Renewal of the law and offering for the tabernacle
Renewal of the law and offering for the tabernacle

Last week we examined Israel Descends Into Idolatry, and today we consider the Renewal of the Law and Offering for Tabernacle.


MEMORY VERSE: “And Moses gathered all the congregation of the children of Israel together, and said unto them, these are the words which the LORD hath commanded, that ye should do them” (Exodus 35: 1).

TEXT: Exodus 34 to 36

After the ugly incident of idolatry in chapters thirty-two and thirty-three, God instructed Moses to hew two new tables of stone, like the first, so He could write the law on them again (Exodus 34:1-4,28). This gesture was evidence of pardon and renewal of divine favour towards Israel, a people that had been labelled “rebellious and stiffnecked“. Afterwards, Moses went up to Mount Sinai where the Lord renewed His covenant with Israel and wrote the Ten Commandments again. The Lord declared Himself as a merciful and compassionate One willing to forgive the iniquities of His people.

Moses tarried in His presence for forty days and forty nights.
The renewal led to the commandment to offer for the building of the Tabernacle. Moses prepared the hearts of the children of Israel to bring an offering for the building of the Tabernacle and the materials were provided by those whose hearts the Lord stirred up. Aside the inspired offering, God endowed able men and women with divine wisdom, knowledge and understanding to construct the Tabernacle and design its materials (Exodus 31:2, 3, 6). From the foregoing, it follows that a renewal of our relationship with the Lord will usher in divine favour, wisdom and understanding. There will be refreshing from the presence of the Lord and as He supplied the needs of the people so much that they were restrained from giving for the work of the Tabernacle, He will do the same if we return to Him and renew our covenant relationship.


Exodus 34:1-35; Deuteronomy 10:2,4; Exodus 32:16; 24:12; 31:18; Deuteronomy 6:19; 7:1-6; 11:25; Joshua 1:3-5; 23:9.

The children of Israel had stripped themselves naked by regressing into idolatry and God was ready to destroy them and raise another nation through Moses (Exodus 32:10,25). But He pardoned them as a result of Moses’ intercession. “And the LORD said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon these tables the words that were in the first tables, which thou brakest” (Exodus 34:1). This is indicative of divine pardon and answer to Moses’ intercessory prayer that the Lord decided to give the law afresh to the people and renew His covenant with them. Relapsing into sin always brings the loss of God’s favour and presence. Moses was commanded to come over to the top of Mount Sinai once again. In response, he went up early in the morning. “And the LORD descended in the cloud, and stood with him there, and proclaimed the name of the LORD” (Exodus 34:5). In fulfilment of His promise to him earlier (Exodus 33:22,23), the Lord revealed Himself and proclaimed His attributes. He is merciful, gracious, longsuffering, abandoning goodness and truth, and keeps mercy to thousands.

True to the Scriptures, God has manifested these attributes in every generation.
One, He showed mercy to Noah, a righteous person in his generation, and saved him and his household from the flood (Genesis 7:1).
Two He showed mercy to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and their offspring.
Three, His mercy sent Christ to die for sins of the whole world.
Four, His gracious character would not leave us as preys in the hand of the enemy. Rather, He takes of our fears and upholds us with His right hand of righteousness (Isaiah 41:10).
Five, His longsuffering n endured for us though we are sometimes too slow to understand His will and purpose.
Six, He is good to all His creatures and His goodness is all over the earth (Psalm 33:5).
Seven, He forgives our iniquities, transgressions and sin. David expresses the blessedness of those whose transgression and iniquity the Lord forgives. “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit, there is no guile” (Psalm 32:1,2). The Lord also projects Himself as a God of judgment and justice; an impartial Judge “…that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children’s children, unto the third and to the fourth generation” (Exodus 34:7). He calls on all nations therefore to repent of their transgressions lest He turns them into hell (Psalm 9:17).

Further manifestations of God’s renewed mercy towards Israel are understood in a series of promises of wonders among them (Exodus 34:10,11).
First, He would make a new covenant with them.
Second, He promised to do unprecedented marvels.
Third, He would defeat enemy nations around them, though this required obedience from the children of Israel. They must not have affinity or go into any form of alliance with the enemies. Israel must be a separate nation under God in order to enjoy all the promised benefits and blessings. They must not be found to be deep in unholy alliance and friendship with the world (James 4:4).
God renewed His covenant with Israel by restating His commandments (Exodus 34:11-28). A broader look at the commandments suggests that they are designed to guarantee the believers’ spiritual welfare and safeguard our relationship with God. Though the ceremonial aspect of the law has been abolished for New Testament Christians, the moral aspect of observing rest after working for six days, separation from the world, offering our talents and treasures to the Lord, avoiding idolatry and immorality, offering only what is pure and sanctified, ensuring we offer holy and acceptable service to the Lord, etc. still stand (Exodus 34:15, 21, 25). At the end of the fortieth day when Moses departed from the presence of the Lord, “…behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come to nigh him” (Exodus 34:30). When we spend quality time in the presence of the Lord, His grace rubs off on us. The world will perceive and take the knowledge that we have “been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13).

