TEXT: ISAIAH 35:1-10

Opening statement from our Pastor:
The Lord said I should tell you tonight, BE STRONG! Salvation free, full in your body, soul, spirit, family tonight in Jesus name! vs 5. Dimness of eyes, cataract, glaucoma shall be taken away.

For blind eyes to be opened, for the lame to walk, they must be brought into the presence of GOD, vs 6. Sorrow and sighing shall flee away. The Lord is giving us an expressway to miracles, signs and wonders tonight in Jesus name!

II Kings 2:9. Double portion, promotion, power, prosperity is coming our way tonight. Supernaturally, happily He will surprise us.

John 14:12. Whosoever believes on Jesus shall do greater works than He did. It shall happen to us tonight.
vs 13. Whatsoever we ask the Father in the name of Jesus, we will get that He may be glorified. This promise shall not fail in our lives tonight in Jesus name.
Double portion of all blessings we are looking up to God for we will get tonight.

A. THE COMMISSION WITH DYNAMIC PROMISES – I Kings 19:15. The Almighty God talks to Elijah here. He was totally discouraged and willing to die. But God comes to him with a message of hope, and also giving him instructions to appoint Elisha as his successor. Elisha did not know that there was a great position waiting for him. He was just a farmer plowing his field when God appointed him through Elijah. God knows our names, He knows where we are. He is lifting us up above where we have always been to greater heights.

Jeremiah 1:4-10 The knowledge of God is unlimited. He said he knew Jeremiah even before he was born, even though he himself did not know anything about this appointment, reason why he complained in vs 6. We are also enjoined to bury all our excuses in vs 6 and move forward. We are to look at the promises of God, and not look at the faces of the enemies. We will root out, pull down, root out, throw down, build up and plant. Our ministry will be established.

vs 11. As for all the promises and good things we have seen tonight, WE HAVE SEEN WELL. The Lord will hasten to perform His words in our lives tonight in Jesus name.

Mark 16:15-18. All commissions given out in Scriptures were backed up by beautiful promises. We are believers: we believe all the words that came out of the mouth of the Lord Jesus. The grace is for us, the anointing is for us. Demons shall not prevail over us, sickness will not arrest us, cancer shall not be our portion, no deadly thing shall harm us.
vs 19-20. Jesus gave the commission and backed it up with wonderful promises. The promises will come to pass in our lives as we obey the commission in Jesus name.

All the consecration we have done in the past, the Lord will bring to remembrance, and reward us for them.
Elijah had not even spoken, but Elisha already understood what was going to happen. He arose, he didn’t delay, complain, dilly-dally, or waste time, he left all and followed Elijah. His consecration began at this point.

II Kings 2:1-2. Elijah was much older than Elisha. As he moved from one point to the other, Elisha followed him. He did not leave him.

The consecration of a woman – Ruth 1:16-17
Ruth’s consecration was not different from that of Elisha. The Lord is calling us to a greater, higher consecration.

II Kings 2:3-4. Elisha did not allow any distraction from the sons of the prophets to distract him. Even Elijah told him to tarry behind, but Elisha was not deterred. Not only Elisha, other people too at one point or the other were told to slow down, reduce their consecration. II Samuel 15:19-22. The same heart, consecration and determination as that of Elisha is seen here in Ittai the Gittite.
II Kings 2:5-7; John 6:67-69. We are moving on. We will see the end of this journey. We will see everything to a conclusion. When the double portion of anointing and power comes, it will hit us all.

II Kings 2:7-8. That mantle will not be needed in heaven, but here on earth. I need that mantle! With the mantle Elijah smote the waters and it parted here and there, and he and Elisha crossed on dry ground! Every hindrance is taken away.

Further Prophetic Declaration From Our Pastor:
— Anything that will not disturb me will not disturb you!
— Anything that will not stop me will not stop you!
— You and I are passing over!
— If I’m strong, you are strong!
— If I’m well, you are well!
— If I’m happy, you are happy!
— If I’m successful, you are successful!

— You have the power, you have the victory, I transfer the victory to you!

* Power in your life!
* Victory in your life!
* Deliverance in your life!
* Reconnection in your life!

Let your prayer be great and concrete, ask for what no one has ever asked for. Jeremiah 29:13. Elisha, with all his consecration and dedication saw what he needed and went for it. Matthew 6:33

Available For Us:
1. The power of sonship – John 1:12
2. The power of salvation – Romans 1:4
3. The power for holiness –
4. Holy Ghost baptism – Acts 1:8;
5. Deliverance from the power of darkness – Col 1:13-14
6. Access to divine power – II Peter 1:3-4
7. Luke 10:19, all doubts and fears vanish tonight. We have power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemies. We are victorious.

II Kings 2:11-15. Rivers of hindrance will part for us, we will go over. The sons of the prophet came to bow before Elisha.
Ephesians 3:20-21.

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