
Renewal Of the Law and Offering for The Tabernacle, DCLM Children Search

Renewal of the law and offering for the tabernacle
Renewal of the law and offering for the tabernacle

Last week we examined Israel Descends Into Idolatry, and today we consider the Renewal of the Law and Offering for Tabernacle.


Exodus 34: 1-35; 35:1-35; 36:1-38

To renew something is to do it again. Moses had broken the two tables of stone that contained the Ten Commandments because of Israel’s sin in worshipping the golden calf. God needed to renew the law and so He instructed Moses: “Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest” (Exodus 34:1). Besides renewing the law, God directed Moses to make collections for the building of the tabernacle so that Israel could have a place to meet with and worship Him. God expects every child who has gone away from the Lord to come back to Him and then use his talents and gifts for the work of God.

God instructed Moses to come to Mount Sinai in the morning and bring two tables of stone along with him. At first, God provided the on tables them and but wrote now Moses must hew t h e tables and God would write on them. The evidence of pardon of our sins and peace with God is the writing of God’s laws in our hearts. As Moses presented the two tables of stone to God on the mount, every boy or girl must present his/her heart to God. Only then will the law of God be written it.


Moses obeyed the Lord by going to the mountain very early in the morning with the two tables of stone in his hands and presented himself before God. As soon as Moses got to the top of the mount, God descended there to meet him and proclaimed Himself as

(i). The Great God

(ii). The Good God and

(iii) A Just and Holy God.

As the Great God, His mercies are sure and endure forever. Being a good God, He is merciful, gracious, longsuffering and forgives sins. As a just and holy God, He will punish the guilty and forgive those who repent. When God finished proclaiming His name, Moses responded by saying, “It is   enough” and then made haste and bowed his head in worship. By this action, Moses demonstrated humility, reverence and adoration to God.

After this, he prayed for the presence of God and pardon for the sins of his people, Israel. At this point, God rewrote the law on the two tables of stone Moses brought to the mount and Israel’s relationship with God was restored. Sinners and backsliders must return to God in true repentance. This will restore them to a loving relationship with God.

  1. GOD’S MESSAGE TO ISRAEL THROUGH THE LAW:     Exodus 34:29-35; 35:1-19

On the mountain, God miraculously sustained Moses throughout the forty days and forty nights. By the time he came down from the mount, his face shone, so that the people could not look upon him till he put a veil on his face. Only then were the Israelites able to listen to him as he delivered God’s message to them. Covenant with God was renewed on the basis of Israel’s return and restoration to God.

In the covenant, God explained what He would do for Israel on one hand and then on the other hand, He listed what Israel must do as follows:

One, observe and do all that He commanded them. God has always required obedience from His children.

Two, observe three feasts in a year.

Three, observe the Sabbath by resting one day in a week. The three feasts Israel were to observe were:

  1. the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread in remembrance of their deliverance out
  2. the Feast of Weeks, which is the Pentecost, seven weeks after the Passover and;
  3. the Feast off gathering at the end of the year, which was the feast of tabernacles.

Having repeated these laws, God also gave Moses the pattern of the tabernacle. It must be noted that Moses stayed forty days on the mount just like he did the first time. God did not reduce the number of days for the fear that Israel might go into idolatry again. This teaches that as children, we must Obey God always and in all things; He will never alter His standards for us hence the Bible not.”


God commanded that a tabernacle be set up in the wilderness. In building the tabernacle, God instructed Moses as follows:

  • Whosoever was of a willing heart must contribute his substance(s) for the building of the tabernacle and;
  • Those who were skillful must work.

There are lessons we must learn from the response of the children of Israel: (a) they brought their offerings immediately;

(b) They gave willingly;

(c) The offerings were of different kinds — gold, precious stones, goats’ hair, rams’ skins, ornaments and so on;

(d) Everybody was involved in the work of God

(e) Contributions for the tabernacle continued until the people were told to stop giving;

(f) Bezaleel and Aholiab surrendered their skills and time to God and;

(g) They built the tabernacle according to God’s instructions.

The tabernacle was made of embroidered curtains coupled together without timber or stone. Curtains were used for doors and veils for partitions.

The tabernacle consisted of three parts:

  1. the outer court;
  2. the Holy Place and;
  3. The Most Holy Place.

There was a veil made for the door of the tabernacle. The people of Israel were forbidden to go into the tabernacle, but they always assembled at the door to receive messages from God. In the New Testament dispensation, children of God can come before the Lord at any time as Christ has broken the wall of partition. In fact, God expects every child to draw close to Him, live a holy life and have constant victory over sin.


  1. What did God ask Moses to bring with him to the mountain?
  2. What must every boy or girl bring to the Lord for God to write on today?
  3. (a) Did God reduce the number of days Moses spent on the Mount when he went up the second time to receive the law from Him? Yes or No? (b) What does that teach us as children of God?
  4. Why were the Israelites not able to look at Moses face by the time he came down from the mountain?
  5. (a) Only adults can give their money and talents as offering to the Lord.  Yes/No?

(b) Every child should be happy when giving his offering rousing his talent for God. True/ False?

6 .How can a sinful boy or girl come to God?

MEMORY VERSE:And the LORD said unto Moses, hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest” (Exodus 34: 1).

LESSON: God is happy when His people are in constant fellowship with Him.

THOUGHT: I will daily renew my walk with the Lord and use my gifts and talents for Him.

ACTIVITY: Draw two tables of stone and write the Ten Commandments on them.


CHORUSES: (1) Make me a good childlike Samuel (2) Your word is life (3) I will give to God.

HOMEWORK: Visit children who have been absent from fellowship for a long time. Encourage and bring them to the church.


Find the meaning of these words. You can use your dictionary:

1. Renewal

2. Offering

3. Design

4. Reverence

5. Pentecost.     

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