally changed from what they used to be in the past. He does it by one word, one touch and one utterance. One touch, one word and you are saved, healed and delivered.




Leviticus 13:45-46; Daniel 7:28; Isaiah 64:6; Ephesians 5:5-7


There was corruption in the man’s flesh from the inside out, and there were cogitations (thoughts of his mind) that made him wonder how he could get healed. The corruption brought the cogitations in the incurable leper. In Israel, there was a practice and law that every leper should follow. Whenever a leper was coming, he would shout, ‘unclean, ‘unclean’. There was no association or interaction with the leper. His sickness was contagious that’s why he wasn’t allowed to mix with people. Similarly, sin is contagious and has an evil influence on other people. So, the man thought about how he was going to be perpetually separated from society, and that’s why the cogitations of his heart troubled him. Sin separates us from God. “Hitherto is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my cogitations much troubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.” (Daniel 7:28). The cogitations and thoughts of our lives because of our sins trouble us, and the corruption in us that separates us from good men and God trouble us. The leper was really troubled, and he wondered where he would go to get his life changed and transformed.

The countenance of a corrupt person will change in him. The sinner is sad, and sorrowful and feels the loneliness and the judgment of God coming because God is angry with the wicked every day and he knows that if he dies in that condition he will be eternally lost. The leper knew that if he was not cleansed, he would be separated from society for life and the sinners knew that if they continue in their sins they will be separated from the Lord forever. The cogitations of your heart must bring you to the Lord. The leper couldn’t discuss with anyone, but he knew he must do something, and you must do something today so that your life will be turned around by the Lord. Trying to be good and making personal effort will not save you. “But now, O Lord, thou art our father; we  are  the  clay,  and  thou  our  potter; and we all are the work of thy hand.” (Isaiah 64:8). We all are like the leper, unclean. The sinner’s word and actions are unclean, and  we  cannot  make  the change by ourselves. Only Christ the  Saviour,  Lord  and  Redeemer  can  so  touch and transform us. Before we meet Christ, we are unclean and unqualified lepers. We cannot get to heaven by ourselves, but Christ is the bridge between earth and heaven, between the leper and the clean life, between the sinner and the saved soul and between you and heaven. As you come to Christ, call on Christ, kneel before Christ and receive Him as your Lord and Saviour, and ask for a transforming touch, salvation, healing, and cure for the incurable will come.



Mark 1:40; Luke 15:17-20; Ephesians 4:18-19; Isaiah 1:16-20


 Leprosy deadens the feelings of the flesh. The leper needed conversion from that insensitive life. As you think about your life, you come to the Lord for His transformation because the salvation, healing and deliverance you couldn’t have by yourself are made possible by Christ. Leprosy makes the skin insensitive to cuts and harm. As leprosy makes people insensitive, so does sin. People do wrong and they don’t sense and feel it. Imagine a man, woman, boy or girl that goes through life insensitive. “Having the understanding darkened, being  alienated  from the life of God through the ignorance that is in  them,  because  of  the blindness of their heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.” (Ephesians 4:18-19). This says a lot about every sinner in the world; they do evil and if anyone points it out to them, they will say they didn’t know their actions were wrong. They could go to defile other people’s daughters and wives and say they committed the act by mutual consent and enjoyed themselves. What about drunkards? As you challenge them in their devasted state of drunkenness, they ask if their addiction is wrong. Smokers who have damaged their health and have cancer would still ask if it was wrong to smoke. When you truly come to Christ all the insensitivity is taken away. If you are not sensitive to what you do, no matter how long you claim to have been saved, the truth is that you are not saved.

Salvation makes us sensitive. Some people sin without feeling or having a prick or conviction in their hearts. That’s why the leper came to the Lord knowing that He could not cleanse himself or turn his life over by himself. You must come to the Lord wholeheartedly because He is the One that can change and transform you. When you come to Christ, such a change happens to you that you say what you used to do, you do that no more. Something happens when Christ touches you. “Come now,  and  let  us  reason  together,  saith  the  Lord:  though  your  sins  be as scarlet, they shall be as white  as  snow;  though  they  be  red  like  crimson, they shall be as wool. If  ye  be  willing  and  obedient,  ye  shall  eat  the  good  of the land: But if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.” (Isaiah 1:18-20). You come because the Saviour is the Only One who can save you and make you clean.  You must come with passion and desire to be cleansed like the leper. He wills and desires to make you clean because that’s why He came from heaven.  He will cleanse your heart, your appearance and your whole personality. Come to the Lord today because you don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Come now and leave your leprosy, sin, adultery, fornication, and darkness behind.  Come out of darkness into  His  light. All the sacrifices of the Old Testament have not cleansed you, all the yearly resolutions and promises we gave to ourselves have not changed us. No matter how much the leper changed his soap, he could not be cleansed, so you cannot be saved any other way apart from salvation in Christ. As you come to Him for cleansing, salvation, and cleansing, your life will be remarkably changed. If you truly change your mind and come to the Lord, you will eat the good of the land and have the goodness of the Lord, you will  have  forgiveness,  salvation,  healing,  miracles  and the good desires of your heart. You must be willing to leave the sinful partner, and it is that willingness that shows that you are repenting. Those who refuse and rebel against God’s invitation cannot get to heaven, only hell will be available for them to live forever.



Mark 1:41-45; Matthew 14:14; Hebrews 5:2,9; Lamentations 3:22-25


The Lord is impartial, as He cured the leper, so will He do in your life. “And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his  hand,  and  touched  him,  and  saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.” (Mark 1:41-42). One touch from the Lord and leprosy vanished away, the incurable was cured and the insensitive became sensitive. By one touch of the Lord, unrighteousness will change to righteousness. Christ moves with compassion and His compassion forgives, saves, heals, delivers and transforms lives. Christ touches those who come to Him like the leper came in surrender and worship. The people who count Christ as the Only Saviour will receive His compassion and cure. “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14). The compassion of the Lord, heals, delivers and transforms our lives. By His compassion, He will heal you, open your deaf ears, loosen the  dumb  tongues  and  make  the  lame  rise  again.  “It is  of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” (Lamentations 3:22). Today, Christ’s compassion will not fail you where you are. His compassion will save, heal and set you free. By His mercy, grace, love and compassion are salvation, healing and deliverance. You are the man of the hour, the leper is just a representative to show that what Christ did for him, He will do for you.

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