Institution of the Priesthood- Deeper Life Children Search
Last week we examined Divine Instruction on the pattern of the tabernacle, and today we consider the institution of the priesthood.
Exodus 28:1-43; 29:1-46; 30:1-38; 31:1-18
priesthood means the position or office of a priest. Who is a priest? A priest is someone who stands before God as a representative of the people. He acts as a mediator between the people and God. The priesthood constituted one of the major characteristics of Old Testament worship and life. God’s desire was to have close fellowship with His covenant people. Yet, disobedience was a major hindrance to this desire. In order to have this desired fellowship, God established the priesthood as a way to draw Israel closer to Himself. The priesthood was therefore important for the preservation of Israel’s continuing relationship with God. The priest operated between God and the people to preserve the covenant relationship.
To show how important the priesthood is, God gave Moses detailed instructions concerning the choice, characteristics, duties and even the clothing of the priest. However, it is important to know that all that the Old Testament priesthood represent, points’ to Jesus Christ our Messiah and eternal High Priest. Jesus Christ is the fulfilment of all the Old Testament laws and prophecies. Through His death on the cross, He paid the price for our redemption once and for all. He is now in heaven praying for us as our interceding Priest. As believers, we are also called to be priest unto God to tell sinners about the love of God and stand in the gap for others.
If you are not a Christian yet, you can become one today as you repent of your sins, ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. This step will bring you close to God and you will become a priest unto Him.
Exodus 28:1-43; Numbers 3:2,3; Leviticus 8:1-12
God is awesome, great and holy. He cannot stand or behold sin. He wants to be in a loving relationship with His people; yet, He cannot accept them with their sins. Although Israel had lived in Egypt, for many years they still did not know the way to serve God perfectly. They needed a divine guidance and direction to be able to serve God acceptably.
Therefore, God established the priesthood as a means Of having acceptable fellowship with His people. According to divine instructions, Aaron and his sons, Nadab, Abihu, Eleazar and Thamar were chosen and consecrated as priests by Moses. Since Nadab and Abihu died when they offered strange fire before the Lord, the priesthood was limited to the lineage of Eleazar and Thamar (Leviticus 10: 1 ,2; Numbers 3:4).
The priesthood included three basic classes namely:
(i) The high priest which was Aaron.
(ii) The priests who were children of Aaron
(iii) The Levites from the family of Levi. They were all consecrated to serve in the tabernacle. The priests were not expected to do any other work outside God’s work. They are set apart for God’s service only. Today, our pastors, teachers and workers in the church have been called by God to serve Him. You must respect, honour, pray for them and obey the word of God they are teaching you. As you obey and become a friend of Jesus, you too will be enlisted into the workforce as priests unto God.
Exodus 28: 1 -29: 1-46; Hebrews 8:3; Revelation 5: 10
The Lord Himself gave instructions concerning the ministry Of Aaron, the high priest and the duties of the priests in general. They were consecrated to:
- -Stand before God on behalf of the children of Israel.
- -Offer sacrifices for the cleansing of personal sin and that of the people.
- -Burn incense continually in the tabernacle.
- -Serve as judges to resolve disagreement among the people as they journey through the wilderness.
- -Teach the people the word of God.
- -Supervise the candle stick and the table of the shewbread in the tabernacle.
- -Correct misbehaviour.
- -Take care of the tabernacle and the altar.
- -Lead the people in worship.
- -Pray to God on behalf of the people and bring God’s message back to them.
Our Lord Jesus is Our High Priest who stands before God on our behalf. He defends us against the enemy and fights on our behalf to give us victory. He gives us strength to overcome temptation. He has gone back to heaven to prepare beautiful mansions for us. You must be prepared to get there.
Born again boys and girls today are priests set apart for God’s service. Your duties are to Preach the gospel and point sinful boys and girls to Jesus. Restore backsliders to the Lord, Intercede for others. Edify the believers, Succour the weak and discouraged; Teach new converts and younger ones the word of God and Serve God all the days of your life.
Exodus 28: I 31: I-11; Romans 1 Peter 2:5; Revelation
The priesthood had a place of highest importance in Israel’s system of worship. This is why only selected people were qualified to be priests. God gave Moses the conditions that must be fulfilled for a person to be qualified as priest:
(i) Must be descendant of Aaron — This means he must be among the chosen generation. Anyone who desires to serve God must become a member of God’s family through the new birth. Such a child must have repented and washed clean by the blood of Jesus.
(ii) Separation from the world unto God — The priests were specially chosen and set apart for God’s service. They were to be different from others in their ways, words, wills and walk with God. They must totally surrender all to God.
(iii) Holy living is a major attribute in the life of the priest. This is why God Himself prescribed the standard of living expected of the priest.
The priest must be holy in his dressing, character, conduct, speech and lifestyle. This is also one of the greatest qualifications for anyone who desires to serve God acceptably because without holiness no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). Although the Old Testament priesthood tried to fulfil the purpose for its establishment, there were many faults in it. For us, the New Testament believers, Jesus is our great High Priest. He established the new covenant through His death, offering Himself as the perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 9: 15-28). He is in God’s presence on our behalf and making it possible for us to draw near to God, our Father. In turn, we are to consecrate our lives to serve God in holiness and righteousness before He comes to take us to heaven.
Sinners, on the other hand must repent from their bad ways and forsake them. Accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, live holy and become priests for Christ.
- Define priesthood.
- Who were chosen as priests in our study?
- Mention the duties of the priests.
- State the characteristics of a priest.
- How can a sinful child know God and serve Him acceptably?
MEMORY VERSE: “And take thou unto thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the children of Israel, that he may minister unto me in the priest’s office, even Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron’s sons” (Exodus 28:1).
LESSON: Friends of Jesus are priests of the Lord.
THOUGHT: I must live a holy life to remain a priest of God.
ACTIVITY: Read 1 Timothy 3:2,3 and write out four qualities of a New Testament priest.
CHORUSES: (l) It is a good thing to serve the Lord. (2) Peace, purity, power. (3) Keep me through Lord Jesus keep me through.
HOMEWORK: Write out in your homework book five things you will do as a priest of God.
Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:
1. Awesome
- Institution
- Priesthood
- Shewbread
- Succour.
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