Exodus 35:1-35; 25:2-8; 1 Chronicles 29:3-9; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8; 8:12,2-5; Philippians 2:14.

Aside from the law, which Moses received and faithfully conveyed to the children of Israel, he also received instruction on the building and furnishing of the Tabernacle. And Moses spake unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, saying, This is the thing which the LORD commanded, saying, Take ye from among you an offering unto the LORD: Whosoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it, an offering of the LORD; gold, and silver, and brass” (Exodus 35:4,5; see also Exodus 25:40; Hebrews 8:5).

The resources for building God’s tabernacle are to be provided by the congregation of the Lord (Exodus 35:5-19). It was stated that those whose hearts the Lord stirred should give willingly and bountifully for the Tabernacle. As soon as the commandment to give went forth, the people responded and brought offerings in abundance – from the rulers (verse 27) to the lowest of the people, “as many as were willing-hearted’.

They did it enthusiastically because they knew new how important it was towards the completion of God’s house. Believers should emulate this attitude and be willing to give generously and sacrificially towards God’s projects (Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 8:2-4; 9:6,7). We should willing to surrender our time, talents and resources to God. Apart from paying our tithes regularly and faithfully, we are required to give for evangelistic and mission work (2 Corinthians 8:4), building projects, etc. Other areas that require our resources include meeting the needs of needy members and ministers as well as executing special programmes, crusades, and retreats, among others. However, the condition of the giver’s heart is of utmost importance to God; we must give from a pure heart, willingly and cheerfully (2 Corinthians 9:7). “And Moses said unto the children of Israel, See, the LORD hath called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri… And hath filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, in all manner of workmanship; And hath put in his heart that he may teach, both he and Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan” (Exodus 35:30,31,34). Here, God appointed workmen especially to be involved in the building of the Tabernacle and filled them with His Spirit, wisdom, knowledge, skill and understanding (verse 31) to effectively carry out the work. Bezaleel and Aholiab were endowed with the wisdom to work and teach others (verse 34). Those God has given knowledge should be willing to communicate it for the benefit and growth of the church. Similarly, leaders should identify and engage such people and not deprive the church of their gifts and service.
The Old Testament tabernacle is a shadow of the New Testament believer’s body (1 Corinthians 3:16,17; 6:19,20; 2 Corinthians 6:16; Ephesians 2:19-22). We should therefore, keep all members of our body holy to the Lord.

Exodus 36:1-38; 1 Chronicles 29:5; 2 Chronicles 24:13; Exodus 28:3; Psalm 68:11; Matthew 28:20; Mark 16:15-20; 1 Corinthians 3:10-15; Romans 12:11; 1 Corinthians 15:58.

As soon as the materials for the construction of the tabernacle were offered, the workmen commenced the work. “According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it. And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was skewed thee in the mount” (Exodus 25:9,40). God qualified them for the work and with willingness and resolution they wrought the work (Exodus 36:8-38). All ministers of the gospel should seek to build the body of Christ through the sound teaching of God’s word (1 Corinthians 3:10-11).

The mandate of the great commission given to every believer. Jesus said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature...” (Mark 16:15-20). Afterwards, He said we should teach them to observe all things He has commanded us (Matthew 28:19,20). The task the Lord has .given us is to evangelize the world of sinners and disciple the converts until they are able to stand as heaven-bound believers. The Lord did not just send us “to go” without equipping us, but like Bezaleel and Aholiab, He has given us His Spirit and wisdom and made adequate provision for us to carry out the work.

The zeal and urgency, which the early disciples attached to the work, should motivate every believer to put their hands to the work. We must arise with willingness, resolve and compassion (Matthew 9:36; Mark 6:34). Jesus Christ, our perfect Example did the work with all earnestness; He identified a must in Himself: “I must work the works of him that sent me…” (John 9:4). Paul the apostle placed a curse on himself: “…woe is unto me if I do not preach the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:16). A songwriter said, “To the work, to the work, we are servants of God; let us follow the path that our Master has trod. . . “Like Israel, we must be willing to give our time, talents and treasures for this great work. We must devise strategies and keep working till the Master comes (Luke 19:13).

Questions for review:
1. What do we learn from the way God forgave the children of Israel?
2. How should restored backsliders respond to God’s mercy?
3. State the evidence that Israel’s sin was forgiven.
4. What was Israel’s response to the offering for the Tabernacle and how should believers respond to giving for God’s work?
5. What should be the level of our commitment to the great commission?
6. What are the responsibilities God has given to gospel ministers?
7. What debt do we owe our neighbours who are not in Christ?

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