John 1:35-51

the disciple is someone who believes in, follows and practises the teachings of his master. The Lord Jesus Christ is our Saviour and Master. Not only does a disciple believe, he also shows others the way to know Jesus and become His disciples too.

Two men, Andrew and another unnamed person, were already disciples of John the Baptist who was preaching about repentance and baptism for the forgiveness of sins (Luke 3:3). Although these two young men were brought up in good Jewish homes and had practised their religion according to the law of Moses, they nevertheless came under the conviction of the Holy Spirit to know that they were sinners. They knew that their religious activities could not take away their sins.

And so they were baptized by John the Baptist. But their master kept speaking of the greater One who would come after him. Therefore, when John saw Jesus and proclaimed “… Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world”, the two disciples left John to follow Jesus, accepted Him as their Saviour and Lord and became His disciples. Through their witness, others were brought to Jesus and became His friends and disciples also. Sinful boys and girls are called to repent, then forsake their sin and accept Jesus as their Saviour, Lord, Friend and Master. After this, they must consecrate their lives to work for Him and preach the gospel to sinners. Bountiful rewards await all faithful followers of Christ.


Our Bible passage shows us the sequence of the call of Christ’s first disciples. These disciples were

(i) Andrew and another man, who were 8 already disciples of John the Baptist.

(ii) Peter who was Andrew’s brother.

(iii) n Philip and

(iv) Nathanael John the Baptist pointed his two disciples to Jesus, as the Lamb of God. They followed Jesus and abode with Him. Then, Andrew found his brother, Simon Peter and brought him to the Saviour. Jesus found Philip and said to him “Follow me.” Philip quickly found Nathanael and told him, “We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph” (John 1:45). All of these men’s lives were miraculously and wonderfully changed because they met Jesus. One common action in the call of these disciples was their readiness to follow Jesus. Even Nathanael who expressed doubt at first eventually surrendered his life to Christ when he met Him face- to-face.

Jesus is the only Saviour everyone needs. The pattern of call for each disciple differs from the other. Yet, they were called for the same purpose. First, is the call to be saved from sin to become a saint. If you are still a sinner, you must heed Christ’s call to you now. Repent, confess your sin to Him, ask for pardon and cleansing in the blood of Jesus and accept Him as your personal Saviour and Lord. Having done this, you will then commit your life to His service as a true disciple.


The purpose of Christ in calling His first disciples was to have a people set apart to carry out the great commission. Jesus knew that He had limited time to spend on earth. He needed labourers that would continue the work after He must have gone back to heaven.

The first disciples He called understood perfectly the reason for their call. They did not waste time, as they started the work immediately. Andrew went to seek his brother and brought him to Jesus. His brother responded by following him to the Saviour. Jesus seeing Peter, changed and made him the his name foundational leader of the New Testament Church (John 1:42; Matthew 16:18). Philip too did not close his mouth when he saw Nathanael. He told him about Jesus, the Messiah. Even when Nathanael doubted his testimony, Philip pressed him, “Come and see”.

When Jesus was preparing to go back to heaven, He commanded His disciples thus “…Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). This is the great commission for all true disciples of Jesus in every generation. If you are a disciple, you must commit your life to preaching the gospel to sinners. You can start with bringing the next person to you. If you bring the one next to you, and others bring the one next to them, in no time at all, we shall have them all; so, win them one by one.


And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen” (Mark 16:20). This is the testimony that confirms the commitment and consecration of the disciples to the work/assignment of the Master.

After selecting the first disciples, Jesus went further to call others. They became twelve in number. These, He hi sent out to preach the gospel. Later, He chose another seventy (70), whom He also sent out two by two to preach the to gospel. Through these disciples’ pioneering work, many souls were saved, became members of the church and disciples of Christ. Though they suffered persecutions and trials, yet they consecrated their lives to the service of the Lord. They are now in heaven, except Judas Iscariot, enjoying c the reward of their commitment and I labour.

This is our own time to work and labour for the Master. The time is short; the trumpet will soon sound for the rapture. We are to go everywhere o urgently, telling sinners about the love of Jesus. There are many means we can H employ now to carry out this important assignment. It could be person-to- person evangelism, linking sinners with special programmes like crusades, using various social media platforms to reach out to sinners and many more. Do not be a lazy disciple. Consecrate your life, time, talent and treasure to work for Jesus from now on. God will bless you abundantly.


  1. Who is a disciple?
  2. Mention the first four disciples of Jesus
  3. What are the works of a disciple? 4. Who is the Lamb of God?
  4. Can a sinful child be a true disciple? Yes/No
  5. What must he/she do to be a true disciple?

MEMORY VERSE: The day following Jesus would go forth into Galilee, and findeth Philip, and saith unto him, Follow me” (John 1:43).

LESSON: Jesus is calling all His friends to work for Him.

THOUGHT: I will work for Jesus.

ACTIVITY: Share gospel tracts to the children and pair them up to go out and preach the gospel in the neighbourhood.



(1) Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus

(2) I will make you fishers of men

(3) Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord.

HOMEWORK: Write in your homework book, the names of the twelve disciples of Jesus; memorize them.


Find the meanings of these words. You can use your dictionary.

  1. Commission
  2. Disciples
  3. Commitment
  4. Consecration
  5. Faithful

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