Children STS Lesson 43 Murmuring In The Camp
Numbers 11:1-35; 12:1-16
God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, the land of suffering in order to fulfil His promise to Abraham. He led them through the wilderness and provided manna to feed them on the way. The children of Israel were ungrateful and full of unbelief. Instead of trusting God, they murmured against Him and Moses their leader. True children of God must not murmur against God or leaders in the church.
The children of Israel cannot do without complaining because their hearts were hard and uncircumcised. Murmuring is a sin and God will not accept it from His people. It is harmful and attracts God’s anger. Friends of Jesus are warned to be careful about God sees, hears and knows all the secrets of their lives and shall bring every work into judgment. God reacted to the murmurings with terrible judgment. He sent His fire to destroy some of the people. When the children of Israel realised their sinful behaviour, they cried out unto Moses who prayed to God for mercy and the fire was put out. Sinful and backsliding boys and girls must repent and call upon God for mercy.
“And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp” (Numbers 11:1).
In the first ten chapters of Numbers, Israel was counted, organised, cleansed, separated, blessed, taught how to give, reminded of God’s deliverance, given God’s symbol of presence, and the tools with which they can make progress in their journey to Canaan- the promised land. Now, having set out towards Canaan, the people complained. God has done so much for Israel, yet they still murmured against Him.
(i) The complaints were from three sets of people.
The general congregation. After only a few days into their journey (Numbers 10:33), the children of Israel began to murmur and complain because of circumstances that were not too favourable for them. How quickly they forgot their deliverance from Egyptian slavery and God’s mighty acts on their behalf. They would not trust God and commit their lives and future to Him. Friends of Jesus are encouraged to always think of God’s gracious acts in our lives and continually show appreciation to Him. Never you murmur or complain even in times of trials and difficulties. God sees everything and will help you at the right time.
(ii) The mixed multitudes – these were strangers who mixed up and followed the children of Israel when they left Egypt. This set of people influenced the children of Israel to raise false accusation against God and Moses their leader. In fact, they complained of the delicious manna that God gave them. They were longing for meat and the delicacies of Egypt. Their evil desires even pushed them to “weep throughout their families” (Numbers 11:10). It was a shameful act of ingratitude and disregard for God who showed mercy unto them. Their action also provoked Moses to even complain to God.
Children of God must beware of their actions. Some children are covetous and greedy, to the extent that they show little regard for what their parents can afford to give them. It should not be so. You must cultivate the attitude of showing appreciation to your parents, caregivers and more importantly to God. Do not keep company with unbelievers, they will influence you to disobey God’s word. Your duty is to preach the love of Jesus to them.
(iii) Aaron and Miriam – They were Moses’ elder brother and sister, yet they murmured against him because of their pride, envy and position seeking. They wanted to be the leader of the people in place of Moses. They forgot that God is the one that chose Moses and not man. Children must not rebel or murmur against the leaders in the family – (parents), school, community, nation and church. You are encouraged to obey God’s word, respect, honour the leaders and pray for them (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
- PUNISHMENT FOR MURMURERS: Numbers 11:1-3,18-24,31-34; 2:4-10
The murmuring of the people made God unhappy. Complaining hearts often displease God especially when they show little gratitude for what He did in the past, and little faith for what God could do at the moment. In response to Moses’ complaints, God instructed him to choose seventy men among the people that will assist him in his work. He obeyed and God poured out His Spirit upon those elders and were empowered to work with Moses.
On the other hand, God responded to the murmuring of the people with fierce judgment. Israel had enjoyed the presence of the pillar of God’s fire every night. Here, the fire became something of two-edged sword. God’s fire was present with Israel to comfort them, but it was also present to deal with their sin. The people that murmured against God received instant judgment.
(a) The fire of the Lord burnt the first set of murmurers.
(b) The people that craved for meat were consumed with plague (strange sickness).
(c) For Miriam, she became leprous and was sent out of the camp until God had mercy on her.
Murmuring is a serious sin before God. It always attracts His displeasure and judgment. As believers, we must not murmur or complain, rather commit everything to God in prayer.
When the children of Israel realised that they have done bad in murmuring against God, they became sorry. They cried unto Moses who in turn prayed unto the Lord on their behalf. Also, in the case of Aaron and Miriam, Moses prayed to God and He answered. The fire of judgment was quenched, and Miriam became well after spending some days outside the camp.
The lesson we should meditate on is that obedience is the best way to please the Lord. It is better not to disobey because of its serious consequences. Do not be in the company of murmurers and disobedient children. Believe the word of God and trust Him to fulfil His promises in your life. If you are not a friend of Jesus yet, you belong in the company of mix-multitudes. Come out and surrender your life to Jesus now.
You must confess your sins to God. Repent of your sins and ask Jesus to wash you clean in His blood. Invite Him into your heart to be your Saviour and Friend. Continue to follow and serve Him and He will give you the grace to overcome all bad habits.
- Who were the three sets of people that murmured against God and Moses?
- State three reasons for the murmuring.
- How were the murmurers punished?
- God is not happy when you murmur or complain. Yes/No?
- What is the way out of murmuring?
MEMORY VERSE: “And when the people complained, it displeased the LORD: and the LORD heard it; and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the LORD burnt among them and consumed them that were in the uttermost parts of the camp.” (Numbers 11:1).
LESSON: God is not happy when we murmur and complain.
THOUGHT: I will not murmur or complain so as to escape God’s judgment.
ACTIVITY: Prayer of repentance.
(1) Oh wait meekly and murmur not.
(2) See me through Lord.
(3) I will never let the devil win the battle.
Warn sinners of the danger of remaining in their sinful ways.
Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:
- Habit
- Multitude
- Delicacies
- Murmured
- Uttermost.