The Fundamental Possibilities on The Faith of Jesus, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi
Message: Pastor W. F. Kumuyi
TEXT: ROMANS 3:22-26
Our God is doing great things, wonderful things all over the world, He is doing it here, and He is doing it everywhere and you will have your miracle tonight in Jesus’ name! All have sinned, therefore, all need forgiveness, justification, freedom, and the fulfilment of the mercy of God.
He does not discriminate against whoever believes in Jesus and as you come tonight, and put your trust and confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ, forgiveness has come to you, as well as peace of God that cannot fail.
Remember as we come celebrate the power of the God of all Possibilities. We think about Him, we talk about Him, and we put our faith and confidence in Him because He is the God of all Possibilities. Tonight, I want to talk to you about the fundamental possibilities on faith in Jesus. fundamentals that are very essential, important, and indispensable in your life.
Acts 5:30-31; 13:38-39; 20:20-21; 17:30-31.
Forgiveness is fundamental, fundamental to God, fundamental to you, to the family, the human race, and to everyone. God will forgive all your sins, every one of them, the ones you did ignorantly, the ones you did deliberately, and the ones you did because others are doing it (common sins) as well as the ones you did in a special way, God will forgive them all.
Here is the repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
Who are the people ‘ye’ in verse 30 is referring to?
- The Jews who crucified Christ and put Him to death,
- It also refers to you. If you have not sinned, Christ would not have died, if you were not a sinner, there will not be need for a Saviour. If you didn’t do evil, Christ would not have died, your sins slew Him, your disobedience slew Him, your offensive nature, your offensive life to God slew Him. He died so you will not die, He was crucified so you will not be condemned. He took your sins with Him, the punishment, pressure, evil, consequences of your sin, He took all upon Him. It was your sin that slew and crucified Him.
Christ is the beauty and glory of the grace of God, He has God exalted. “He” not Christ and prophet, not Christ and another person, “He” the only one that is the source of forgiveness and Salvation.
If a man is exalted by people and Christ is exalted by God, the one exalted by man holds no authority. If angel exalts anyone, and God exalts another one, the upliftment by those angels means nothing. If religion exalts a man, and God exalts Him, the one exalted by religion: your religion, my religion of native, local, and international people amounts to nothing when you compare the exaltation by God and God alone. God has exalted Christ to be your Saviour.
He actually causes you to repent, He leads and influences your mind to say, my sins crucified Christ, they nailed Him to the cross and the Holy Ghost gives you sorrow and regret for your sins. Repentance draws you to the Father, you will come, and you will not resist the pull, the drawing of the Holy Spirit unto the Father. Tonight, as you come to the Lord through Jesus Christ, He will forgive you, and He will blot out all the sins you ever committed in your life.
Looking at everything you have done, you didn’t know the cost and consequences of what you were sowing, you didn’t know the results for yourself, your family and the people around you, you didn’t know that you were sowing for eternity.
God is saying, because of Christ, we have settled the past, everything you did in ignorance, when you didn’t know that what you were doing would bring punishment and judgment all through eternity. Because of Christ He will forgive you, and overlook everything you have done in the past. Then, you will turn around and say, “I did and said that in ignorance before, I can’t continue in it anymore, Lord I repent, I didn’t know the things I was doing would cause Christ, your only begotten Son to be crucified on the cross of Calvary. Now, I know, and I repent. As you repent, salvation, forgiveness, a new life and power will come to you in Jesus’ name!
Mark 10:46-52; 5:25-29,33-34; Luke 17:12-19; Mark 5:36.
Freedom is fundamental: freedom from the sin you committed in the past, freedom from all sicknesses and infirmities. You will recover, your body will recover health, your life will recover happiness, your family will recover everything you have lost, a new life, and love will come again in Jesus’ name! He will heal all sicknesses and set you free and you will recover through faith. Your blind eyes will open, your lame legs will receive strength and you will rise up in Jesus’ name!
Now when Christ, the most honoured, exalted, recognized in Heaven and on Earth comes and knocks at your door, remember He is the Saviour, if you don’t open the door, but you shun Him, you give Him a painful blow, and there is going to be consequences of that, He will say on the final day, I came to you, I wanted to give you forgiveness and freedom, yet, you didn’t open the door, but shunned me, and told me to go away. Now He’s the Judge of all the earth, there will be terrible consequences. But when He comes, the mighty one, the exalted one, His name is Jesus, and He knocks at your door, He wants to give you a mighty change, your freedom from all sicknesses, when you open the door and honour Him, Heavenly blessings will come upon your life.
Didn’t you remember all have sinned and come short of the glory of God? We have no merit; all we can ask for is the mercy of God and Bartimaeus knew that. As you come tonight and you are not talking about your merit, about what you have done and what you have been, the many lives you have helped, no, as you come on the basis of the mercy of God, He will set you free.
He didn’t change his prayer or attitude, he didn’t say, “Okay, they are stopping me, they said I should keep quiet because I have no merit”. He knew that whether you are blind, lame, or have any challenges or not, all have sinned, nobody has any merit, and all you have, you only come by the mercy of God. Today is your day of mercy.
Jesus also knew that no one was qualified by merit, but by mercy, so, He stood still. Tonight, I come to declare to you, be of good comfort, cheer up, your problem will be dealt with by Jesus Christ, and your guilt and sicknesses will be carried away by Him.
Blind people in those days wear a kind of garment so that people can see them and not overrun and hurt them. It is the same today, people are always conscious of blind people, when someone is in a car and shines the light on them, he will see the need to protect him, and thereby avoid hitting him. The blind man said, I’m going to Jesus, the sight giver, freedom and mercy giver, once I get to Him, I will be blind no more. As you come to Christ tonight, you are blind and weak no more. Bartimaeus went through a kind process of repentance and took off the badge of identification of blindness. The badge of sinfulness that associated you with sinners, as you come to Christ tonight, remove and throw it away and freedom will come to you.
Matthew 8:16-17; Luke 4:21,32,36,40; Acts 3:18-19,26; Luke 4:21
Do you want to be released, liberated completely from anything and everything that brings suffering into your life? Fulfilment has come to your life today.
Praise the Lord, trust in the Lord tonight all your prayers will be answered. As we are seeking forgiveness and freedom and seeking relief by faith, fulfilment has come to you tonight. He got it and you will get it.
He healed all that were sick, why did He heal them? Because they merited it? No, no merit.
Christ will take all your sicknesses and sin away, and then in exchange, give you salvation. Remember, it’s a great exchange, if you allow Him to take your sins away by handing them over to Him, He will say “Don’t go, I hand over to you, my salvation. If you give your sickness to Him, He will say,” Don’t go, I give you my healing, soundness, and perfect health”. If you give your trouble to Him, He will give you His triumphant truth and today you will be more than a conqueror.
Not by merits but by the grace of God. Bow down your head and talk to the Lord in prayer.
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