Tabernacle Plan

DCLM Children Search- Divine Instruction on The Pattern of The Tabernacle

Previously, we saw how Moses succeeded in bringing the children of Israel from Mount Sinai as God had promised. But today, as we look at the Divine Instruction on The Pattern of The Tabernacle, we will see how Moses after receiving the ten commandments will be requested by God to build a tabernacle for Him. 


Exodus 25:1-40; 26:1-37; 27:1-21

after God had given the law at Mount Sinai, He wanted His people to have a special place where He could meet with them for fellowship. Israel has lived for four hundred and thirty years in Egypt but they did not enjoy true fellowship with the God of their fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For them t be a nation wholly separated unto God, they needed a place to offer proper worship that is acceptable unto God. This was the reason He instructed Moses to mobilise the people to build a sanctuary which is also known as the tabernacle.

Moses was not to build the house according to his own desire but according to the pattern given to him. This shows that God is interested in the way we pattern our lives and whatever He wants us to do for Him. We must no choose our own way but allow God to guide us by His word in all we do. also told Moses that all the children of Israel should give willingly for the building of the tabernacle. He expects us also as friends of Jesus, to contribute generously and willingly to the building of proper worship centres in our 10 churches. As we obey, He will pour His blessings upon us.


Exodus 25:1-40; 26:1-37

God gave Moses specific and detailed instruction for the building of the sanctuary. This shows that God loves orderliness. The size, measurement and materials to be used were specified. It must be built according to pattern. Apart from the physical building of the sanctuary, there were other components that were to be prepared and set in the tabernacle. This includes the (a) Ark which was the chest containing the Ten Commandments, a pot of manna and Aaron’s rod. It was placed in the most holy place of the tabernacle and represented the throne of God. (b) Mercy seat, it was set as the covering of the ark. (c) Two cherubim’s — carvings of angelic beings symbolising God’s presence and kingship among His people on earth. (d) Table to hold the shewbread — the bread placed upon the table represents the presence of the Lord who preserved Israel in their wilderness journey. It points to Christ the bread of life. (e) Candle stick which was a lamp stand that had seven oil lamps to give light in the tabernacle. The burning lamps represented God’s light in the midst of the camp On Altar where sacrifices were made.

The other things included were the furnishing and the priest’ garment. Exact instructions were given for building the tabernacle. It had to be constructed according to God’s pattern because it was His house and He is the designer. The basic requirement for building up our Christian faith is the word of God. Therefore, listen carefully and read the word of God, think on it day and night; be faithful in keeping the commandments of God, obey them fully and apply them to every area of your life.


Exodus 26: 1-37; Colossians 1:19-23; Hebrews 9:1-15

The tabernacle was first erected in the wilderness about One year after the Passover was a movable when tent the children with all its of Israel components were freed that from the people their Egyptian travelled slavery. with and It set up whenever they pot up their camp. The tabernacle would be in the centre of the camp, and the twelve (12) tribes of Israel would set up their tents around it according to their tribes , God’s presence was with His covenant people in the wilderness. He appeared as a pillar of cloud over the tabernacle by day and pillar Of fire by night in the sight of all Israel, The people would not set out on their journey unless the cloud was lifted.

The children of Israel needed to be assured by the presence of the tabernacle that God was with them. The tabernacle is significant to friends of Jesus because: (i) it was the place where God provided forgiveness of sins through the blood sacrifice. Thus, it pointed to the eventual sacrifice of Christ on the cross for the sins of the human race (Hebrews 8: 9:11-14). (ii) It pointed to heaven the eternal home of the saints. The Bible assures us that there is a heavenly tabernacle where Jesus Christ, our eternal High Priest lives forever praying for us (Hebrews (iii) It also pointed toward God’s final redemption when a new heaven and new earth will come. Then God will dwell with us and we shall be His people forever (Revelation 21:3).


Exodus 27:1-21; Acts 3:18-26; 4: 12; 17:30; | Thessalonians 4:7; Hebrews 8: 5

The tabernacle was more than just a place of worship. All the components were part of what can be referred to as ‘teaching aids’ to explain God’s relationship with His people. One important aspect of this relationship was God’s requirement for complete obedience. God told Moses to build the tabernacle exactly the way He commanded. It was to be built according to God’s pattern.

To this end, God gave very specific instructions about the size of each component and the materials to be used. These instructions show God’s unquestionable authority and holiness. It emphasised that people could only come to God on His terms. The tabernacle was a prophetic illustration of God’s salvation plan for us. Jesus Christ came into the world to dwell among us. He suffered and died for our sins. He has fulfilled all the conditions for the salvation of everyone from sin.

No one can obtain salvation through his own efforts. Salvation and fellowship with God are possible only on His terms and according to His pattern and revelation. Therefore, all that a sinner needs to do is to know and accept that he/ she is sinful. Accept God’s offer of salvation. Repent of all his/ her sins, ask God to forgive and cleanse him/her with the blood of Jesus, invite Jesus into his/her heart as his/her Saviour and Lord. Then, he/she must press forward and pray for the sanctification of his heart. He/she should also strive to live a holy life and serve God in righteousness all the days of his/her life. This is the way to enjoy God’s presence here on earth and be qualified to live with Him in heaven forever.


  1. Was instructed to build a tabernacle.
  2. The children of Israel were commanded to give free for the tabernacle.
  3. Mention some of the components of the tabernacle.
  4. What is the significance of the tabernacle?
  5. Why was Moses instructed to follow God ‘s pattern?
  6. How can a sinner obtain salvation?

MEMORY VERSE: “And thou shalt rear up the tabernacle according to the on thereof which was shewed thee in the mount” (Exodus 26:30).

ON: God desires that His children should live in obedience to His word.

THOUGHT: will daily live in obedience to God’s word so as to enjoy His since.

ACTIVITY: Children should do a sketch of the tabernacle according to the creation in our study.



(l) Solomon -built the temple of God.

(2) God must be honoured in my life.

(3) Obedience is the very best way.

HOMEWORK: Pray that your body will be a worthy temple for God to dwell in.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

1. Mobilize 2. Tabernacle 3. Significant 4. Sanctuary 5. Covenant.

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