Youth Lesson 95 Murmuring In the Camp
MEMORY VERSE: “Do all Things without murmurings And disputings: That ye may Be blameless and harmless, The sons of God, without Rebuke, in the midst of a Crooked and perverse Nation, among whom ye Shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:14,15).
TEXT: Numbers 11:1-35; 12:1-16
Our text introduces us to three servants of God – Aaron, Miriam and Moses. They were children of Amram and Jochebed of the tribe of Levi (Numbers 26:59; Exodus 2:1-4). Aaron was sent by God to support Moses in the task of Delivering the children of Israel from Egypt. He was the firs High priest. However, he was weak in conviction (Exodus 32:21-25). Miriam was a great instrument in ensuring Moses Was preserved alive in Egypt (Exodus 2:3-10). She was a Singer and a prophetess (Exodus 15:20,21), yet, her tongue Brought a deadly disease on her. Furthermore, when the children of Israel left Egypt, it was a time of great joy and celebration of Jehovah’s faithfulness to His promises. They ascribed their redemption and Deliverance to God who triumphed gloriously. Miriam, Moses Elder sister led the jubilant women with musical Instruments. But on the way to the Promised Land, their Behaviour towards God and Moses changed adversely. This Was chiefly because of the negative influence of their association with the mixed multitude that, was among them They complained and murmured against God and His servant Moses.
Question 1: What is murmuring?
Murmuring is to say something in a soft low voice to show dissatisfaction. God Hates it. It destroys Christian character and leads to backsliding, The mixed multitude who were not children of Israel negatively influenced, the lives of the Israelites. As a result, they lost their faith, confidence and trust in Jehovah. God was provoked by their desire to return to Egypt and murmuring against Moses. This was rebellion against God’s eternal plan. It attracted His wrath and judgment which, led; to the death of many because of the plague of judgment and many also became leprous. Moses did not hide his total disappointment and displeasure, yet he prayed for them. In times of provocation and trials, we must learn to take, our complaints to God. Youths who arc born again must sever all close association with the mixed multitude who filter into our churches. They claim to know the Lord but in reality they are none of His. “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33)
Numbers 11:1-9,18-2’3, 30-35; Exodus 23:22; Psalms 78:18-22; Proverbs 1:10; 1 John 2:15-17
From the account of the Scriptures’ some Egyptians went up also with them when they were leaving Egypt for Canaan (Exodus 12:38). Some other Egyptians became Israelites by mete mixed marriages. Then there Were the Canaanites Who also joined the Israelites: There were also the decedents of the direct servants of the patriarchs that left Egypt with the people of God. All these people: who were not of the natural seed of Abraham, but joined themselves to the Israelites l Constituted those referred to as the mixed multitude. They were physically present with the Israelites in the wilderness, but, inwardly they were still in Egypt. This, they exemplified by crying for flesh, fish, cucumbers and garlic which they ate in Egypt. No wonder, they desired td go back to Egypt. The mingling of the children of Israel with mixed multitude was a source of embarrassment, grief and lamentation as “…the holy seed have mingle themselves with the people of those lands” (Ezra 9:2). “Ephraim, he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned” ( Hosea 7:8).
Question 2: What are the effects of the mixed multitude among the people of God?
The effects and danger of condoning the mixed multitude among the people of God are great and destructive (Psalms 106:34-40).
First, the mixed multitude taught the children of Israel open Rebellion Against God’s eternal Purpose by declaring that they wanted to return to Egypt. Already their minds had been defiles and polluted with unbelief. They lost their faith in God (Exodus 32:1-6, 14:12).
Second, the mixed multitude made Israelites to imbibe the habit of complaining. Complaining here means to speak against, criticize and find fault with God and His word. Yes, they spoke Against God; they said, can God furnish a table in the wilderness? (Psalm 78:19).
Third, it provokes God to anger and wrath against an individual church nation.
Fourth, the danger of the mixed multitude is that it turns those associated with them into ingrates.
Questions 3: How did the children of Israel display carnality in expressing and obtaining their requests?
God was not pleased with the children of Israel because of the lustful way in which they showed their desires. It was all characterized by carnality.
- They murmured and wept in bitterness of soul against God (Numbers 11:4,6,10,18,l20).
- They expressed in words, their memories of the past, regretting their departure from Egypt (Numbers 11: 5,20); They made a comparison between the past and the present (Numbers 11:5,6);
- They became provoked God to anger (Numbers l1:1,10);
- They also provoked their leaders to sin by complaining and praying to die by the hand of God (Numbers 11:10-15):
- They became dissatisfied with God’s provision for their daily needs (Numbers 11:4,6,18-23);
- They provoked God to anger (Numbers 11:1,10);
- They also provoked their leaders to sin by complaining and praying to die by the hand of God (Numbers 11:10-15);
- They manifested unbelief in God’s power to provide for them (Numbers 11:4,6, 18-23); and
- Despised the Lord (Numbers 11:20).
