Christ’s exposition of the parable of the Sower


Matthew 11:12: Luke 11:21-23; Acts 26:16-18; Ephesians 6:10-13.


Evangelism generally is a spiritual battle to rescue the souls of men and women who are held in bondage by the enemy of man and God. The mandate given to Paul the Apostle by the Lord Jesus Christ declares the necessity of spiritual warfare in evangelism. It reads “To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God….” (Acts 26:18).

No doubt in a general sense all sinners are held by the power of the prince of the air, however some are in deeper bondage than others. This is why our theme is on “Evangelizing in Resistant Areas”which necessitates spiritual warfare. The Lord Jesus also explained that “when a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are at peace” (Luke l1:21).

Our subject therefore is on spiritual warfare and soulwinning. This means to win souls and preserve those souls in the Kingdom. We must be ready for spiritual Warfare, experience shows that not much can be done in soulwinning if we ignorant of this subject. Many souls are in captivity today through occultic and spiritualist activities and they need deliverance by those who can wage spiritual warfare. Praise God, the Bible has not left us without the resources to engage in this warfare. This is why we are enjoined to be strong in the Lord and in the Power of His might by putting on the whole armour of God, knowing we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Let’s consider these three points in this seminar topic: – (l) Reality of souls in captivity. (2) Resources for spiritual warfare. (3) Rescuing Satan’s captives.



Exodus 3:7-10; 5:1-19; Luke 11:21-22; Acts 8:9-11; 13:6-11; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:26.


The soulwinner therefore must realize that many souls are in captivity in the hands of the wicked one. The Old Testament experience of Moses with Pharaoh clearly illustrates our subjects. Israel was in captivity in the hands of Pharaoh and his magicians, who did everything within their power to keep them in bondage.

Moses’ first attempt by human means failed to produce any result, but rather put his life in danger until he had a personal encounter with the Lord.

The hardness and stubbornness of Pharaoh even after Moses and Aaron had done many mighty signs and wonders also illustrates the extent the devil can go to keep souls in captivity. In fact, instead of releasing the children of Israel. Pharaoh mobilized his magicians and sorcerers to counter the power of God through Moses, until they discovered that “this is the finger of God” (Ex. 7:8-13; 15-25: 8:1-32). This is why the Lord Jesus confirmed that when a strong man armed keepeth his place, his goods are at peace. The devil is this strong man and souls of men are kept by him in his palace using principalities, powers ,rulers of the darkness of this world and wicked spirits in high places.

The disciples who followed the Lord Jesus soon realized that there are spiritual forces holding men in bondage, as Philip encountered in Samaria Acts 8:8-1 1) where Simon the sorcerer had held the whole city in captivity. Paul also encountered Elymas in one of his soulwinning endeavours.

Cults are multiplying today and holding men under the yoke of the strong man. (2 Tim 3: 1 -9: I Tim 4:1-3). This is the end-time mobilization effort of the devil to gather souls into hell fire, and therefore every soulwinner must be awakened to this realization in these last days and fight the battle for souls.



Matthew 1:12; Luke 1, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Ephesians 6:10-18; Exodus. 3:13; 4:1-31


The Bible is clear. “The Kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matt. 1 1 :12). But we have the resources to counter the forces of darkness. We are not strong on our own but we are strong in the power of His might when we put on the whole armour of God.

We must therefore learn how to take on the whole armour of God knowing that “the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling (down of strongholds” (2 Corinthians 10:4). Therefore, every soulwinner and any soulwinning church must know that spiritual warfare demands: *knowledge of Christ’s conquest on Calvary. *adequate knowledge of God’s word (the Sword of the Spirit). *endowment of power through the Holy Ghost baptism. *understanding and utilizing the believer’s authority through the name and blood of Jesus. *dynamic and violent faith in God. *power of pure and righteous living.

*passion and compassion for captive souls. *persevering and prevailing prayers. *readiness to challenge and fight the battle till victory is complete.

This is the reason for the call to arise and put on the whole armour of God. In a local church, this demand: *mobilization of all believers for spiritual warfare. *formation of dynamic prayer squad to intercede without ceasing. *dynamic sermons that boost the faith of the believers. *leadership demonstration of spiritual warfare. *systematic exposure of believers to spiritual warfare. *keeping the church pure and holy to attract divine favour and presence. *emphasis on Holy Ghost manifestation and power

The weapons of our warfare cannot fail! Holy Ghost power cannot fail! Prevailing prayers cannot fail! The devil cannot defeat the believer who is earned with the Shield and Sword of the Spirit. Therefore, put on the whole armour of God!



Luke 4:18. 19: 1 1:21-22; Isaiah 49:24. 25; Matthew 1 1:12; Acts 8:5-8.


We can deliver the captives of Satan. The prey of the mighty can be delivered, and we can spoil the goods of the strong man. Many are crying for someone who can fight spiritual warfare to deliver them. Whole communities who are held down by Satan can be delivered, whole families who are bound by Satan can be rescued. And young and women who have sold themselves to the wicked one can be set free by the power of the gospel.

The gospel releases great power through those who know how to fight spiritual warfare. Every stronghold of Satan can be pulled down in Jesus Name. This is the secret of divine break through. We can have a breakthrough in every village even when Satan’s seat is. and see multitudes trooping into the Kingdom of God.

God can do it again in our time. What a joy it was when Israel trooped out of Egypt and Spoiled the Egyptians! What a great day it was when Samaria was delivered from the yoke of Simon the sorcerer! We can experience that joy again. The strongholds going to crumble again, and we shall possess the heathen as our inheritance and possession in Jesus Name!

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