Lesson 41 Dedication of The Tabernacle and Consecration of The Levites
Numbers 7:1-89; 8:1-26
We gather together to worship and serve Him. The Levites were to help the priests as they work in the tabernacle. The Levites were the descendants of Levi, one of the twelve sons of Jacob (Israel). Their tribe was made up of three families-Kohath, Gershon and Merari. After Israel crossed the Red Sea, Moses was called to Mount Sinai by God to receive the Ten Commandments. While he was with God for forty days, Israel made an idol and began to worship it. God was very angry with Israel for the sin of idolatry. He told Moses to get down quickly and see what Israel had done. Moses was shocked to see the people worshipping idol in the shape of a calf. In a display of holy anger, he broke the stones containing the Ten Commandments and destroyed the calf.
Thereafter, Moses stood at the gate of the camp and called all those on the Lord’s side to step forward to him. Only the sons of Levi gathered unto him while the remaining children of Israel rebelled and refused to join Moses, God was pleased with the attitude of the Levites and commanded Moses to separate and consecrate them for His service (Numbers 8:14-16). Are you a friend of Jesus? God’s children must separate themselves from the rebels and join the leaders to serve God like the Levites.
1.DEDICATION OF THE TABERNACLE: Numbers 7:1-89; 1 Corinthians 6:19,20
To dedicate means to set apart for a holy use or a religious purpose. It also means totally surrendering yourself for a particular work like the work of God. The tabernacle being the temple or house of God was dedicated for the worship and service of God. Moses was clearly instructed by God to raise up the tabernacle where the children of Israel can gather to worship Him. Moses followed the specification of the design given to him by God. After raising up the tabernacle, Moses sanctified and anointed it including all the instruments for worship (Numbers 7:1). It was after this dedication of the tabernacle that the children of Israel brought in their gifts to make sacrifices and show gratitude to God for His mercy and love.
There are many lessons for us to learn from this act of dedication.
(i)The house of God is a place where we gather to fellowship and worship the living God. God is interested in having fellowship with us, hence He commands that we should not forsake the assembly of the saints. (Hebrews 10:25).
(ii) God is holy; therefore, we must maintain holiness and orderliness in our fellowship centres. Do not litter the church and its surroundings. Do not play with the instruments used for worship- pulpit, electronic appliances, musical instruments, etc. Maintain quietness and proper behaviour in God’s presence and keep the house of God clean and holy.
(iii) Bring in to God’s house your tithes and offerings. Offer willingly and cheerfully.
(iv) Your body is the temple of God. Therefore, you must not commit sin nor yield any member of your body as instrument of unrighteousness (Romans 6:13).
The Levites as helpers in the tabernacle were consecrated before they were fully admitted into God’s service. In consecrating the Levites, the Lord gave Moses, their leader, a detailed instruction on what to do. Many sacrifices were prescribed for both their physical and spiritual cleansing. These instructions were carried out on the Levites and they became cleansed and fit for God’s service.
This shows the high standard that God expects from anyone who desire to serve Him. God demands holiness and righteousness of life from friends of Jesus. However, we do not need to go through the lengthy cleansing ritual of the Old Testament Levites. Jesus, our Saviour and Messiah has paid the price for our cleansing. He died on the cross, shedding His blood for our purging and sanctification (Hebrews 13:12).
All we need to do in order to become a child of God is to be saved. Therefore, come to Jesus now. Acknowledge your sinful state. Pray for forgiveness and cleansing of your heart with the blood of Jesus. Accept Him as your personal Saviour and Friend. Go further to develop strong desire for the sanctification experience. Pray in faith and you will be cleansed. The Adamic nature will be taken away from your heart, you will then love God with all your heart, soul and strength. This experience will help you to serve God in holiness and righteousness all the days of your life.
3.DIVINE BLESSINGS FOR FAITHFUL SERVANTS: Numbers 8:1-26; 1 Corinthians 2:9
Aaron and his sons were to serve as priests, while the Levites were to serve as workers in the tabernacle. The priests were to lead the people during worship, prepare and offer sacrifices on behalf of the children of Israel. The high priest would go into the innermost part of the tabernacle once in a year to make atonement (plead for forgiveness) for the people.
Today, all the children of God are priests unto the Lord. All of us who are genuinely converted are to serve God in different sections in the church (choir, ushering etc.), preach the gospel to sinners, live a holy life and lead others by good examples and defend the truth always.
God gave the Levites a special inheritance. Inheritance is a property like land, building or wealth that parents pass on to their children when they die. The Levites were to have no earthly inheritance for God was their inheritance. God commanded that everything they needed was to be provided freely by their brethren. As you also surrender yourself, talent, treasure, time to serve God, great blessings await you. There are both physical, spiritual and eternal blessings for God’s faithful servants. These include: spiritual growth, fruitfulness in service, God’s favour, divine guidance, promotion, protection, preservation and provision of all your needs. Be a Levite unto God and you will be blessed.
1. What is a Tabernacle?
2. To dedicate means
3. How was the tabernacle dedicated?
4. Who were the Levites?
5. What work were the Levites called to do?
6. What must sinful children do to be qualified to serve God?
MEMORY VERSE: “And thou shalt set the Levites before Aaron, and before his sons, and offer them for an offering unto the LORD.” (Numbers 8:13).
LESSON: Service to God requires total dedication and consecration of self.
THOUGHT: I will surrender my life to God for His holy use.
ACTIVITY: Children should pray to be holy and obedient to God at all Times.
(1) Isaiah heard the voice of the Lord.
(2) I will dig a little deeper.
(3) My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
HOMEWORK: Search the Scriptures and write down two passages where God instructed Moses on the pattern of the tabernacle.
Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:
- Tabernacle
- Dedication
- Atonement
- Divine
- Devotion.