God provided meat for the children of Israel but He said it shall be loathsome to them because they had despised the Lord.
Numbers 11:1,2,3 1 -35; 12:1,2,3-8, 16,17,24-30; 14:2- 4,11,12; 16:8-14,28-34; 17:1-5; Exodus 16:1-3; Philippians 2:14-16; 1 Peter 4:9; Numbers 12:4-10,14-16; 1 Corinthians 10:10
“And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman. And they said, Hath the LORD indeed spoken only by Moses? hath he not spoken also by us? And the LORD heard it” (Numbers 12:1,2). Moses, the chosen servant of God, had experienced different occasions of complaining and murmuring from the general congregation (Numbers 11:1). The one in our text was from his blood relations and supportive leaders – Aaron and Miriam. They criticized Moses’ marriage and ministry saying that he had monopolized the office of the prophet. Murmuring, complaining and grumbling are great sins in the sight of God. Furthermore, speaking negative things against our leaders or anyone is not scriptural. “To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men” (Titus 3:2).
Question 4: What are the causes of murmuring today?
Miriam and Aaron envied the gifts of God upon Moses, their younger brother under the pretense of marrying a Gentile woman. This envy led to murmuring and evil speaking spite of their exalted position. Some of the causes o murmuring in our fellowship include envy, jealousy, position seeking, etc. God did not only hear their murmurings, He came to defend Moses. Aaron, Miriam and Moses were called into the tabernacle of the congregation where God gave a public, unprecedented approval of Moses, saying, “My servant Moses is not so, who is faithful in all mine house” (Numbers 12:7). Moses was the servant of God and approved by Him. After showing His approval of Moses’ ministry, the Lord went on to defend him and restated his call and commission. This shows that the commission of Moses Extended to every part of God’s service and that he has been proved to be faithful in every area. God justified Moses and showed Aaron and Miriam their fault. The Lord went ahead to show them His displeasure.
Question 5: What are the consequences of murmuring and complaining?
“And the anger of the LORD was kindled against them; and he departed” (Numbers 12:9). God departed and would not hear their excuses or plea. This should put holy fear and reverence for God in the hearts of youths.
- One, this experience shows that the removal of God’s presence from a Christian youth is the saddest token of His displeasure. It can be disastrous if God departs from anyone.
- Two, God’s judgment was released on Miriam that she became leprous. Sin brings sickness, sorrow and satanic affliction.
- Three, Miriam was sent out of the camp as a result of the leprosy. Sin separates a person from true fellowship with God and His congregation.
- Four, their progress was delayed. Sin hinders spiritual progress.
- Five, Miriam faced divine discipline.
Any Christian youth or leader that goes into sin will face discipline by the appropriate church authority. Sin is dangerous. Leprosy, by application is sin. Its visible effects on the body illustrate the effect of sin upon the soul. Sin, like leprosy is deforming, devastating, destructive, devaluing. disrespecting, discomfiting and deadly. Leprosy affects slowly, deadly and ends up in physical death. Sin is also slow and deadly in its working and ends up in eternal death. Sin mutilates or destroys the soul. Sin like leprosy is deceitful in its workings. Just like leprosy covers the system as the and makes its victim dead while living, so is sin. Therefore as the judgment was on the envious, so will the judgment of God be on the sinners.
Hebrews 10:22: John 3:3 ; Isaiah 55:6,7; 1 John 1:8-10, Joel 2:28,28; Acts 2:17,18
“And Aaron said unto Moses, Alas, my Lord, I beseech thee, lay not the sin upon us, wherein we have done foolishly, and wherein we have sinned. Let her not be as one dead, of whom the flesh is half consumed when he cometh out of his mother’s womb” (Numbers 12:11,12). The reaction of Aaron to the judgment on Miriam is very instructive. He did not only acknowledge his own sin but that of Miriam and apologized to Moses. Moses cried to the Lord from his heart and the Lord healed her but not without a “scar”.
Question 6: What is the cure for murmuring?
Genuine repentance is the only known cure for murmuring. God has no pleasure in the death of a sinner, but He is willing that all sinners should come to repentance (Revelation 3:20). However, in our text, we see the effect of sin both on individual and the congregation. The sin of Miriam and Aaron brought hindrance to the people’s progress to the promised Land. This shows that sin hinders our journey to heaven. This incident in the wilderness shows that pride is vanity and its end is death and destruction. Like Haman, Pharaoh, Goliath, Herod and Lucifer, pride brings v down the proud and God exalts the humble. From our text, Moses did not defend himself. The scripture testified that he was very meek above all men, humble and patient. The defense and confession of God about Moses in our text is noteworthy. As a Christian youth, what record is God keeps about you and what will God say about your actions and relationship with Him; your reaction to His Word and relationship with fellow youths in the church and Fellowship? Also, God used Moses to bring His sport upon the seventy elders. Therefore, “examine yourself, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates?” (2 Corinthians 13:5).