Extraordinary Blessings for Kingdom Citizens, Pastor w. f. Kumuyi
Text: Matthew 6:10,33; 1 Peter 2:10-11,9
A great blessing from heaven was added to your life tonight in Jesus’ name. Today, there is an addition to your life. When you come to Christ, there is an addition and multiplication. Addition of benefits, goodness, miracles, supernatural wonders, and deliverance in Jesus’ name. Some people say raising a hand during altar calls is for children, but it is for everyone.
Some people say they go to church and assume that because they are church-goers already, they don’t need anything else, but I come to bring you an additional blessing tonight in Jesus’ name. So, whenever I make the altar call, ensure that you raise your hand. For our online brethren, the time of altar call is not for you to be engaged in something else because you are in the privacy of your house. When addition is about to come, stay there and concentrate, so that you will get your portion.
The topic of the message tonight is extraordinary blessings for kingdom citizens. what is going to happen to you and come upon your life tonight? extraordinary blessing.
Job 14:1,4; Psalm 58:3; Psalm 79:6; Ephesians 2:3
When you were born, you were born into an earthly Kingdom where quite a lot of heavy, metallic, and evil things happen. It was a natural birth into an earthly Kingdom.
As a natural man or woman, your life is full of trouble and your years are few. No one can bring a clean thing out of unclean. Adam and Eve came together in sin and birthed Cain the murderer. All men and women on earth have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Every father and mother on earth fell short of the glory of God, so, their offsprings, every boy or girl, men and woman are also unclean. No one can bring a clean and righteous man or woman out of an unclean source.
“The wicked are estranged from the womb...” Psychologists and Scientists say the environment and society corrupt humans, that they were born naturally good but when the environment interacted with them, they become polluted. But this is not right according to the word of God. Before the influence of society and the environment came to them, they were already bad. No one ever taught a child to tell lies, behave hypocritically and deceive, they do these things naturally. No one teaches anyone to do evil, it comes to them from the heart. The heart of man is wicked. They are corrupted from the womb and go astray as soon as they are born.
There is no exception, somebody high, low, American, Asian, European, everyone. Man is born into an earthly kingdom that is sinful, bad, corrupt, and evil in nature. All these come together and evil characters multiply. It is the lust in the flesh that influences, not the environment, or other people’s influence. When a dog barks at you, you don’t bark back. You don’t copy nocturnal creatures like cockroaches because it is not your nature. But the connection to the bad nature in you makes you behave badly.
You were born into an earthly Kingdom and you want a change. You make a resolution upon resolution, but after a few days, you are back to those things. It is like a fish saying it will never swim again. By nature, it will swim. In the same way, a bird cannot keep the resolution not to fly because it is its nature. A sinner cannot keep to the decision not to sin, because it is his nature. You have to be born again and a new nature, character, and behavior will be formed in you and your life will turn the right side up. It can and will happen to you tonight.
John 3:3-8; 1 Peter 1:23,18-19; 1 Peter 2:1-3; James 1:18,21,27
From the natural birth, the one in which you say your date of birth, if things are going to change, there must be a new birth.
There is a difference between earthly and eternal Kingdoms. The eternal kingdom is of God and His nature rules and reigns in it. You come to the Lord and your life is changed and impossibility becomes possible. Talking about a new life, nature, and character, everything changes.
Jesus told the woman at the well that He would give her the water of life and she would not thirst again. Some people talk about water coming from other different sources but no matter where they bring the water for you to your drink, you will still be thirsty afterward. The water of life is the word of God. The lust of the flesh and desire for alcohol, marijuana, and every evil thing will be taken away by the water of the word.
“Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God”. After you are born of the water which is the word of God, you must also be born of the Spirit and receive the power of the Holy Ghost. You must have the spiritual birth and your heart, mind, and outlook will be changed and fresh. The things you used to love and do, you will do them no more. No more attraction to sin any more as soon as you are born again.
Same for you my online friend, as God is working here in the Alpha Location, He will also work on your heart over there. The water that Jesus is offering is the water of life and you have the grace to drink from it freely and you will enter the Kingdom of heaven.
Being born again means something has happened before. So, to be born again means to be born anew, afresh by the power of the word of God. Being born again did not stop with Nicodemus, in the Acts of Apostles, in the early century, but the word that saves abides forever. Your life will change and people will marvel when they see you. You will look so good.
When you have hatred, a bad, injurious character, people will not be happy with you and they will also react the same way to you. But when you come to Christ, you will have a new birth and be born anew into the Kingdom.3.
Colossians 1:12-14; Psalm 103:1-3; Luke 10:17-20; Romans 8:14-17
When you come in – you can come at any stage, as a middle-aged, as an old person and numberless blessings abound for you in Emmanuel’s Kingdom.
There are so many benefits and advantages in Emanuel’s Kingdom. You will not remain in the earthly Kingdom. They destroy, harm, injure and turn people’s lives upside down, but by the power of God, your life will come right side up.
What are the birth right, benefits, and privileges?
God delivered us from the power of darkness, and deliver us to the Kingdom of His dear Son, Emmanuel. Hence, He will deliver you from the power of darkness.