
Laws Of Vows And Dedication-Lesson 31, Children Search

Text: Leviticus 27:1-34

God is the Creator of the heaven and the earth. He made man in His own image; therefore, He solely owns us and all that we possess. Yet, God has given us the freedom to willingly surrender and give back to Him all that He has given us. Your body, soul, spirit, talents, treasures, time and everything in your possessions belongs to God. Do not withhold anything from the Lord. Surrender all to Him.

In our Bible passage, God gave the children of Israel specific commandments on how to make vows, pay their tithes and dedicate all that they possess to Him. The same commandment is coming to you today. God wants us to make vows to serve Him with all our mind, soul and spirit, pay our tithes and dedicate our lives to serve Him faithfully and acceptably. Obedience to these commandments will bring abundant blessings to your life.


Leviticus 27:1-34; Numbers 30: 1-4; Deuteronomy 23:23; Matthew 15:4-6

And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for the LORD by thy estimation (Leviticus 27: 1 , 2). This is a direct command from God to the children of Israel through Moses. This command deals with things vowed to the Lord such as persons, animals, houses and land. A vow is a voluntary pledge to God to perform some service or do something pleasing to Him.

The people were commanded to surrender all that they have to God. Our Bible passage begins with vows involving animals, dedication of houses, properties and first born of animals to God. It emphasises the fact that when a person makes a pledge to God, that person must be faithful to that pledge. God requires that born again boys and girls be faithful in doing all that they promise so that they might reflect His faithfulness and enjoy His promised blessings.

The passage Concludes with instructions about tithes of all that the land produced, whether seeds or fruits, one-tenth was to be reserved for the Lord. A tithe is one tenth of our income like pocket money or gift we receive from people. This one-tenth belongs to God and must be given to Him through the church. God gave these commandments to the children of Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai so that they might dwell at peace with Him in the land of promise.

This same command is coming to you now. God wants you to surrender your life to Him, serve and honour Him with your substance by regularly paying your tithes and offering. Then the door of blessings will be opened to you such that your storehouse will be filled to overflowing.

  1. EXAMPLES OF VOWS AND TITHES IN THE BIBLE:  Leviticus 27: 1-34; Malachi 3:10-12 

There are powerful testimonies in the Bible about people who made vows to God, performed their vows and were greatly blessed. These include: 

Abraham — Genesis 14:17-20. He gave Melchizedek a tenth of all in gratitude for the help and grace of God. This is the first time tithing is mentioned in the Bible.

Jacob – Genesis 28:16-22; 31:13. He promised to set up a house to worship God and also dedicated his life to God alone.

Jephthah — Judges  A warrior who vowed to give whatever comes out first to meet him at his return from the warfront. God gave him victory in battle and he fulfilled his vow by presenting his daughter to God as a living sacrifice. She devoted her entire life to live holy and serve God.

Hannah — 1 Samuel 1:9-11,20,25-28. Hannah is an example of a faithful promise keeper. From the time she first desired to have a child, she prayerfully and purposefully presented her child before the Lord. She regarded her son as a gracious gift from God. She fulfilled her vow by dedicating Samuel to the Lord.

Paul — Acts 18:18. In the course of his missionary journey, Paul made a vow that will enable him to be able to reach out to the people who do not believe in Jesus. He was all things to all men so that he can effectively preach the gospel to them.

We may not follow the Old Testament ceremonies of making vows, Jesus has made everything simple for us through His death on the cross. All that a child need do is offer himself to God. Firstly, as a sinner, repent and ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. Ask Jesus into your life to be your personal Saviour and Lord. Secondly, surrender your life, time, talent, material, education and everything for God’s use. Pay your tithe regularly. Be involved in the work of evangelism and building the body of  Christ.

As you make a vow to follow Jesus, do not go back. Fulfil your promise and enjoy abundant blessings from God. Remember, whatever you have vowed to give to God must be done willingly and with a cheerful heart.


Leviticus 27: 1-34; Malachi 3:8-10; 2 Corinthians 9:6-14

We make vows, and determine to pay such vows for the following reasons:

  1. To show our obedience to God who commands us to dedicate our lives to Him through vows and paying of tithes. 
  2. To honour God.
  3. As a mark of surrenderedness, accepting the fact that God owns us and all that we have. 
  4. As an opportunity to give back to God what He has given to us.
  5. Serves as open door to help the poor and needy.
  6. As a way of storing up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20).

Obedience to God’s command will open the door to God’s blessings and continuous fellowship with Him. Now is the time to make your vow, pledge and surrender your life to Jesus so He can use you for His own purpose. Eternal rewards await the obedient. 


  1. What is a vow?
  2. What did God command the children of Israel to do in our Bible passage?
  3. Mention three examples of people who vowed and paid what they vowed.
  4. Mention four reasons for making vows and paying tithes.
  5. How can a child make a vow to God as a (i) sinner (ii) friend of Jesus?

MEMORY VERSE: “Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When a man shall make a singular vow, the persons shall be for the LORD by thy estimation” (Leviticus 27:2).

LESSON: Obedience to God’s command on vows brings blessings.

THOUGHT: I will pay my vows and serve God faithfully.

ACTIVITY: Scripture hunt: The teacher should call out the following Bible passages one at a time. The first child to search and locate any of the passages stands, reads and says one lesson he has learnt from the passage. Genesis 28:20-22, 14:18-20; Malachi 3:10; Judges 11:30; 1 Samuel 1: 11; Jonah 2:9; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5



(1) All I have is given to me by the Lord.

(2) All that I have (3ce) I give to Jesus.

(3) Give, it shall be given unto you.

HOMEWORK: Search the Bible and write in your homework book, the names of two people who made vows and fulfilled their vows.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

  1. Vows
  2. Dedication 
  3. Commandments
  4. Voluntary
  5. Reserved.

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